Chapter 66: Mask of a Smiling Face

"Yeah?" Weicheng smiled. "Then, what about you, my assistant Xiaoxi? Did you find the right person to be your partner?" he added.

She turned away, trying to ignore what Weicheng had asked but she can't bear to answer his question. "Brother Weicheng, I don't have any interest in any man. The longer I get close to anybody the more gossip comes in. So, I chose to focus my time at work and to my son!"

"What? Hey, that's not good to hear. Xiaoxi, did someone hurt you before?" Weicheng raised his eyebrow, looking at her seriously.

She smiled a little and her thin lips spit out three words. "I am serious! And stop asking about my personal life, it's not so important at all!"

"Hey, you're beautiful and smart. You deserve someone who will take care of you!" Weicheng laughed. "I have learned this with Zion. He is good at giving advice!"

"Damn you, Weicheng!" Zion smiled at him hearing his joke.

Xiaoxi's look was a little erratic and she sneaked out.

This kind of an occasion is not suitable for her, and it is never her cup of tea.

She's waiting in the corner, hoping that the banquet will be end soon. She wanted to return home as early as possible and she said silently, " I miss my son, I hope Chao is okay at home alone. Why I am feeling so down today, what about Han, why didn't he appear in this kind of event? Does Rouzhen family hide him?"

"Xiaoxi!" Suddenly a man's voice called her name. She looked around and saw someone is coming in her way.

Looking closely at him, Xiaoxi able to recognize who he is. A familiar person she doesn't want to talk with, her father. She began to feel uneasy, looking at Arnold Wood right now brings back the sad memories in her life. The old scar that she's been hiding open like a flood gate that wrecks her whole senses.

"Are you working here?" Arnold asked in concern.

She wanted to leave immediately but she can't while the banquet still ongoing, she gave an indifferent looked at him like a stranger. "Mr. Arnold Wood, this is not to be your business? Whatever I do in my life it has nothing to do with you?"

"Xiaoxi, do you want to disregard the connection between us? I am still your father," Arnold asked in a soft tone.

Xiaoxi wrinkled her slender eyebrows, showed a disgusting look. The man standing in front of her at the age of forty she can't deny that his charm still exists but this person broke her Mom's heart. He left them for no specific reason. Her mom becomes ill after she heard the news that this person happened to leave them for his other family. "Please don't disturb me anymore and treat me as a stranger like the way I did to you?"

"Xiaoxi, I want to tell you something. An important matter that concerns you?" Arnold's voice came louder.

"I don't want to hear your explanation. Cut it off! Forget about me, you destroyed our family," Xiaoxi's voice is very light but brings thousands of pain to him. Her words are profound and directly hit Arnold, heart. "Leave me alone and never show up again,"

Arnold Wood wanted to reach her but he knows Xiaoxi will not going to hear him.

"Arnold? What are you doing here?" His wife suddenly came in and their atmosphere becomes suffocating.

Xiaoxi saw her father's new wife. She noticed that her father was stunned. She looks at him and her father seemed to be a little panicked.

"Mom, Dad? What are you guys doing here?" Amy Wood followed her parents as soon as she sees them talking with the woman who Rouzhen's eyes been tangled the time she approached him.

Xiaoxi stood silent in front of them waiting for his father to talk.

"Honey, why are you here?" Arnold's wife asked again.

"Honey I---"

"Don't bother to introduce sir," Xiaoxi smiled at them and trying to hide her anger.

"Dad, you know her?" Amy asked her father and she is very interested to know who is this woman. She never thought that his father might know this woman too.

Xiaoxi wants to leave but he hears her father said: "Honey, I just wanted to ask a drink from her. I just meet this young lady here, I just want to ask her name too so I can address her properly,"

After saying it, Arnold lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Xiaoxi's eyes.

Xiaoxi felt insulted but she had to control her anger, she smiled coldly. She managed to calm herself at this moment. "Yes, Miss I am just a service staff here, please let me know if you need some food or drinks,"

"We don't need anything. I followed my husband here when I saw him talking with you," Amanda Wood replied.

