Chapter 73: His Threat

Changed her clothes, that was what he prepared five years ago, but she never wears it before, today is the first time she took one of them! If he wasn't tearing her clothes, she would not be going to wear the clothes.

Xiaoxi's smile bitterly, she can't forget what Rouzhen said, a lifetime lover? No! She is going to find Han. She only needs her son. She will not be a lover of Rouzhen.

Dressing up, she opened the door and saw him standing at the door. Xiaoxi subconsciously clenched her lower lip and she ignored him.

"Where are you going? It's late at night!" He grabbed her. "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Xiaoxi's head shook momentarily. "I don't want to stay here and I don't want to see you!"

"Xiaoxi Chen if you leave here tonight, I swear, you will never see your son. I will send him abroad!" He said.

"You…" she snorted at him. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean it! His expression was dark. "You better not provoke me if you still care about our son! Dare to leave now and you'll never see him anymore!"

Xiaoxi smiled and holding her tears back which is about to fall. She gently said to him: "If you dare to do that, I will hate you forever and won't forgive you!"

"Then stay, enough of this nonsense conversation. I am tired and I don't want to argue with you!" He suddenly dragged and hugged her, bowing his head and biting her earlobe. He knew that it was the most sensitive part of her body. "If you dare to go out one step away from this house, even if you hate me forever I will never let you see our son!"

His voice was low and seductive, trying to make her calm down.

Xiaoxi felt disgusted the way he acted, for her Rouzhen's behavior is annoying. She did not move, then he stopped.

They are now in the hallway on the second floor, he looked down at her and raised her chin with his big hand, "We can talk properly, listen to me. I can't explain everything right now. You don't know what I have been through lately after I refused my father's will,"

Her eyes fell on his face and her eyes narrowed towards him. She saw his frustration but still, his deep black eyes, thick eyebrows and the elegance of his aura is like a king that dominates. She can't dare to go against this devil.

Xiaoxi shook her head immediately, why she's being trapped with his charm. Five years ago, the night they shared flashed in her mind.

Even now that she wanted to escape from him and hate him for deceiving her, she still falls for this overbearing devil. The more she resists and fights him, this man will never stop chasing her too. She can't withstand his way of capturing her heart.

Rouzhen looked at her seriously, waiting for her next move. He hugged her tightly and held Xiaoxi's helpless body inside his arms. Her soft breath lingered in his nostrils and he felt an urge to kiss her again and have her at this moment.

He can't hold it anymore, he leaned down, his hot lips kissed her eyes and painfully kissed her tears and the cold lines on her face were replaced by deep affection.

"Okay! For us to live a peaceful life, I guarantee you that both Han and Chao will be our son! How is it?" He said and it seems worked for her.

Xiaoxi said nothing to him. He was nervous and his heart feels a pang of pain while waiting for her answer. He knew that the very first moment he took her innocence everything changed. His ex-fiancee felt jealous of Xiaoxi and it leads to a painful breakup.

She shrank a little and still didn't say anything.

A glimpse of their memories together in this villa comes in, such night with an innocent woman, the moment he had her in his arms was unforgettable. Her smell makes him lose his control. The time she decided to end their contract made him felt betrayed. Those sleepless nights he spent for five years, those times he loses hope to find her. It caused so much pain on him.

He then again brushed his lips over her cheek but she regressed reflexively.

She can't forgive what he's done and the entire time that he deceived her. Does he have nothing else to do aside from dragging her into his bed? Why do men want such disgusting things? Always use "sex" to invade women. Threatening a woman if they are being rejected!

Her face showed disgust, her expression deeply stimulated Rouzhen, she even showed him an angrier expression but he didn't get bothered a bit.

"Xiaoxi Chen!" His handsome and domineering thin lips were close and the screaming anger in his eyes seemed to burn her. The strength of his hand was on her entire body, "Look at me!" Look into my eyes!"

"I don't want to look at you!" Xiaoxi screamed, she didn't realize that she's like a spoiled, sulking and angry wife in his eyes.

"You're acting like a spoiled brat. If you want to scold me then do it, no way I will let you go! I told you to look at me!" He whispered in her ear and his voice was even more seductive.

