V4 Incline 6: Nin

"You fine getting up here?" I ask the slow-moving woman as she continues to tail behind me, even as we approach this slope. Ever since the attack, she's refused to get back on top of the bag. She really should find a way or let me take some of this burden off of her. All this movement is aggravating the injuries I-

Back when I turned.

"Ye-... Yes..." she lets out with a sharp intake. Her leg moves high, and it moves the injured parts in the wrong way. Shaking my head at the display she's forcing her way through, I move to pick her up. With the bag on my back, I can safely hold her in my arms. Almost like a mother would carry a child with a palm on the back for support.

She wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles closer, my head shadowing her from the sky's dangers. Patting away gently, I mind how much bounce there is to my steps. Bad enough my knees are angling and my core-muscles are going inward. Don't need to be crushing her in my monster-killing body, now.

"So what was that creature, anyway?" I ask, observing her red-as-her-hair face. She gets her thoughts in order and moves away so her words do not muffle.

"That... That was a sadroobell. It's a predator known for snatching large, seemingly or actual heavy items. If one flew down at us like that, it was probably trying to find a mate. Some wind-people are known to train them to be supply carriers. At least, before their machines began taking over the job. Most often now, they're simply pests for farmers and a main cause for lost livestock." she explains with a slight choke to her words. A sniffle dismisses any worries in her system.

"I can't even begin to imagine the kind of farmers that creates..." I remark in as light a tone as I can manage. Thinking back to my home, I cannot recall anything larger than a bird causing problems. The largest pest, in fact, might just be some annoying teens looking for one of their cheap laughs.

"If we go back and bring proof of its death. We might receive a better welcome at the settlement on our path," she remarks quietly, and I mind the blood staining my bandages. Guess this alone won't be enough. But, hearing this, I come to a stop and look at her more fully. My beak's end lightly pokes her and I shake my head on the retreat.

"Could've told me that earlier." I huff humorously and she gives a gentle smile.

"Can you blame me?" she asks, her smile wavering at the memory, and I shake my head again. She scoots up my body and aligns her chest against my head, arms pressing it closer. As she finishes, she adjusts herself on her new shoulder seat. Tail slithering about my back.

Noting her growing confidence, my mind returns to the lingering topic, "While the topic of these 'sadroobells' is fresh, how many tend to be in an area? I'm going to have to try and think of something if they become too much of an issue."

"Only a few dozen tend to occupy the same space. Even then, they are very isolationist, meaning you'll only really encounter one at a time." she elaborates and I nod with some satisfaction, as luck will be on our side if that's the only sighting.

"How good's their smell? One dead enough to scare the others off?" I ask, waving my claws about and kicking ahead my bloodied foot on the next step.

"I'm afraid I do not know, my love. While powerful in my own right, the thorns, men or a gilded-bark would deal with them. I do not know much beyond what I have already told you," she tells me and I 'hmmm' out the next thought.

"Try blasting the next one with your magic staff." I remark, recalling the blur from her during that competition she coronated with a kiss to my lips. If she can shatter that much log and iron, she can break some bones.

"My precious love, I left my role as the ivy-mother. The staff was not mine to keep, and I never kept a collection as well... I never foresaw ever leaving my position. Not like this. Besides, I'm no good to you without a staff. For all my power, I am not skilled enough to be without a conduit. Not to commit to anything impactful, unlike your Valkinvar friend," she explains, and I frown at the mention of Vapooliar. 

She really was something, wasn't she?

But... "What are the requirements for a conduit, exactly? Does it need to be a staff?"

"No. It simply needs to be something that can ease the burden of magic transfer. An item you can trick your external-magic flow into believing is a part of yourself. Some rely on armour, others use tools. Staves are most often used for their scale and ease of decoration, which is two-purposed."

Coming to a stop, my thoughts make a lengthy noise and break out into words, "What about a person? Can I be used by you?"

