V2 Incline 38: Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia

"Our honey does work on humans... It is safe to give it to them..." I mutter in remembrance as a golden string breaks between two of my fingers. The three stems served their purpose and those two human thorns had a lot to say about the experience. A small smile comes to my face as I fail to keep still on my bed. Squealing close to my clean hand, I try to show some restraint.

My body demands to be cared for but I want my love to be the one to start us off!

If only this one concern would just get out of my head, but, maybe it's good that it stays up there. Whatever he is doing with Dandel'lhia... He gave me his word and a taste of the affection he has for me, but, letting him near, her. It's so infuriating seeing that damn woman appear near anyone I've set my eyes on!

The gods and goddesses must be actively spiting me which makes no sense as I have served my duty faithfully!

I am breaking no divine laws by seeking out a lover, in fact, I am very much encouraged to, more so than any other woman. Every Ivy-Mother of the Ahnelges prior to me has been allowed to share their body with a man. So why am I the one who is seemingly cursed? Whatever comes up, the slightest thing, it will take them away.

The erratic glowing of my true-voice vents my frustrations and I sit up, now miserable and shaken. Taking up the glass of wine I poured for myself, a hefty chug leaves it. Wiping my mouth down, I clean my honey-sauced fingers as well and mix them in with the wine. Forming a knuckle with my other hand, my cheek goes against it.

"Maybe I can feed it to him with my fingers... Or, he can suckle it from me like a babe as that is what my first-time lingerie encourages..." I ponder out loud as I recall what happened when I gave him honey-mixed wine. The stems never slept with those humans and drank wine at the same time, so I can't be sure what happened. Though, as he ran off, maybe he was shocked or scared about how potent a well-bred petal's honey is?

That makes the most sense to me.

The familiar, ringing sound of my staff comes in through the bulb ahead of an approaching shadow. Tapping my finely-crafted tubes together, my smile returns and I laugh quietly. All this worrying and it amounts to nothing. He's coming back for me, he loves me!

Growing nostalgic as I try to get myself ready, I recall short and humorous memories about how frustrated he once made me. Not that long ago, when I first spilt honey onto his back down by the lakeside waterfall. I tried so hard to push him away but I only pulled him closer to the point of loving asphyxiation. I watched him surpass the Gilded-Bark and just wash them away out of my mind.

My Champion, my love, he's so firmly in my heart now that I can't stop myself from being bashful near him. I feel like a small, young girl again training to be an ivy-mother, listening to my predecessor, watching the men prove themselves. A strange, foreign time where all I could think about was pleasing the Gilded-Bark. Peculiar dreams of his seed swelling up my belly.

But now, I have fallen for a human, one of the first mortal creations of the gods and goddesses. They whom command Jhroungijherammujhernosumonaterikra, the Mountain of Wind. The greatest mountain in the world whose power breezes about us daily without a care. It's funny, actually, my love can barely control these seemingly delicate lines of magic air.

It's intoxicating being near someone with such raw, natural power.

If only he didn't put up whatever act it is he is putting up, there's so little he knows, if his words really are true. One day, I will finally manage to teach him to accept this strength and he'll become so much more. Those strange dreams I had after reading stories of mythical and legendary men, might finally be real. He may even live up to being the one who unites all aelenvari under one flower.

He who was born with seven, blazingly divine, true-emerald petals.

He'd make us into a renewed people if that were the case. One not dwindling from consequences millennia in the making. My sons would grow up looking like me, with no flaws, growths or bulbous, trunk-like skin. They'd be strong and healthy, just like their father, my dearest love.

An end to our wilting, a chance to regrow, fruit and blossom!

My head shoots towards the flaps of my bulb as the ringing of my staff becomes immediate. The way the winds pass through my staff's charms and how its base taps against our marble floor... He's keeping his promise to me, my love is keeping to his word. The Thief has not stolen from me once again!

He loves me, not her! Me!

Nothing stops my renewed tears and I go down to my knees, waiting for him to step into my home. I sing a joyful tune with my words as my true-voice adjusts itself to set an appropriate luminal tone. With my tail hopping about, he walks in and sets the staff down. But, I need to be careful, all this power, it's choking my mind.

I... I want to lunge for him and make him truly mine!

We're both nervous, clearly, but it is my job as his woman to coax him into something prouder, "Welcome back, my love!"

Keeping my confidence up, I hope to pass it on to him as he stands in front of me. Wrapping my arms around his legs, I place my head against his evilly covered-up crotch. Paying attention to the way his external-magic flows, I listen out for the way his heart pumps. I look up at him as he looks down at me.

The bright light that makes up his form, it's so beautiful, so true to the will of the gods and goddesses. Only the Valkinvar is better than him, for now. This Man of Wind is going to fill me with his power. I am going to be made a mother through his desires for my body!

"I guess I am here to do... To do... My promise! You know what I mean..." he lets out shakily as I pull myself up to as close as I can get to his eyes. I could have never imagined this when I was younger but, before I make love to my Champion... I speak to him with words.

"Do not fret or worry, just let me guide you." I explain as I twirl him around, undressing him as I go. Placing kisses against his soft, lightly-haired skin, I exploit his uneasy footing and get him onto my bed. The shirt comes off and I drag my flowing nipples across his magic-rich chest. I smile down at him as I push myself up, then, I drop down.

Our lips meet and open so that my tongue can taste this gorge-worthy mouth of his. A lovely, wet noise rings out as I break away, a thin trail of saliva remaining between us. Moving my chest further up, it drips down onto him like morning dew and his gaze struggles. Two choices are here for him, both as good as the other.

I slip a hand around his head and move it up, "Do not worry, my love, just drink my sweet honey and it will all come naturally..." I whisper with a tone that makes my desires as clear as the open blue sky. I want him inside of me, it's about to happen. My first seed will be developing in my belly!

My love twitches and his grip, particularly his right hand, tightens.