Chapter 86: Argue with his Father

"Rouzhen, thank you!" Xiaoxi said with a shaking voice and a strong feeling of weakness and helplessness. She grabbed Rouzhen's shirt tightly, let herself lean against his chest. Her tears were full of sorrow.

"Xiaoxi?" That pitiful voice made Rouzhen's heartache, he could only hug her tightly and feel sad for her, being frail and weak.

"I'm okay now," Xiaoxi stopped crying, hurriedly pushed away Rouzhen. Although her eyes are still red as a little kitten, she still stubbornly said in a cold voice, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for making you worried!"

When she saw the huge watermark in Rouzhen's suit, she quickly felt guilty.

"If you feel sorry, then treat me to a meal! I'm hungry for too long!" He stared at her palm-sized face, his tone is so ambiguous that it makes her blush.

While Xiaoxi was still in shock, Rouzhen carried her and walk straight towards his bedroom.

She leaned on his firm chest, maybe it's because she was too tired from crying. Xiaoxi felt powerless. Rouzhen put her on his soft bed and quickly took off all of her clothes. She hurriedly covered herself with the blanket feeling shy.

Rouzhen removes his clothes quickly, then he pressed himself onto Xiaoxi, looking at her with fiery eyes.

"You do know that your crying face is more seductive than ever, right?" Rouzhen said with a hoarse voice.

Xiaoxi bit her lip, grabbed on to the edges of the blanket and shook her head. "Don't be like this!"

But he forcefully kissed her pride, open her mouth and kissed into her deepest spot. He lifted the blanket, pressed his muscular body onto her. He touched her whole body and she gently touched his chest, he felt her warmth. "Rouzhen, we, can we not do this?"

Xiaoxi's voice was shivery and full of struggle. Even if she knew that in the end, they wouldn't be together, she wanted him.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, did you miss me?" He purposely asked to make her say shy words as if they were a couple.

Xiaoxi closes her eyes, blushed to the max, she didn't know what to say.

"Hahaha… look at me!" His laughter was so close that she could feel his breath beating on her face, it was so hot.

She was forced to open her eyes. She could only feel heat and passion, yet she remained powerless. His touches will only let her feel the thrill. And she wanted more.

She hated herself that could get over him, but she didn't know why she just can't shake him off. Rouzhen stares at her clear and beautiful eyes, her soft and white skin is like a lotus flower. She's so pretty, her beauty is incomparable.

He gazed at her softly, while Xiaoxi was still in shock and amazement, he suddenly said, "Honey, why don't we have one more daughter?"

His words hit her!

What did he say? Storms are flashing inside her brain, her whole body started shivering. Conversely, he's so honest and gentle.

"Don't… leave me!" His voice was rough yet small, almost like a whisper into her ear. She couldn't hear him but she could feel his shaking body, her heart was moved.

This is the first time she's done this with him in a broad daylight. Whenever they are doing intimate things, it was always in the dark hour. She realized, looking at him like this made her heart waver.

This man who is barely a centimeter away, his complexion is so perfect, so handsome that he could charm anyone.

She wanted to push him away but the clear feeling she originally had was aroused by him, making her drown in desire. This made her shiver and flabby.

He buried himself in her soft body, striking her deepest soul. The thirst and desire made her tears, but it's not totally a cry for sadness but for being happy to be with him.

From the big and bright eyes, tears started flowing, she heard his thick voice: "Give me another child, a you don't have a reason to run away from me…"

She finally regains cautiously and tried to push him away.

He understood her resistance but he stopped her very easily, "Don't ever leave me, don't ever resist me!"

Finishing his sentence he blocked her lips with his, right now, they're doing the most intimate movement.

The flower bud in front of her chest bloomed like a hibiscus, he finally let go of her lips and turn to suck the juiciest fruit.

Xiaoxi was kissed until she could hardly breathe, she wanted to make some noise, but he sealed her mouth with his. All the eagerness to talk had all turned into moaning.

His kisses are wild and rough, it was like he wanted to take all the kisses she would give her entire life.

"No...Ahh... Rouzhen!" Xiaoxi moaned hardly.

But her sound turns him on, He thrust even harder, his overbearing manner made her couldn't move a little bit beneath his body.

She couldn't breathe, talk no more, but her body started moving together, with his every thrust. Every time he thrust violently, she would nearly lose her consciousness. But for Xiaoxi, the thrill and sensation went through her blood, swallowing her mind, she felt so light, so light that she was pushed to the clouds.

But for him, when he reached a climax, he immediately sealed her lips with his, kissing and biting, he stopped her moaning sounds.

After all the excitement, Xiaoxi fell into Rouzhen's arms, slightly gasping. Rouzhen brushed away her wet hair, stared at her with eyes full of love.

Xiaoxi's consciousness came back, little did she know these kinds of things can feel so good.

When everything came back to normal, he hugged her tightly, enjoying her body warmth with his eyes closed. The dispirited atmosphere filled the room after all the intimate activities.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, his slightly bearded chin looks so sexy, but then he suddenly said: "Let's have a daughter!"