"May I excuse myself now, I need to attend other guests," said Xiaoxi and she turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Amy suddenly stops her.

"What is it, Miss Wood?" Xiaoxi's face was a little numb and she couldn't help but feel uneasy the way she looks at her.

"Can I know your name?" Amy smiled, showed a harmless face, but her eyes were looking at her with full of curiosity.

Xiaoxi doesn't understand why she seems so interested to know her name. "Miss Wood, I am just a waiter. If you need anything please say it!" After saying her words she waited for her response yet she sees her father's face freaked in horror. Arnold's face flashes a touch of complexity and anxiety.

"Daddy, you looked scared! Is there something wrong?" Amy squinted and her eyes look like a sharp blade falling on her father's face but her voice was a little lower while asking him.

"Let's go back to our table now if you both don't need something," Arnold quickly turn towards their table.

"Where are you going?" Amanda sneered at Xiaoxi while calling her husband. She followed her husband but throw a suspicious look at Xiaoxi.

"Miss, sorry for bothering you. I hope you don't mind!" Amy smiled at her then followed her parents.

"Who is that woman? You know her personally?" Amanda asked her husband once she settled back at their table.

"Amanda, I told you I don't know her. Stop asking nonsense questions," he snapped.

Amanda went silent but at the back of her mind, she feels something was on with her husband.

Xiaoxi took a deep breathed after the encounter she had with her father's new family. She looked far away and wanted to ease the pain she felt. Her father left them without any trace, recently a few months ago she bumped into him at the cemetery where her Mom and brother buried.

"Why you suddenly appear the time that I already had almost forget the pain," tears welled up in her eyes. However she did not want to have any connection with him, still, a sudden encounter like this brings back the pain. She heard her father denied their real connection. A hypocrite remarks she ever heard from him.

"Hey, Xiaoxi I been looking for you," said Zion but he sees her tears before she wipes it out. "What's wrong? You look so pale and exhausted. Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

Xiaoxi wiped her tears and smiled at him. She tried to control her sadness and showed a pleasant smile, "Nothing, brother Zion. I am okay," she paused for a while and raised her hands signaling she's good.

"Are you sure? Why you're hiding in this corner and you seem cried a while ago. I saw you wiped your tears," Zion's voice was a little worried. He noticed Xiaoxi gone without a trace. He searched her among the audience inside the hall but he hadn't seen her. He saw Xiaoxi's shadow once he passes at this corner.

"Bother Zion, I just tried to breathe and walked away from the crowd inside. Honestly, I wanted to go home but the banquet hadn't ended yet," she said.

"I know you don't like this kind of event but Weicheng assigned you here. Well anyways, I've been looking for Rouzhen too, he went immediately after he danced with Miss Wood," Zion's attention was with her while saying all those words.

"I didn't see him too! Brother Zion, I will return to my work. Excuse me!" she's about to leave but she heard Zion's voice again.

"Some things might upset us and may hurt us but sharing your problem will be a good solution. If you have a burden inside your heart I am willing to listen and be your companion as a brother. Xiaoxi, I know you've been through a tough situation but he still tried to stand strong,"

"Brother Zion, I am really fine!" she cut him off. Looking at Zion's handsome face that full of warm under the night light. She remembers her younger brother who died in a certain accident a few years ago. Zion's presence reminded her how great to have a brother like him.

Xiaoxi's heart was sunken with pain and agony. It turned out that she was the kind of person who easily seen by other people during her sadness moment. She smiled painfully and shook her head, her face still pale and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Zion. I will share with you my agony once I am prepared,"

Unwilling to expose her vulnerability, Xiaoxi put on a mask of a smile and once left Zion.

Zion stood silent and looking at Xiaoxi's back with concern.

Xiaoxi went out and stayed at the garden shed her tears silently. Suddenly she heard some voices and a few bodyguards appeared on the other side of the garden.

