Incline 3: Nin

I couldn't even think about this pragmatically, it was just me being cruel that came to mind. Yet, now, something else came to mind. Something was making loud bangs deeper in the airship and I wanted it to stop. So I went down the hall and tried to figure out what it was.

"Hello!? Anybody there!? I fixed the item!? Hello!?" a voice I swear I knew asked over and over as they banged some more. My eyes slightly widening while I shook my head. Another person was here? Wasn't doing a good job of making this a secret escape now was I?

"Alright, who is... This..." I began to say before I quietened down when I unlocked the door and saw the individual behind it. It was Einervaene, Einervaene was on board this airship and we were now staring at each other.

"Urtuoi-kischu? Thank you! I thought I might have been forgotten by the maintenance crew." she explained as she left the room before stopping again. A frown forming on her as she paid more attention to the airship.

"Yes, we are flying, but, why are you here? I left you in that lecture!" I asked of her as I moved closer. It wasn't making much sense that she was here, let alone Lari!

"Well, when you left the lecture I tried to follow after you but then someone came to me for help. I then was brought aboard this airship and asked to fix something. And, well, it seems like they locked me in that room..." she explained before rubbing her head in embarrassment.

"Well, alright then," I said before leaning on a wall, "Well, you are stuck with us then. We are leaving the academy on this stolen airship to go back to my home."

"Stolen airship...? What did you do!?"

"I just said, we stole this airship so I could get back home."

"But why now!? I know you have said that you missed your home but why did you suddenly steal an airship!?"

"Because, Einervaene. When we were in that lecture, I just did not expect to see someone from my home be put on display and then murdered just so some arrogant students could get a better grade on their test!" I said to her with growing anger before moving to punch the wall ahead of me. Except, well, I stopped the punch as this wasn't something I could just damage in a fit of rage. So I just needed to bottle it up, for now, maybe find a rock to throw later.

"You want to help your people...?" Einervaene then asked to which I just nodded. A small smile appearing on her face before she nodded herself. A quiet breath leaving her that sounded like the word 'ok.'

"In terms of who is with us, we have me, you, Vadei, Lari, and the two slavers." I then explained to her. The first two names bringing some excitement to her face while the last bit washed it away.

"Why are those slavers with us?"

"Because I do not know the way home, nor how to fly this. So, in an effort to get both sorted. I forced them into working under threat of death." I said to her before looking away when I said that last bit. It just did not sit right with me, to make someone work under threat of death. But, this hug I got from Einervaene did soothe my mind.

"Then let's get to your home so we can help your people!" she said to me with a smile as her eyes looked longingly up at me.

"You'll lose your hat if you look any higher." I then told her right before using my beak to get her hat off. A laugh coming from her as I was gently shoved by her before she put it back on. Sounds of disgust soon coming from her when she rubbed something off.

"What is this...?" Einervaene asked me as she looked at my chest and the wet spots. Some kind of wetness with a slight white tint having stained her clothes.

"I have no clue, I thought it was water from Lari when she came on board, but it must be some kind of... I don't know actually. I assume I must have got it on me when I went outside of the airship to get her."

"Must be a lubricant then because even with this small amount the smell makes my head feel funny." she said before she rubbed it off on me again.

"That wasn't very nice."

"You can't seriously expect me to wipe it on my own clothes, can you?"

"You could have just gotten a tissue or something." I said to her with a shrug before she shook her head with a huff.

"We best go clean you off then, we don't know if something bad will happen if we keep this stuff on you."

"What about those two, though, can't trust them to just pilot the airship on their own." I pointed out with a raised claw. Her head briefly facing the control room before it went back to me.

"Then we can just have Vadei here look after them." she said as Vadei approached us with a confused look. A sudden blush overtaking her when her eyes saw Einervaene's fingers before she then just zoomed past us.

"I guess cleaning ourselves will be fair." I said to Einervaene as we walked down the ship. Our eyes looking about for a sign or something to indicate a shower or bath. But, one thing I did notice first was how big this airship was. I guess I wasn't paying attention when we stole it but it was like a more cramped dorm.

Everything one might need for travel was here and it was all well-stocked by the looks of it. You had two main chambers of sorts just loaded with beds and most of the airship was divided into two parts. And, going by what I was reading when we walked by it, it was all over women and men. Yet, interestingly enough, the women section was far more luxurious.

"Guess I am sleeping on that side of the airship then." I jokingly told Einervaene as we finally arrived at the washing areas. Her lips taking on a slight smirk as she moved closer to me.

"Even though it is clearly marked as the women's area?" that smirk staying on her face before she moved away. Slightly blushing as she did so.

"Eh, we'll see how many rooms your side has first. Depending on how this might go, the men's section will be for all our new passengers if all goes according to plan."

"You will put your people there after saving them from slavers?"

"No, we'll put Vadei's people there after getting them free from my people." I awkwardly explain to her as I undressed slightly. Watching in concern when Lari dashed out of the washing area in a panicked state. Something that was not common for her at all. So I guess I will talk to her about it later if I can...