"What do you want?" Xiaoxi's cold eyes glanced at him. She wanted to slap him but she's trapped into his tight hug.

"Well, do what I told you. We can plan properly if we talk about it, unruly little woman, stop acting like a spoiled wife, okay?" Rouzhen forced her to follow what he wants. But she still against it because all she wants is to be with her son.

"You are mean! You threaten me!" Xiaoxi clenched her jaw. Her voice is full of disdain and coldness.

This shameless man often bullies her and uses a kind of disgusting trick to lure her into his bed.

Rouzhen looked at her and didn't say any words but his eyes sparkling a victorious smile. He knew that she can't escape from him as long as he had his son. He had been rejected several times and now he can't let her do it again.

The atmosphere between them become a bit better than an hour ago. He felt that her anger slowly meltdown. He felt that she's holding her emotion when he mentioned about their son. Rouzhen knows that Xiaoxi will do everything for the sake of her son.

Rouzhen once again twitched his mouth but there was no smile on it.

Xiaoxi simply closes her eyes and didn't dare to look at him. She hates him right at this moment but she's helpless if she'll go against his will.

"Open your eyes, I want you to look at me and feel the love that I am going to give you. From today, you are my woman, I want us to escape this painful reality!" He whispered in her ear and trying to comfort her.

She heard his words and her eyes opened wide in disbelief when he lifted her back into his room. His eyes were full of desires while looking at her. "Baby, I don't want to humiliate you. I am human and I endured so much pain inside my heart every time you reject me,"

His other hand opened the door of his room and put her down in his bed. She wanted to tear his handsome face. The humiliation came up and she knew what he wants right at this moment.

He lowered his head to kiss her but she started to dodge and push him. "Rouzhen Gu! Don't dare to touch me, if you don't want me to hate you!"

"Really? Then hate me as much as you want. I said you will be my woman starting today," His naughty smile shown in his face.

"Let me take off your clothes. You shouldn't wear this!" He reached and forcibly removed her clothes.

"Rouzhen Gu! You're…" her words trapped in her throat as Rouzhen mouth sealed her mouth.

He suddenly let go of her and sat on the bed and stared at her. "Okay continue your chaste like a virgin but my patience is limited. I didn't want to force you but think about our son. You can hate me as much as you want but my condition won't change,"

He watched her moved. Quickly she fixed herself and wear back again her clothes. He prepared all the clothes inside the closet for her five years ago because he planned to keep her at that time but suddenly this wild kitten was hard-headed to fight against him.

Her good figure remains the same after she gave birth to their child. He admired her innocent beauty five years ago, he knew that she's only 19 years old at that time. Looking at her right now, her maturity gives her a more elegant beauty, gone an innocent image. For him, she's like a goblin that bewitched him.

"You're a devil!" she screamed at him.

"Okay, I am a devil. Take off your clothes or I will be the one to do it!" he said.

Under his gaze, she began to slowly remove her clothes, she slowly accepted her fate. She's like accepting an order from the evilest person.

The button of her dress was untied, and then it fell into bed at the same time her anger grows even more. Her whole body trembled and only her underwear is left.

She struggled to look at him and her weakness slowly engulf her whole senses.

He looked at her full of desire and no way he would let her go.

"Continue to take off. I am going to take a shower," He jumps off in bed and went straight to the bathroom.

It seems so cruel to her.

He knew that she hated him so much right at this moment but he found out that the more he wanted to treat her well, the more she fights him. Perhaps threating her like this is too mean but he always believes that deep down in her heart he occupied a big space on it. He only wants to get her, he missed her so much for almost two weeks.

She didn't talk, her eyes were empty, she lies down in bed and covered herself with a quilt.

She heard a squeaking sound in the bathroom. Rouzhen took a shower and wrapped his body in a bath towel when he finished. Bare feet he stepped out from the bathroom and walked towards the bed.

Seeing her lying down in bed and covered herself with the quilt, his conscience hurt him but no way he would let her go. He knew she hated him so much this time.

"Remove that quilt!" he said when he climbed into his bed.

