Incline 1: Head of Oddity House Frihdeicalkbr

"What's all this about, then?" I found myself asking as I got up from the table I was at. The meal I was formerly enjoying having to be left alone to grow cold and stiff. A frown quickly forming at the urgency of the noises getting my attention. The speakers were going off, staff were wanted and wanted now.

So, without delay, I moved on out and headed to the nearest portal. I could get to where I wanted to go from there and get this over with. And, in my hand was a small piece of magically altered glass. Small and red in colour, it would help me get to where I needed.

"Sorry, Students, but I must use this before you." I said as I forcibly moved some students out of my way. The item I was holding having gone into the portal so I could redirect it to another recipient portal. And, to show that was the case, the magic cast by the portal took on a reddish tone. Any complaints I was getting died down after that.

And like that, I was in a council room with dozens of others also suddenly appearing near and around. Gossip had already begun to spread amongst them but I would have no part in it. So I just sat down in my chair and familiarised myself with the problem. A mixture of audio and pictures before me.

It seems Student Nin was up to something alongside a Student Vadei. They had openly discussed within their dorm a plan to interfere with our supply of no-magic humans. We had already suffered a shortage due to a mixture of war and failed prior deliveries. So, to hear that a student was willing to interfere must have worried some.

But why was Student Nin heading an attempt to interfere with our interests? What reason does an osibindah have to interfere... But, then I heard it, I heard him say it clearly and repeatedly. The lecture that started this response from him, he called him 'countryman.'

"Why has a Council of Concern been summoned? If something is getting in the way of our research... Deal with it." one member of staff asked as he finished up listening to a recording. His shoulders rising as he made it clear what his position was.

"Because, Lecturer Vaernroe, we have reason to believe there might be something that can benefit us here." a well-dressed woman said to him as she highlighted key details. Ones I had just picked up on. Ones those still arriving would have to pick up on as we could not just wait for them.

"It is because Student Nin is claiming affiliation with one of our tributaries, that of... Tobaballe?" I said to the woman that had just spoken. An argument forming in my head just in case I needed to get him out of a lethal punishment.

"Indeed, which is why we called this Council of Concern. See, a suggestion was made by one of my colleagues within the Department of External-Magic Usage and Studies. She suggests that we let Student Nin do as he claims he will." and once she said that, uproar.

"You can't be serious!? He has outright stated he will interfere with our supply of research material when we are already suffering a severe shortage!"

"We have other means of collecting and other tributaries." she said to the angered man.

"That isn't the point!" that same man responded with before I stood up. A few finger swipes allowing me to take command of the information being presented.

"If I can have your attention, fellow staff of Suhurlodst Academy of Arcane Learning and Understanding. What we have here is an even more unique opportunity than Student Nin himself. Provided we can get the means to observe the event, we might be able to get insight into how he came to be. Just think of it, in exchange for losing a few lectures on how something is overwhelmed with magic. Instead, we can get a lecture on how Sudden Induction Theory might play a role in creating human-minded osibindah or even more." I said to everyone present while showing off details regarding the tributary of Tobaballe.

"There's nothing that even points to Sudden Induction Theory being the cause of his state!"

I turned to look at the one who just spoke, "True, somewhat. We don't know if it is a main cause or if it is a cause at all. But, thanks to the efforts of the Department of Student Observing, we have a few interesting details. What Student Nin has frequently been caught saying in his assumed privacy is now shown in front of you."

"Meeting Undwote and the other gods...? Yeah, sure." a noted worshipper of the Mighty Moon, Jhrarda, commented snarkily.

"Your biases aside, it presents an interesting component. But not the only one, as seen here," I say as I point out another recording, one that implies kinship with Student Vapooliar, "Here it suggests a potential involvement from the one the aelenvari call Time's Pestilence."

"And here it suggests from another student that it was because of her, and I quote, 'delicious, potent and plentiful honey.' So we have no real way of saying what caused what." I was told.

"Which is why we let him do this, we observe, we see if Tobaballe has done something creative with its fools gold." I tell him while opening up another possibility. Had Tobaballe perhaps done something with what we were giving them in exchange for no-magic humans? Had their low to no-magic environment given them the means to perform what we could not? The Time of Liquid-Mountains was following a war involving such a superpower after all.

One based out of this very continent. It was why our magic was more than just wind-based like how the Grand-Kingdom was so water-based. This land used to be lacking in elemental magic in high quantities and as such, it was all raw magic. Recovered knowledge of which we used to this day, even here.

Even in how I got to this Council of Concern, to begin with.