"Young Master!" they echoed in unison.

"Leave!" she heard someone voice.

Xiaoxi turned back and saw another tall figure coming from the dark side. She witnessed a few commotions so she decided to walk back inside the mansion.

"I said leave!" another roared came out.

She walks faster to avoid seeing the contention, unexpectedly someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards at the back of the villa. A strong arm drags her away, and she can't break free. A feeling of mix nervous and fear come into her mind.

"Hey, who are you? Let me go!" Xiaoxi screamed.

She saw those bodyguards have been defeated by this person. Xiaoxi was so scared and she's closing her eyes. She heard a loud music from the house so her effort screaming drifted away. In the middle of the night, she was pressed on the wall by her abductor. Her body was imprisoned by him and he quickly kissed her. The stranger man kisses her senselessly and a familiar scent hit her mind. The moment was pretty embarrassing, taking away her breath and leave no space for her to refuse.

Her mind went blank as the kiss becomes deeper. The man presses his body against hers and his mouth seeking entrance of her. He brushed his lips against her, demanding a response from her.

She moaned as she felt his kissed urge her to respond. A feverish feeling comes in and she imagined Rouzhen's kiss.

"Xiaoxi! Kiss me back, honey!" Rouzhen's husky voice encourage her.

She suddenly opened her eyes after she heard his voice. Under the light of the moon, she sees Rouzhen's face in front of her.

"Rouzhen Gu, are you crazy? Let me go!" she tried to push him hard but he didn't let her go. He hugged her tightly.

"No. I've been looking for you!" he said while hugging her.

"What's wrong with you? Are you crazy? Your future wife might see us!" She said louder. At the back of her mind thinking why Rouzhen keeps chasing her knowing that an hour ago he just danced with Amy Wood. The woman was fit to be his wife yet he still dragging her away and bullying her again. She felt desperate and sad, thinking that Rouzhen will be getting married soon.

"I told you, I won't let you go! I don't care even if my father will seek other women to be my wife. I can't accept any of them, it is only you! Only you, Xiaoxi Chen! Did you hear me? Only you, honey!" He looked at her eyes directly which is full of love and tenderness.

She raised her brow slightly and looked at him with no expression hiding her true feelings. She wanted to tell him that she loves him too but she can't accept him because Mr. Fox holds her son.

"Rouzhen, you are about to get married, why not focus your attention on Miss Wood. She is fit to be your wife. She's beautiful, smart and came from a wealthy family like you. You both are a perfect match as a couple why you keep chasing me?" she said.

"No! I can't force myself accepting someone I don't have feelings with. Hate me as much as you want but I will not let you go!" he said in a soft voice.

"I will not accept you! Now, let me go!" Xiaoxi said it while looking down.

"You're lying! You can't even look at my eyes! Xiaoxi Chen, stop pretending that you hate me because I know deep down inside your heart, I occupied some space on it!" he forcibly kissed her again and this time he makes it deeper until she lost control and kissed him back.

Rouzhen pulled her lips away from her, "Be my woman! Be mine and be my wife!" Rouzhen's voice was full of pain and there was a feeling of shudder and his heart still hoping Xiaoxi will give in.

Again, she heard him pleading to become his woman.

She laughed and her mouth was full of self-deprecation, "Rouzhen, what did you say again? Be your woman?" A forced sarcasm comes from her mouth because she needs to stop him. Her eyes were full of pain while looking at him.

"Yes! Be my woman!" He is so sure about his answer.

"You desperately want a woman who was married to another man last week? Are you willing? Do you want a woman with a child to another man? I mean, I have another child aside Chao. Dare to hear the truth? I was with another man last week, the father of my other son. Do you still want me?" Her emotions were out of control, her face was at loss, pain comes in and she desperately felt bad.