My shoulder moves with her flinch, "A-Are you sure? That is quite dangerous. Having two sources of magic interact. I know quite well how it's outlawed, even in the most open of arcane-minded places. For all my needs to interact with the flower, I never once dared to go beyond applying magic."

"What makes it dangerous?"

"It's a complex process, one that requires the full willingness of both participants. It's impossible if there's any resistance. There's a reason why it gained the name 'Intimate Casting,' it just cannot be done without true love," she explains, her voice uncomfortable and her grip departing my body beyond what is necessary. I guess a certain fact of my life is on her mind? That makes sense...

"I see... Is there anything else we could use as a conduit?" I ask, coming to a stop by a tree dancing in the soft wind. The branches rustle and I look towards her gentle grip.

"A thick branch would work, but it won't last long." she explains, her example of delicacy, however, destroying a poor, poor leaf. Poor leaf. Falling apart and not even brown.

"Well, might as well see if it works, then." I go, moving her down and leaving her in a comfortable position on the softer contents of the bag. Going to the tree, I look at it with claws on my hips.

How should I go about this? If I try to snap the branch too far from the start, it'll be a twig. But, I also don't want it to rain whacking branches onto Rose-sweerui either. Maybe if I go around to the other side of the tree to break a bit off? Circling back around to her, I mind the sky and its lack of bright colours.

"My love, should we set up camp? We've... You have been walking all day," she asks, her words a tad exaggerative.

"Are you even able to set anything up in that state?" I ask back, focusing on her instead of the tree.

"I... Can... I can do it myself!" she insists, but I cannot help but take it as a lie. She clearly doesn't like the idea of burdening me too much when I've already done so much. Yet, with her injuries, there's not really anything to argue. She's in no state for this kind of movement.

She's already moving before I can get a word out, and I shake my head. Leaving her to it for the moment, I decide to go on over the moment I hear any noise of pain. For now, I quietly ponder how to debranch some trees. What exactly will be effective?

I guess I'm strong enough these days to simply uproot it and let it fall. Maybe I could shatter the trunk or have fun jumping up and down. Decisions... So many fun decisions.

With a few clicks leaving my mouth, I dig a claw through the dirt and clasp the roots. Forcing it up with a soft heave, the dirt breaks and tears as the soon-to-be log falls. Reaching a catch in the earth, I force the tree an inch- It flies off into the distance and I blink as I swear all I did was give it a nudge...

Rose-sweerui yelps at the crashing timber and I smile at the sight of splinters in the wind. What remains of the trunk lands on other trees, breaking many branches off. Quickly jogging over, I lift the mess up and pull out the bounty. My pile grows and grows with some cleaner cuts than others. Some have torn off like a hang nail might, some are not all too sappy either.

Taking the loot back to the steadily forming camp supplies pile, I get to splitting sticks apart into three heaps. Combinations of size, length and thick-bottoms. I come to a halt at the agitated noise. My eyes lock onto Rose-sweerui as she hisses.

Rising to my feet, she notices and the hisses turn to me quite aggressively, "No!"

Halting, I stare at what has her helpless. So much to sort out and she's paralyzed by it. Much as I want to put the blame on her pain. It's pretty clear she's used to having this kind of work done for her with not a delicate little pinkie of hers rising to the challenge. 

"Somehow, I still hear a resounding yes." I tell her as I move in and set her down somewhere comfortable. She fights back for no more than a second. With stroppy lips, she readjusts her sitting position and I get to work. Admittedly, I'm not much better than her. Tents and field set-ups were never my thing. But I'm working my way through it all.

My history of construction and engineering back in Tobaballe is making this easy. Find the right part and my mind is filling in the rest through instinct. Lock the hooks here, twist on the threading here. Stake the ground with... With...?

"Can you pass me some of those, please?" I ask her, wobbling an arm towards the stack of pegs and hooks. She hands some over and I carefully use my thumb-claw to dig them into the ground. I feel like I need to go harder, as I can barely feel the pressure, but my claw is sinking to the ground. The ropes are tightening.

Finally sorted, I pick up the deflated bag with Rose-sweerui in its folds and drop her off, "You don't have to move me in there... I can do it on my own."

