
Made minor updates to last chapter.

Make Sure to join my discord for input in my story and to read some chapters early.



My mom left hours ago and the AIO or whatever hasn't picked me up yet. Is there something in my memories i'm missing? No, ever since I 'reincarnated' my memory has been extremely clear. So what am I missing...


No matter how much I think about it i can't figure out why they haven't picked me up yet. They do know I can't drive, right? And even if I could drive, I have no way of knowing where to go. Before I left the investigation room they put me back in that time-out-room-of-nothing. So i don't know how I got here or left.

I give up. Mabye they just changed their minds and decided they didn't need my help. But that would mean... that I can't play video games untill I'm 10. *sigh* There really is nothing I can do. Might as well try out the new test program I made... *start.*


Oh. That makes more since. They clearly didn't want me to see who they were or how I got to that interrogation room. Which means they probably set up that whole meeting in VR. Or my mind is about to be 'kidnapped' by the terrorist group I learned about yesterday... lets not think about that.


I'm still on this same screen saying ''. There is a little bar at the bottom that is slowly filling up. It seems to be some sort of progress bar or maybe even a timer.


The progress bar is almost done. The part thats not filled up is so small you can hardly even tell its there. Yet it's been sitting there for what has felt like an hour. God i'm bored.

Finally. Why did that take soooo long.



Umm, why hasn't it done anything? Is there a bug? a glitch? something? I just waited for however many hours for that bar to fill up and NOTHING happened?

Ok. Thats new. I hope this actually works this time.

'Vreeeeem' {A/N: Sparkly sound?}

YES. I'm in a huge facility right now. Hundreds of people, wearing the same outfit as that lady from yesterday, are walking past me. They don't seem to notice my existence, though they still walk around me. They all are going the same direction, most likely a meeting room or canteen. {A/N: Cafeteria if you don't know want a canteen is}

Eventually they all get past me and I look around. I was on a raised walkway about 20 feet above the ground of the huge room. To my left and right are small grid like structures from my old world that I think used to be called 'cubicles'. Although these ones had much more space then the ones from Earth and there was extremely high tech computers in each of them.

There were 3 of those people with the masks walking to me, one of them being the lady from yesterday.

"Hello, thank you for being patient during that whole thing. It usually doesn't take that long to check for discrepancies in a members data, but you seem to have modified your VR's basic program quite a bit. I guess we should have expected that you'd have done so much modifications since you also tried changing the AI once." The man in the middle of the three said.

His 'voice' was just like the women's, it changed with every word.

*Oh, I see. It was my fault all along. I should have expected this, It's pretty obvious that they need to make sure I'm not bringing any malware in here.* Where even is 'here'. A base? But for what exactly?

"Its ok. I just want to know, where am I?" I question the man.

"Oh here. This is the AIO headquarters, the biggest AI controlled government facility in the world. This is where all 1,021 elite members of the Artificial Intervention Organization work. This group is currently the best kept secret in our government's history" He 'said' with pride.

*Best kept secret huh. Then why did you let a 7 year old child in?*

"Our main room is this way. You're going to meet the other 17 bytes of the AIO." The woman to the far right intervened before the man said to much.

I read about this, a byte is a term used to describe a boss, general, or leader of an organization/guild. I've never heard of there being 17 of them before though. Wait no, 20? The woman said 'other' 17 bytes. So these three are probably bytes too.

I wonder what the rest are like...