Chapter 81: Leaving for a few Days

"Ah! Put me down!" Xiaoxi screamed.

He held her in his arms and stuff into his car. "Stubborn woman. Next time, I will not force you to wear this kind of dress!"

He thought that it is dangerous to leave her alone wearing sexy clothes and she might get harassed again without him around. Xiaoxi shyly bowed, he is so overprotective to her but she feels move when he showed his love and affection. She told him, "If you didn't show up, I might get into trouble. Thank you, honey!"

"Come again? Did I hear it right? You called me, honey?" He comes closer to her when he heard what she said.

"You heard it properly, I don't want to repeat it!" she blushed.

He pulled her and kissed her lips. "I love you!"

She nodded shyly.

"Why are you blushing?" He teases her but she didn't say any words. He quickly helped her to put her seat belt. He leaned down, deeply and warmly kissed her again. He felt happy because she never refuses him anymore. All his effort has been paid off. His love, pain and long waiting have been finally accepted by her.

She was suffocated by his kiss but she felt secure with him. They just kissed each other inside his car. His eyes flashed with so much joy and happiness. Staring at her beautiful face, her soft lips that drives him crazy over the past five years. He can't let her go.

"Baby, I will be leaving for a few days. I will be going to Miami for some business. Take care of our children and stay at home. I will be back soon!" he told her.


He started his car and they went straight to her house.

The next day….

A private plane landed in a private villa in Miami. A few hundred meters wide, originally built to allow a private plane to dock.

A huge villa with extravagant furniture, Rouzhen slowly walks inside. At this moment, the door opens wider to welcome him.

At the doorway, standing a few black-collared bodyguards and bow down their heads to greet him. He just nodded. They quickly stood back in two rows after he passed by. Inside the Villa, a man dressed in white casual wear, that looks handsome like him wave his hand.

He frowns his eyebrows when he saw Winston standing in the living room. "It's been a long time, Winston that we haven't seen each other!" Rouzhen said.

"Welcome back, Sir Rouzhen Gu!" the bodyguards shouted in chorus.

Winston smiled slightly and walked over. His eyes inadvertently swept through the crowd, "Rou Rou, I heard that your father had kicked you out of your own company,"

"He wanted to oppress me and told me he can't accept my future wife, so I have to fight him. Forget it. I just want to enjoy my day being here. I am unemployed now, are you not the happiest person?" Rouzhen's arrogant eyes narrowed towards him.

"Well, your thought is right!" Winton's narrowed his eyes towards him. A sharp look that could frighten anybody but not to Rouzhen. "CEO Gu, how long will you stay?"

"Three days!" Rouzhen smiled.

Winton's eyes smashed and the deep scorpion look covered up a glimmer of light.

Yesterday Rouzhen told Xiaoxi that he will go abroad. Xiaoxi left at home alone. When Rouzhen left, he ordered the driver to pick up their children and send them to school. In two days, Xiaoxi felt at peace and happy as she united with her children.

Xiaoxi shows her love to Han as much as possible. The missing love she wanted to make up together for a very long time has been granted. Chao felt happy that he instantly got a little brother. Xiaoxi knew that Chao treats Han as his little brother so she doesn't feel sad anymore as the two children go along with each other.

Every night she spent an hour reading story for Han. When her little boy went to sleep that would be the time she would rest too. Embracing her son and giving her love and comfort. They became close to each other and she felt happy as their relationship as mother and child had developed.

Chao asked her the other day that he will be going to stay at school. She felt sad but she knew Chao was too busy lately after he accelerated his studies. She often called Chao to check his situation.

Thursday afternoon, Chaoxing invited her for dinner. Earlier she went to Weicheng restaurant to go back to work but suddenly he informs her that she can't work anymore. Weicheng said that Rouzhen threatened him he will get Weicheng's restaurant to go bankrupt once he will accept Xiaoxi again. She felt annoyed with Rouzhen but she can't go against his will.

"Hey sister why you didn't go back to my brother's restaurant? Does he did not treat you fair?" Chaoxing asked her as she sat down.

