Tim fanning

This story is about Tim fanning age 24, Mr. real estate " Today while walking by the streets I had a weird desire to amputate my legs" said Tim fanning

"amputate your legs that's absurd, I have never heard of something like that, that's just erratic" said Tim fanning's wife Shawna

"Should I consult a doctor or psychiatrist" said Tim

"Yeah, you should totally consult a doctor I mean you've never experienced anything like that before, should I take an appointment from our family doctor Mike o'Donnell he is great doctor I known he is young and have less experience than other doctors but still he is way smarter than other doctors, I suppose" said shawna

" Yes, you are right I'll meet him tomorrow and tell him about everything I've being experiencing nowadays" said Tim

Then Shawna turned off the lights..

'What the heck am I supposed to do now, oh my lord please help me out, I just can't take it anymore, holy goddess lam having those weird desire again to amputate my legs oh holy goddess aphrodite please help me out' he thought to himself...

Then he closed his eyes and started dreaming about lord's sanctuary and goddess venus and aphrodite...

At 9 a.m Tim woke up from his sleep by a deafening noise that surrounded him which constantly said 'cut your legs off now '.