"So what will we do about spare clothes?"

"I'll probably just let mine dry, nothing dangling so no clothes is fine for me."

"Alright, what will I do about spare clothes?" she asked again while rephrasing it. A slight blush forming on her face as she twiddled her fingers.

"I dunno, put on a towel and just linger in a bed?" I answered for her, a shake of her head being my response. All before she straightened her back out, took in a deep breath and then grabbed my claw. Dragging me in after her much to my lax surprise.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I am just going to help you." she explained, clearly embarrassed which contrasted my calm state completely.

"Alright, nothing I haven't seen or done before."

"Wha...?" Einervaene exclaimed as she went redder.

"When we travelled to Thrurstradtur, remember? We sometimes just had to put up with each other being there when we washed ourselves." I clarified to her. But, admittedly, Rose had also just dulled me to the idea of it. Not Lari, though, she always gave me privacy when showering or bathing.

"Right... Well... Undress... Yo- me...." Einervaene squealed out much to my joy as it was just fun to tease her. But, maybe I should try something new this time? Maybe I could really embarrass her and have a good laugh. I knew she was just struggling to get a sentence out, but I wanted to be pedantic. Like, really use the fact she said 'me' the clearest.

"Alright, hat first." I said as I then threw her hat across the room. A claw then sneaking into her gloves each side before I slowly took them off.

"EH!? W-W-W-What a-are you..." she tried to get out as I moved my claws closer to her chest.

"And now," I began to say as my claws opened wide just before her breasts, "The loincloth." I suddenly said before going down and pulling it straight off. A clear sight to what it hid greeting me on the way back up.

"W-Wait!" she squealed out again just before I sat down and put her on my lap.

"Now these boots of yours." I said to her while carefully taking them off. Tickling her feet with the ends of my claws once I was done. Laughing all the while before I moved up again as she trembled with a red face.

"STOP!" she then yelled out in a squeamish tone as she turned to lightning somewhat just to get me off. Soon rolling about in pain after that and having her standing over me while apologizing.

But, I forgave her and finished the affair with roaring laughter, "Oh, Einervaene, never change." I barely got out between the laughter. It lasting for quite a while, much to her annoyance before I then just chuckled.

"If you're going to do something like that at least be sincere..." she very, very quietly mumbled under her breath before I got up. Putting some distance between us two before I properly stripped down myself and turning to face her. Her body turning away from me as her face maintained its crimson colouring.

"I've seen it all before, Einervaene. I am pretty sure you were naked our first night together too."

"That's not the point, now sit down so we can get this over with." she said to be as she began to pat and shove me around. At least, until I sat down.

"Why the rush? You were the one who brought me here." I snickered out before a gentle shock went across me.

"Stop it."

"Fair, I'll change the topic then. How badly do you want to shock yourself?"

"I beg your pardon? I don't understand."

"We're in a steamy bathroom... You don't like magic and water...?" my claw rolling about as the gears in her head did too.

She looked away with a slight blush, "Well maybe if you stopped being you then I wouldn't be taking such risks."

"But you love me bei-" I began to say before getting sudden surge of lightning against me. A brief scream coming from me as went flying across the bathroom. The loud thud I made being drowned out by what came after.

"NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT LOVE! I NEVER GAVE ANY HINTS LIKE THAT...!" Einervaene screamed in panic as she looked about. Magic coursing all over her until she calmed down and realised what she did. Apology after apology once again coming from her as I sat up with a grumble.

"I'll be sure not to take showers or baths with you again, noted." I said to her with a groan as I recovered from that sudden magic attack.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

"Apology accepted, so long as you cool it with the abuse." I somewhat laughed out while dealing with the pain. Like how a young adult might do a stunt with a toy but badly hurt themselves. So they just hobble while wheezing a laugh of some description out.

"I'll try..." she nervously said while stepping back a little.

"No, do, I don't want another shock." I clarified to her before properly sitting down before a steamless mirror. My jaw moving about slightly as I watched Einervaene carefully hide herself behind me.

"Try to keep still, otherwise I can't get between your plates." she told me to which I just waved it off. I was fully aware of that, had enough experience with Rose regarding it.

"I understand I am bulky, Einervaene. But, if you don't want me seeing anything private then why not just wear a towel?" I asked her while keeping my head facing forward. Not really wanting to provoke anything more from her for now.

"If someone important to you is sharing a bath with you, you must copy how they do it..." she tried to say matter-of-factly. But it was clear she had no real reason so I just went along with it. In fact, now that it came up. I could shift the topic to her home.

"So now that you are tagging along unintentionally with me and Vadei and so on. Are you perhaps going to do anything with what you learn on our trip?"

"What do you mean?" she asked just as she squeezed out a flannel along my shoulder. The soapy bubbles likely going all the way down my back and onto her breasts. I may have not been as sensitive as I used to be to touch, but my magic training gave me an idea. I just could feel her magic press against mine, it felt nice.