"No!" Xiaoxi was helpless. "I just want to take a rest and maybe find another job!"

She was hesitant to tell her about Han. She slowly asks Chaoxing, "I wanted to tell you something,"

"What is it? Tell me what happened?" Chaoxing encourages her.

"Chaoxing my child…"

"What happened to Chao?" Chaoxing was a little nervous when she heard Xiaoxi's word.

"Nothing happened to Chao!" she smiled. "I am talking about the child I gave birth five years ago, my biological son!"

"What's wrong?" Chaoxing was puzzled.

"I found him!" She smiled in satisfaction. "Chaoxing, I found my son!"

"Really?" Chaoxing almost screams and her face was so excited. "Where? Where is your son? I want to see him, is it your child? I mean, this is a piece of good news!"

"Hush, control your voice!" Xiaoxi stops her from screaming as she noticed that people inside the restaurant were looking at them.

Chaoxing look around and she saw several people looking at them and she immediately dropped her head and lower her voice, "Where is your son? Does he look like you?"

Xiaoxi shook her head. "Not totally but he is very timid, very cute, just like my little Chao!"

"Oh, the child does look like you? Maybe he looks like his father. What about Chao, did he not felt jealous?" Chaoxing suddenly raised her voice again and immediately realize her sudden reaction that caught everyone's attention.

"Chao accepts my son immediately and they become close to each other!"

"I'm so curious about the father of your child. It's so mysterious, did he show himself to you? Who is that person?"

"Promise me you won't tell anybody about him!" Xiaoxi didn't know how to tell her best friend.

"Okay, okay I will promise. I won't tell anybody, my mouth is sealed!" Chaoxing said.

"He is--- It is Rouzhen!" Xiaoxi suddenly blurted out.

"Holy shit! How could it be him? Are you serious? The CEO of GU Corp is the father of your son?"

"Yes, it was him!" Xiaoxi sighed. "The man wearing a fox mask was Rouzhen!"

Chaoxing face became angry. "That scumbag is a bad person, why you didn't recognize him from the beginning? How do you know he was the man behind the fox mask! Enlighten me!"

Xiaoxi told Chaoxing how she discovered the truth but she concealed a few moments that Rouzhen and she had. She can't share Chaoxing everything because she wanted to protect Rouzhen too.

After listening to Xiaoxi, Chaoxing suddenly cursed: "Sister, he had deceived you for five years. This man is too bad, how can he bear to hide your child for that long? And now you just easily accept all his explanations. I wanted to hit that man, even if he is the richest man on the planet I wanted to give him a lesson. He bullied you. He might think you are so weak, sister bring me in front of him, I will slap that man for you!" she said in a furious tone.

"Hey! C'mon, sister everything has been done! Chaoxing, I found my child already and I am so satisfied with it and I don't care much about other things happened in the past. Besides, I know that Rouzhen had offered me a contract to be a surrogate mother for his son. This child is the result of that contract so even he took our son away, I still forgive him and let go of the past. Now, Rouzhen has been facing big trouble and he was kicked out in his company. I don't want to add another burden to him!" Xiaoxi perfectly explains to Chaoxing.

"Xiaoxi, he lied to you, took your innocence at a young age and hide your child, how could you let him go easily?" Chaoxing said with disappointment. "Xiaoxi you are not alone, I am here for you. If you are afraid to him, let me avenge for you, I will break the head of Rouzhen Gu!"

"Chaoxing, what are you talking about? Stop thinking about taking revenge! I am so grateful that you help me over time and during my downfall but taking revenge is not necessary. Now that I have found my child, why bother to make Rouzhen suffer? I am so thankful for all the love and support you have given to me. Rouzhen promised me to let me see my child often. The child is with me. Isn't it enough to be thankful? At least my child grew up in a wealthy father!"

"I am not happy with it. I am so angry, very angry at him! You are too good, you let other people bully you. Even though you two have an agreement he shouldn't treat you like that. I know he paid you a huge amount of money but it doesn't give him the right to treat you unfair. It's okay that both of you have into an intimate relationship five years ago but let me remind you don't get involved with that womanizer!" Chaoxing told her.