"Can't have you turning that embarrassed pout into one of worsened injuries." I remark, my mind lingering a bit too much on the why's they exist. Doesn't matter if I did not have control of my body at the time. It was -my- body that did it.

"It's fine, my love! It's just some bruising that will go down." she protests with a wiggle that draws a right nasty set of clenched teeth out. Her sharp breath whistles.

Shaking my head, I sit down, and she moves closer. Her hand and my claw lock together and I frown at the thought. Such a simple thing and it feels so alien now. I don't feel like a big lad. I'm a monster.

"Bruises don't hurt that much. Not even the worst kind." I point out, remembering all the injuries I've received over the years. Work or fights, it didn't matter. Gods above, not even the tool-caused cuts near lethal chemicals or my many fractures have ever hurt the way she behaves.

"I'm fine..." she lies with a moan, her body turning away slightly.

"No, no you are not," I point out, moving a claw along her cheek, "And that's fine. I'm here to help you, just like you have helped me. So, just sort out your stuff and get some rest, ok? We got quite a bit to get through."

She clutches my digit and sighs. Silently retreating into the tent properly, I get up and she seals it shut. Standing around for a brief moment, I let time pass before I am confident she's laying down. Turning my expression into a frowning one, I look skyward.

Still a decent amount of day left, even now. Can't imagine any wildlife causing any problems now. With how much I've been struggling to sleep since getting magic in my system, though. I imagine I will be pulling a lot of all-nighters. Gods help us when I finally feel I can close my eyes.

"I guess this annoyance called magic has its benefits." I huff out into a shrug as at least it prevents the awkwardness of late night shifts and on-edge naps. Popping the rest of the camp stuff near the tent for now, I get back to my branches. With the care I might touch an exposed wire with, I scratch away at their bodies to straighten the crooked ones out.

We can see tomorrow which ones are best suited for her. I just hope we end up with a reasonable amount to work with. Being able to defend herself is a priority now more than ever. Can't always be there for her, or, to worry my mind with it, I'll be too slow to save her.

Spitting farts catch on my wobbling, stuck-out tongue and old lessons come to mind, "Maybe I should try and learn to cast magic of my own...?"

Putting the stick down, I hold a hand out and try to feel for... Well, anything. My claws flex and nothing comes of it. Even a quick double-check poke on some loose stone evokes no more than a tap. No sponge feel, nothing.

Grabbing a stick, I wonder if I need to use a conduit and still I get no response, "What can I try...?" 

I think over what I know about magic so far, everything from as early as that great blast that freed me to now. Everything Vapooliar had tried since I first saw her crying in that gore-smeared chamber. All my active experiences thus far have been my body first and foremost. Erratic changes in walking strength, the ability to break trees like they're twigs.

Lifting all that weight above my head to the point the ground itself is cracking open!

Bringing the idle actions to a stop, I look at my right claw once more. My mind repeats the details over and over while I aimlessly shift my curled digits about. Not so close as to hit the wood, but enough to maybe do so if I lifted my arm a bit. Still, nothing is happening.

Moving to throw the innocent stick away, a chunk falls away, and I blink. A perfect cut. A small smile curls onto my face. My claws somehow chop another bit off without ever properly clawing at it.

"So, this is how you work?" I go, vocalising my main thought of the moment as I bring my palm up. Bringing the other claw close, I meet solid resistance, a slight gap away from the surface of my shell. Sharp resistance too. My bug hide is getting scratches!

Huffing in amusement, I pick up another stick and angle my grip. Slowly making my way across its length, shavings peel away as if I am using familiar tools. Somehow, the inside of my right claw's digits are bladed. Invisibly so, but with as much presence as a real carving knife!

Ignoring the want to wake up or disturb Rose-sweerui, I get to giggling and notch away at more sticks. Their bark skin vanishes, leaving only smooth and pale wood for the eye to see. All growths, warts and other lumps are gone. Only brown circles mark their former place.