Xiaoxi's whole body froze again he meant what he said! But she had it clear in mind that she shouldn't stay by his side.

So what if she gave birth? What should she do with Han? Everything's so messed up, she said she would leave but not more than three days passed she already hooked up with him once again, which means everything is even more complicated.

He took her hand and saw a few of her nails were broken, this stung his heart and he frowned, "What happened?"

"It was by accident!" She didn't even want to explain that day she was too depressed and didn't realize her act of scratching the wall would harm her nails.

Seeing her reaction, he knew for sure she was lying, he was even sure that his old man looked for her, said that he wouldn't let her see Han, and this silly woman accepted her fate.

"Relax, tomorrow I will bring Han here, you won't lose our son!" Hearing his words, she was stunned.

But will his father allow this? Will it be good for Han? She didn't know.

"Han can't be motherless!" He continued, his big hand holding her small hand. "Conversely, we need to give birth to more, it's been three generations since GU family only give birth to one child, you need to give birth to a bunch of kids!"

She blushed, "Rouzhen Gu, I am not the one to do this! I was once a surrogate mother, this is something that will never vanish,"

While saying this, Xiaoxi's heart stung so badly. "A woman like me is not qualified to have a GU's children, you should find someone who can match your family and status! Tell Han his mom died!"

"Who says you're not qualified?" He raised his eyebrow. "I only want you to have my children! No other women are qualified to be the mother of my children! You are still alive, why would you want Han to think you're dead? Our son loves you, who am I going to replace you as his mother? Don't you dare run away from your responsibilities as a mother, you're going to raise Han, educate him, love him, of course, you need to give equal treatment to Chao, too! We are going to build our family. A happy family away from my father!"

"Really?" She broke into smiles, so pretty yet the sorrow behind those eyes couldn't be completely hidden.

Rouzhen shifted his hand on her face, locked her eyes with his, "I only want you! I want a daughter as pretty as you, now give me one!"

Xiaoxi was shocked. Her eyes filled with gentleness, "Rou Rou…"

Xiaoxi hugged his neck, buried her fingers into his hair, pushed his head and her lips touched his lips gently.

Rouzhen was stunned for a few seconds, then he took back the superiority. His hot tongue carefully portraying the shape of her lips, tasting the taste of her juicy lips. He turned all his love into a gentle kiss, covering her lips.

He never thought she would take the initiative and she never thought he would continue the act. "You cheeky man, didn't you just had it? And now you want it again?" She said gently.

His kisses are so gentle yet teasing and sweet, his lips brushed across her cute and small chin then he licked her sensitive ears. Her whole body shivered in pleasure.

He slowly sneaked his hands onto her flat tummy, it's hard to believe someone who gave birth can remain to have a tempting body.

"No!" The resistance sounded so weak.

"Do you want it?" His hands already pulled her legs apart.

Xiaoxi stunned. "Rouzhen, we just have it!"

After saying this her face blushed immediately, "stop it!"

"I want you!" He couldn't hold it anymore, he slides his hard member into her body once again, roughness at max level.

For the whole day, they're having intimate moments. Their bodies compatible stuck together throughout the whole process, as Rouzhen wanted to have a daughter.

Rouzhen made his final spurt inside her, he couldn't help but growl, his hot liquid all rushed inside her body.

Rouzhen moved her body away, then he realized she had fallen asleep inside his arms. Seeing this view Rouzhen's lips started smiling and he helped her cover the blanket, then he went to grab his phone.

The phone connected, Rouzhen's tune was indifferent, "You've seen her?"

At the other end was Lui Gu, he was stunned for a while, but he didn't deny that he did warn Xiaoxi and said, "So what?"

"For what reason you need to find her?" He was furious, what did this have to do with Xiaoxi?

Lui Gu heard his son's tune was interrogating, so he became more furious, "What, letting you have a child made you fell in love?"

The first thing he asked through calling was not begging his father to let him do to work but asking about Xiaoxi.

"Yes, the woman is indeed pretty but so what? She was only a surrogate mother, these kinds of women who'd do anything for money do not deserve any attention,"

"Who permitted you to see her?" Rouzhen raised his voice and Xiaoxi woke up from her sleep.

"Did she tell you? This woman is indeed treacherous!" Chairman Gu got even angrier, he hated women who talk behind his back.

"You think she is as bored as you? I guessed it myself! She never said any words against you!" Rouzhen roared.

"How would I know she didn't say any words to you?" Chairman Gu didn't believe his son.

Rouzhen was too lazy to explain and said: "Han is my son, I want to give him a mom, that's my business, you're only his grandfather, you have no right to interfere!"

"I am your father too, the one who gave you life!" Lui snorted, "You and Han must obey me, you owe me!"

"I will have someone to bring Han to my side, if you feel lonely then get yourself a partner, I won't be against it!" Rouzhen's voice sounded cold, yet it has a hint of concern.