"Chaoxing! He---- he is not that bad! He gave me our child, I think he is not that bad!" she replied immediately.

"Naive woman! You easily forgive him, huh?" Chaoxing lamented. "He had made you suffered for a very long time! He seems like killing you the day he took your child! Hmph, I can't easily forgive him!"

"But Rouzhen is…"

"Ah! Wait, there is a ring in your hand?" Chaoxing noticed a bright diamond ring in her hand. She glanced at it and said: "Who gives this ring?"

"Oh!" She blushed immediately and regretted not removing it in her hand. Rouzhen told her not to remove it before he left. He strictly reminded her to follow his order. "This ring was given by Rouzhen!"

Chaoxing rolled her eyes. "He proposed to you?"

"No! We won't get married!" She plainly said and tried to hide her real feelings for Rouzhen in front of her best friend. She can't decide so soon because she knew that Rouzhen's father is against her. Thinking about their situation makes her feel sad. She knew Rouzhen tried to persuade his father but Xiaoxi is not brave enough to tell her best friend about their current relationship. She let Rouzhen take care of everything.

"Why not getting married?" Chaoxing sighed. Seeing Xiaoxi bowed her head, she feels her doubt. "Okay, since he gave you that diamond ring, did he promise you to marry you someday? You both are mature people and having a child, then I think it is not impossible to unite in a legal union. It is his responsibility to take you as his wife!"

Xiaoxi blushed immediately.

Chaoxing quickly said: "Well, let me know when I can meet him. I will ask him directly and find justice for you. First, I would like to see your son!" she held her hand and gently patted her shoulders.

"Okay!" Xiaoxi nodded and she felt better after she saw Chaoxing smiled at her. "Han is in school right now, visit at my home tonight, the driver will send him back home!"

"Good! I am so excited to see your child," Chaoxing replied in a happy tone. "Let's have our food now! I'm so hungry!"

At night the driver whom Rouzhen assigned to pick up Han at school called her. He said that her son was disappeared and the teacher informed the driver that someone had picked up Han earlier. According to the driver, Han was taken away by his family!

"Who is the family mentioned by the teacher? Where did they bring my child?" Xiaoxi asked nervously.

"Your son was taken by his grandfather. So don't worry, but the teacher told me to inform you that Chairman Gu leaves a message for you that starting today, he will be the one to take care of your son. If you insist on your right as a mother, he will not let you see your child forever!" said the driver.

"What?" Xiaoxi felt sad. A sudden pain came in. Han is her child, she all have the right to take care of her son. "I will fight him! The law will be in favor of me!" she screams.

"Miss Chen, I'm sorry it's my fault. For now, you must let your husband come back. You can't fight against Chairman Gu! He got all the wealth and power!"

Hearing the driver's words, Xiaoxi felt so tired and exhausted. She wishes that Rouzhen would come back soon.

At Miami…

Under the glare of the sun, a black extended-type RV stopped in front of the casino. A group of bodyguards came down and the car door opened immediately. Rouzhen slender body storm out then stood in front of the casino. It's been a long time since he came here.

He decided to take three vacations in Miami. His friend Winston is one of the most notorious gang leader and gambler. When they came out from Winston's expensive car, he feels the cold of the wind blow. Some people around them couldn't help but glance at Rouzhen's domineering appearance. Wherever he goes, people would recognize him.

"CEO Gu, welcome back to Las Vegas!" said the other gambler.

Rouzhen glanced around as they walked towards the reserved table for them. Winston ignored those people who called them but Rouzhen waves his hand and nodded.

"Thank you, guys! He said.

"Rou Rou, have a seat. How much you are going to spend today?" Winston asks immediately.

"This time my appetite seems so big. I wanted to spend one hundred million dollars. How about that? Does your luck this time will work?" Rouzhen winked at him.

"Brother you are really in a good mood to spend millions today, huh? Old rules, I will double your capital!" Winston said.

"Okay! Deal! Let the game start!" Rouzhen smiled slightly.