It was probably a weird way of describing it, but, when Einervaene was happy or enjoying herself. Her magic always felt like it was excitedly trying to meet up and play with mine. I did not know if it was emotional or just magic-science in general. But, I liked it, either way, it was like a fuzzy massage.

"Well, I personally am headed home to solve an issue there. Vadei is coming to solve an issue with her family that is going on there. Is there anything you hope to learn that could help you with your problems at home? It is why we met, after all, something made you want to come here."

"I can't say I wanted to come here, but I have certainly received reasons why it was a good idea to come." she said without answering the question. Her body gently pressing against mine while a happy sigh left her. A bracelet soon entering my eyes as pondered something about it. Only to forget it when Einervaene moved back to cleaning me.

"You never answered the question." I then asked her after a brief mental blackout.

"I don't really know what I will learn or if I will be able to use it. My problems are family-related like Vadei's, sure. But, mine are also not so clear cut. Traditions of blood and heritage are my main concerns along with conduct. I just don't know if I can use any of it."

"Well, if you need any help, I am right here to offer it."

A quiet laugh left her, "Thank you... Nin."

"Oh?" I said while turning my head. Only to get a palm to the face that made me freeze solid.

"Good pet." Einervaene then mocked while patting my face. The fear of being shocked having been fully settled within me. Something she must have caught up on.

"So... If you don't mind me asking, what is the main issue for you? I know you mentioned your mother at some point but you saying heritage and blood and all that makes me wonder."

"You know how my lightning is blue?"

"I do, I have been assaulted by it several times."

"You deserved it, but, anyway, it's because it is blue that my mother has been accused of adultery and that has put her position at risk."

"So you're looking for proof that you are not a bastard child?"

"No... I am trying to ease the burden on my mother as I am not sure if my presence damns her to greater scrutiny... But, I am also hoping to see if I can make my lightning golden or at least some degree of yellow."

"The more like Thurnmourer's lightning the better then?"

She nodded slowly, "Yes, the closer it is... It's something to do with the stories of how the noble clans came to be and all that. Too much to explain in one go and to say nothing of my own ignorance."

"Your people believe they are descended from the Thunder God?"

"More so we copied how he made his mighty hammer. By gaining the trust of the thunderclouds."

"Alright, so your blue lightning makes everyone think you betrayed that trust then? Only this time it wasn't to send a mighty lightning bolt into the heart of the Singular God?"

She laughed for just a sec, "Yeah..."

I looked down to the floor and sighed, "Well, if you ever need any help making your lightning golden. You know where to find me." I mumble while knowing inside my head that it was a lie for all intents and purposes. Once I was home and done with Vadei, what reason did I have to help? I was doing all this because I wanted to go home... I don't even care if I live like a hermit, so long as I am near the Civil Mountains.

"Thank you, Urtuoi-kischu, your offer is very much appreciated. I just hope I can repay your kindness with my own." she told me as he leaned on me again. Her hand slowly making its way to my claw before it stopped just before my bracelet. Tender brushing from her fingers lightly moving the bracelet about.

"Don't worry about it too much, I'm not a loan predator or that. I won't demand it from you until you are ready."

"That's good then, I probably won't be able to go home for a few years now. I have so much I need to do back at the Academy with you and Ayi-chira and all the others."

"Yeah... Back there with those lot..." I said while looking away from the mirror. My tone quiet as I thought on how hollow those words were. I was glad she was pressed against my back, too. That way she could not see my eyes being shifty.

"So... Uh... Urtu... Nin... This might seem like an odd question and a completely out of nowhere one. But, what sort of women do you like?" I was asked by the beautiful, copper-haired woman behind me. I was thinking of just saying that she was my perfect woman just to tease her. But, having been with Aahtha and Motrtha, I don't think I can honestly get it out. Motrtha was just so kind and loving but Aahtha's form reflected your tastes perfectly!

Or, in this case with Aahtha, mine.

"Dark skin, short white hair. Modest measurements. Kind and motherly with the capacity to erotically tease." I said quietly while trying to remember the Pleasure Goddess when she teased me. When she and Motrtha were completely ruining my senses with a dopamine overload.

"Oh... I see. Well, with the men I like, I like them strong and honest. Kind and stern. But, I also like them being fine with not always being strong, I am fine with being allowed to be there for them when they are upset or broken." she explained to me while hugging me tighter. I looked away from the mirror again when she said that.

"Well, good luck with finding a man like that." I told her as I got up, somewhat embarrassed by what I heard from her. But, I was also not comfortable with it. To hear this while wanting to admit myself to Lari... Well, it certainly made me want to do a double-take on it.

But, to say nothing of how some of Einervaene's description was hollow...

"I would say thank you, but I already have found them..." she quietly said with a wide smile and bright blush. Her body still down below as she stayed on her knees while I stared at that face. That pretty face that was so sincere and heartfelt... And looking at it made me disgusted with myself, it made me indecisive and frustrated.

Maybe I should just make it clear to her here and now? Or should I just ignore the issue as I was likely never going to see her again once we got near to Tobaballe...? Gods grant me the wisdom I need here... Please...