He reached her immediately. Forcibly removed the quilt and touched the hook of her bra. Her beautiful body was revealed in front of him after her bra fell.

Rouzhen lower down his head and kissed her gradually, trying to tease her. Seeing her fair skin, her softness and charming beauty make him feel more desire. Right now he just wants to have her completely.

She never responded to his kiss. She felt humiliated.

"Baby, why you act like being raped? We did it this several times," he stopped what he was doing.

"Rouzhen Gu, I hated you right now!" She didn't know how she finds the courage to voice out her words.

The next moment she bit her lip and tasted a slight blood taste. It turned out that she had bitten her lip hard, so humiliating. For her, he was a demon and showed no mercy on her.

At this moment, Rouzhen's black hair sticks on her cheek and a few drops of water from his wet hair fell on her face. His smells make her feel enchanted and his unique charm captured her senses. Despite the raging anger, she can't deny a sudden excitement that trapped her whole body.

The smell of her body was always fresh and there was no pungent perfume. She was different and like a wild orchid in a valley that was intoxicating. He can't control his desires.

Rouzhen kissed her lips again and reached her into his arms. His palm was pressed against her back, her softness increase his sexual desire.

Xiaoxi holds her breath and her heart is beating faster.

His bathrobe fell and their bodies were stuck together.

"Why are you not obedient to me?" Rouzhen took Xiaoxi's thin body and touched her.

He looked at her beautiful face and couldn't help but bury his head to kiss her. He longed for her soft, crimson little mouth but he tasted the blood from her mouth.

"Why are you punishing yourself?" he asked and pain crossed in his heart. "Is it hard for you to like me? Is it hard for you to give me your body? You feel humiliated?"

She said nothing.

He sighed deeply. "Okay hate me as much as you want!" he said angrily and started to kissed her hard again and his tongue forcibly opened her mouth and he heard her moan.

Her breath is so fragrant, her lips are so soft, he cannot stop and his kissed force her to respond.

"Look at me! Look at me!" Rouzhen's hands went down to her tight while his lips began to kiss her wildly and fiercely.

His kiss was fierce and lasting. "Xiaoxi, I want you to be my woman forever. I promise you I'll marry you, just give me enough time,"

Xiaoxi opened her eyes and looked at him in disdain.

His masculine body, his charm that exudes, being in his arms makes her feel confused. She was aggrieved but she can't deny her hidden love to him.

Her eyes getting hollower. "You make me hate you more!"

"I know, but deep inside your heart, you love me!" Rouzhen said. He bowed again, kissed her neck down. His big palm covered the softness of her chest, gently biting her skin and branding another red mark.

Xiaoxi felt his body movement and she shuddered under his caress. The humiliation and humbleness made her heart suffocated and suddenly tears falling silently.

He felt her crying and suddenly he stopped moving. He looked at her and a glimpse of tears on her makes him feel a bit depressed and some pain crosses his heart.

But he still took possession of her. "Do you hate this? This feeling is so wonderful, do you hate it? We've done it several times! We even have our son! You made me feel like I am the evilest person in this world!"

He was so frustrated seeing her like this. He entered her body without holding back. He thrust deeper that made her whimpered. He moves on top of her hard which makes her feel violated.

"I don't want to do this but you make me feel like I am the most disgusting person in this world," he continued slamming her body. Starting tomorrow, we will sleep together and you will work back in my company!" he said while he's on top of her.

"No!" She bears the pain and screamed at him. "I won't allow you to control me!"

"No one can go against my words. Baby, you are mine forever!" He whispered in her ear and she could not help but trembled.

"I hate you Rouzhen Gu!" she screamed.

"Hate me then!" His pace increased and his breath came out in short huffs and he heard her little moan.

Her back was glistering with little beads of sweat, he could see the curve where it ended near her tailbone and then those beautiful buns that he could never resist. Every move he made filled her up with a burning sensation. He released inside her and as he collapsed on top of her he whispered beneath her mouth. "Say my name!"

She sneered at him. "Never!"

"Wild cat you're really a pain in my head! You can't leave me! I won't allow it! Instead, I will put another baby in her tummy until you give up!" he smiled naughtily.