"So now that the situation is presented, should we vote on it now?" someone then asked as they stood up from their seat and gestured to a clock. A live recording of what Student Nin was up to playing alongside it all.

"Yes," the woman from earlier said as she stood up again, "All those in favour of letting Student Nin run amok in order to research his condition cast your vote. All those in favour of maintaining our supply of no-magic humans can cast theirs too."

And interestingly, once the votes were made visible, a clear bias was present. Most voted to allow Nin to do what he wanted in order to research how he came to be. A very interesting situation given how much noise was made earlier about it. But, I laughed.

"And how many of you voted just because you didn't want an osibindah on the grounds of Suhurlodst Academy of Arcane Learning and Understanding?" and the response was a field of raised hands. Something that made my laugh boom with renewed vigour.

"I guess we are done here then?" one lecturer asked as he compiled his tablets.

"Yes, you may all leave unless you have further issues you want to discuss with another member of staff." her eyes looking over at me as I quietened down.

"Now we just need a means to get the observation equipment to them."

"Do you have a suggestion, Head of Oddity House Frihdeicalkbr?" she asked me as she came over to my seat.

"We let them take an intentionally left open airship. A long-range one, of course. Hopefully, in his state of anger," I say as I looked at the raging student as they smashed something in rage, "He won't find anything wrong with an unguarded airship. But, to make sure we can get on with it. I propose we involve two more students."

"Involve more students? How is that going to help?"

"Because Student Nin trusts these two and won't suspect a thing." I tell her as an image of Student Einervaene Bosphama and Student Larishazza Sl'Ayiysab appear.

"And you'll get these two involved how?"

"I can strong-arm one of them into doing it, but the other? I'll probably just notify them of Student Nin's plans and she'll hurry along worriedly."

"This Student Einervaene Bosphama, she is Eusorochii?"

"She is, so, we'll even be able to sweeten the affair to others by getting a lightning magic-user very close to the Anvil-Peak." I tell her, speaking loud enough so those around might hear it too.

"You think it might alter her magic?"

"No, I just want to see how it affects her personally. How it makes her feel to be near such a powerful and pure source of lightning magic. So holy and divine..."

"I will assume this feeds back into the capabilities of Mechanical House?"

"It would, I doubt she will be stupid enough to try and interfere with the Anvil-Peak on her own. But, she'll likely enlist many a student and staff member in Mechanical House to satiate her curiosity."

"Despite our deal with the Tobaballians, we can't actually refine thunder gold. it is just too dense with magic in such a strange way. It's why we call it fools gold, what we give them that is."

"I know, I know. But, who knows, who knows what an Eusorochiian might get that we do not."

"Should we get started on getting those two involved then?"

"Yes, bring them both up and we can set out to get them involved with Student Nin's affairs and get us involved too. Also, notify the hangars, have them keep one of our cargo airships vulnerable. Explain as best you can. I'll handle the two fine young women here." I tell her while gesturing towards the images.

"You know, I was looking at the recordings of what Student Nin has been up to recently. You've been implanting a lot of subtle hints to get him to that lecture."

"Have I?" I asked with a smirk before walking off with a chuckle as I acknowledge that I was called out. But, it was true, I had been keeping a very close eye on Student Nin and when I heard a shipment got through... Well, I wanted to put his words to the test. I wanted to know if he really was from Tobaballe.

After all, it did not take me long to find out his name was indeed common in one of our tributaries. And frankly, despite it being possibly the least interesting part of it all, I wanted to see Student Nin's reaction. His reaction to finally figuring it all out regarding his home. Because, everything he describes also coincides with prior shipment issues.

Issues such as one of our airships going missing after they got into the Theocracy's border regions... Nin was destined for a lecture just like what set him off into a fit of rage. But, it seems like he was destined for greater acts as he just kept on going through it all. It may have been over a short period, but Student Nin was living an interesting life.

He had survived Sudden Induction somehow and to a level beyond what we used in our live tests. He claims to have seen and met the gods to his friends in private. It was also backed up by how he showed odd behaviour near some of their shrines. He spoke to them with either madness or familiarity.

Either way, the powerful signatures of magic we suddenly detected within the temple recently. It all coincided with his visits there and his worship. Something was definitely interacting with him and I wanted as much clear information as possible. But, for now, I would be getting two women to go along, not learning about Student Nin.

"I think I will strong-arm Student Larishazza first, well, assuming she is done with her current affairs..." I say to myself while looking into a small observation portal. One that was well-hidden but gave a clear view of what she was up to. However, no sound as otherwise, I'd get weird looks. As, well, she certainly enjoyed the company of other men to put it simply.

She enjoyed it very much.