"Rouzhen, I tell you, I am not as good as you think. You wanted to hear who am I? I slept with my other son's father. I am not a dignified woman and your father has chosen someone for you. I don't want you to be with me, I never seduce nor provoke you, so please, please Rouzhen, I am begging you, don't come near me anymore. I don't deserve your love. I am not suitable to be your woman nor a mother to your child because I got two children already. Now, tell me, how can you let me go?" she's crying hard while saying these words. She thought about why he is so stubborn. She's not suitable to be his woman. All she wants is to live a normal life after she gets her son. She had nothing to do with him because she even felt disgusted in herself sleeping with the man that she has never seen the face.

Rouzhen suddenly raised his eyes and took a step back. Her cries made him feel sorry for her. He saw her pain across her eyes, she's full of self-deprecating. He wanted to tell her that truth that the man she slept with is none other than him. His handsome face showed hatred to himself while looking at her being like this. He did not expect that the burden in her heart was so heavy. A sudden fear comes into his mind and a pang of pain crossed in his heart. He was so afraid to tell her that he is the man who caused her pain. How should he tell her?

He again pulled her back, grabbed her face with both hands and raised her face to look at him. "Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, Honey, I---- I'm sorry!" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I just want to be with you because I love you!" Tears slipped in his eyes and fell in his handsome face.

She was shocked by seeing Rouzhen's tears. Her face was full of tears, looking into his handsome face with tears, she saw the same pain across his eyes. "Rouzhen why are you crying? I don't need your apology, please don't be like this? I am so tired, really tired! So, please stop this game of yours, please?"

"Honey, I am willing to wait, until you love me. Don't push me away, please?" he wiped her tears with his hands.

Xiaoxi was so surprised by his reaction. She can't figure out why he is asking for an apology. She feels the warmth coming from his hands and before she could protest, Rouzhen lowers down his face and kiss her again.

She can't help but respond with his kiss and a deep longing in her heart seems filled with so much joy.

"I'm sorry!" After uttering his apology Rouzhen just hugged her again and don't say another word.

"I can't breathe, let me go now!" she said in a lower voice.

"Let me hug you more!" his voice was tender.

"Don't bully me anymore!" she said and she feels a little wrong the way she told him. It is like she's accepting him as her lover.

"Yeah, I promise!" he said. "Do you hate me that much?" He let her go and stared at her. Whispering his words and his deep voice brings countless emotions into her heart as if dig in and touch her so much.

She shook her head, "I don't hate you, I just hate myself. I am not a clean woman you think I am, so really I beg you to stay away from me. Don't let me stain your image and ruin your reputation!"

He felt a pang of pain crossed again in his heart, he reached her again and kiss on her forehead with a pure intention. "Hush! Stop it, you are not dirty, no one can despise you! I love you and that's enough!"

Her heart was moved, his kiss was like a heavy hammer on her heart, so heavy, their situation was so complicated. She looked at him with sorrow hearing his stubbornness, she was very confused.

"You don't understand!" She looked down and a drop of tears fell. She can't push him away in her life even though she tried her best to convince him.

"I understand! Please, stop it now!" He said stubbornly.

She slammed him away and fled.

He was left behind in the dark place while looking at her back. "How can I tell you the truth? I don't know where and how to begin? I never thought I would love you like this, I only want to have a baby to be an heir because my fiance can't bear a child, but you change everything in my life the day I slept with you. I never want to hurt you, I left for a while to settle things with the woman who hurt me, and when I came back, you fled away! You left me alone for five years. Xiaoxi, I'm sorry!" He never thought he would shed tears for her. He's been in pain when his ex-fiancee left him for another man after she learned he had found a surrogate mother and carried his child.

Running fast, Xiaoxi suddenly ran into a person and bump in. She quickly raised her face to apologize. Still, her face was full of tears and her eyes were swollen. She wiped her tears and recognized the man she bumped into.

"It is you! Mr. Jones!" she said in surprise.

Tom Jones was also surprised to see her. He didn't anticipate to meet her on this occasion.

Oh! It's you, Miss Chen!"