Incline 17: Bossman Hrurim

"What to do, what to do..." I mutter quietly as I sat down near Ivahstar as he glared out towards the Union soldiers.

"Pay." he complains as I rub my eyes.

"My hands are tied here, you got to understand that." I repeat to him before he just nods at me.

"She picky." he then comments in regards to what could have only been the Madame.

"She is, infuriatingly so." I tut as I looked down at the relatively recent fortifications made by the Union soldiers. They were all over the town as well as around it. A fortress erected over what could've only been a night...

"Aelenvari. Down there." Ivahstar then comments to which I shrug.

"Wouldn't be surprised, mess my guys made failing to get the child."

"No, red." he corrects before I recall the main detail of the other one.

"Well, I'll be damned." I let out in some awe before I made a silent prayer. That other aelenvari had been grabbed by a Union patrol and now she was going to be kept here. It certainly simplified our problems.

"Don't ask." Ivahstar then suddenly said.

"Hm?" I let out in confusion, "Oh!" I then let out once I saw where he was looking.

"If she here. Child come too?"

"Most likely, I can't see that one at all leaving it behind... But where is it...?" I found myself questioning as Ivahstar passed me a monocular device. That red-haired petal was on her own with a depressed expression of the sorts. And there was no trace of the son.

"Union taken it in?" Ivahstar questions as I lower his device.

"Without a doubt, might be a human thing, but there are rumours of beautiful aelenvari flowers circling that big ol' mountain. They'll be fully aware of what is valued by them."

"No. They know different. Flowers out here. Different to there." Ivahstar comments as he takes back the device.

"Do me a favour, would you? Keep an eye on her. I'll add it to your bill once this mess is all sorted." I tell him as I pat him on the back carefully. He might've been broad-shouldered for a hwardgon, but he was still a spine-covered thing. I had no intentions of pricking myself and covering my hand in annoying bleeds.

Then, once I got to the stairs down this viewing platform. I raced down them with well-practised, stable movements. Slipping and sliding down the circular handrails while pushing myself along with gentle taps of my feet. And, at the end, I launched myself slightly and landed with a wobble.

"Now, Madame." I comment as I straightened myself up on the way back into the establishment.

"'Noon, Hrurim." the backdoor bouncer greeted as I came on by.

"Afternoon." I tell him after briefly looking up at the sky to make sure I was getting it right. It was near enough up in the middle, so 'afternoon' was fine by me. And, I sorted of repeated myself like I usually did when I got in here. I avoided the aelenvari and headed straight for the office of the Madame.

"Hasty and rude..." she comments with annoyance as she shoos away whatever poor lad she was paying to be there.

"Sing a different tune for me, because I have a fine thing in my eye."

"A scout was able to get past the worst customer base we ever had?"

"Even better, they brought the missing aelenvari back with them as a result of our... Issues."

"With the treasure?" she questions sceptically but with a tone still full of hope.

"No way she left it behind."

"Fan out and find them, then." she demands as she suddenly rises to her feet. A brief glimpse into the hideous body beneath her clothes also became visible. Not that it wasn't before. She was just skimpier right now because of that lad she brought in...

Oh, if only the pay wasn't good enough.

"We do not know where they'll be going. I just know they are within the Union's fortifications."

"And she won't stay there, she'll come back into the town. Along with my treasure..."

"Of course. I'll get my guys ready to sweep the streets." I tell her before turning around and leaving. Slapping the head of the greedy young man on my way out. But, as I walked deeper into the establishment. I seemed to realise something.

And it buried its nagging claws deep into my mind. What if they brought her back for the mother? I had no idea what their relationship was but maybe that is why the child could not be seen before? She had arranged for it to be placed in the Union's protection?

This could be very bad if she came knocking... But, at the same time, we had experience with aelenvari. But one as powerful as that? The completely scarred blondie we just got was a hassle...

"Get me the jailer." I then order someone on my way into the Madame's dungeons. And I came to a stop in front of the aelenvari in question. I then aggressively slapped a stick on the metal bars and watched as she looked up at me. My face was stoic while hers was full of regret.

"Why are you here?" she asks just in time for the jailer to coming running towards me.

"What'cha need, Hrurim?" he asks nervously despite his large physique.

"I need her in your special cell." I tell him as I wanted this aelenvari well out of the way. I wanted her hidden so she could not be broken out easily. Even if it wasn't why the red one was back, it was a good enough assumption to make.

"Where are you taking her...?" her now former cellmate asked me with a lustful slur.

"Out of the way." I answer as I lock the disappointed whore back up.