Incline 20: Student Einervaene

"So you're trying to find inspiration?" I ask Clarman as I sewed together something. I was doing it mostly out of frustration. Because everyone kept peeling away to do their own thing so we could not spend time together as friends... I guess I understood why, but, it bothered me nonetheless.

"Yes... It wasn't hard to hear about what had happened, so, I thought maybe I could conduct a piece to be a Get Well gift or something." Clarman nervously jokes before she looks back at her group.

"Well, I will try to help however I can!" I enthusiastically say as I stood up with a smile.

"It's appreciated, Einervaene. I know we did come at you with this at a random moment, so I am sorry for that."

"Don't be! I'm sure Tiyanat would be glad to know people are there for her..." I start to say before I nervously chuckle. I didn't mean it in a way that meant I wasn't there for her... I know me and Larishazza had our issues, but I would never!

"You alright?" Clarman asks me with a smile before I realise I had turned red from mere thoughts.

"Yeah..." I nervously say as I start to press my fingers together. Only to raise a hand to block out the Orbital-Halo's light. What was that in the distance? Was there a duel going on...?

"Should we get someone involved...?" one of Clarman's friends asked as we watched this magic approach.

"Nin...?" I let out just in time for a more clear outline of him to appear. But, whatever was going on had me worried. Because I could also see aircraft from the city itself.

"Those are City Guard airships... And is that Seigunfrei!?" Clarman pointed out as green tornadoes stood out amongst the blue fire.

"MOVE!" I scream at them before a terrifying roar filled the air. I had heard that noise before... When Tobaballe was destroyed. But what brought him back to that state!?

"GAH!" Clarman screams after a thunderous boom knocked me down.

"WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE THAT NIGHT!? WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST HER!? WHERE IS HE!?" Nin roared down at a now bloodied Clarman. Yet, she was too terrified to answer.

"STUDENT NIN! STAND DOWN NOW!" a voice from inside the aircraft soon shouted as a crowd started to form.

"ANSWER ME!" Nin roared as he started to thrash Clarman about!?

"NIN!" I scream at him as I tried to get between him and her. Her friends, however, were too scared to approach as Nin's magic was out of control. Even in my lightning form, I could still feel a strange heat. It was like I was being boiled alive!

"STUDENT NIN!" A teacher then thankfully got involved and sent him flying away. Mere moments later, however, he came charging back!

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" he roared before this Seigunfrei intercepted him and blocked his charge. A sudden bang, however, seemingly put an end to it all and Nin suddenly fell down.

"Arrest that bug!" an armoured man ordered as he suddenly exited his airship.

"NO! We will handle this as this is within our right." the teacher told them as he came over to drag Nin to his feet.

"Why did you do it...?" I ask him pointlessly as Clarman cried behind me. She was badly injured, so we had to get her sorted. Yet, when I turned around, she was already being healed by the others. Hospital staff, however, were still here to take her.