Incline 24: Burned by Aelenvari

"So, how goes our latest crop?" I asked the boys with a giddy tone as I came downstairs for the first time in a while. I don't know why, but even with my recent frustrations. I really wanted to see that red-haired creature break down in despair. I wanted her to submit.

"All's going well, except for one of them." one of them answers as two others pulled open the curtains. Revealing the grand stage at the centre of my establishment's underbelly.

"W-Why is she just standing there...?" I ask them, stuttering at first. Alongside a clueless expression as this was quite different to what I was used to...

"They're all standing...?" one of the boys says back to me stupidly. So I smack him as I rise to my feet and stomp towards the stage.

"WHY IS SHE STILL STANDING!?" I roar up at the sneering creature as they maintained a posture of confidence. Why was she still standing...? I gave her the drug... And now she was being paraded about like a prized animal!

The others were shy, nervous, squirming and terrified of their situation! So why was the new one just standing there as if nothing was happening? Why was she looking down on me!? I OWNED HER!

Then, she stepped forward with refined hip swings and graceful strides. She perfectly balanced herself on the stage even with her lack of those stupid tubes and she raised a hand. Only to laugh at me before a smug smirk overtook her. And I stared up into those eyes of hers...

"How... DARE YOU! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!?" I roar at her as I scramble up onto the stage with my rod out. The others backed away in fear, but this one held her ground and only laughed more. And to my relief, she continued to hold her ground as I struck her again and again.

"Pathetic, I've met roots with more strength in them." she mockingly tells me as she stops me by grabbing my wrist.

"AH! AHHHHHHH!" I scream as this filthy creature touched me. A terrifying situation that made me drop my rod. Thankfully, one of the boys came to my aid and turned on her collar.

"GRAH!" she started to scream as the captured essence of the Lightning-Mountain surged through her.

"GET THIS THING BACK IN ITS CAGE!" I screamed at the boys as I started to kick its collapsed form. Only stopping as the growing electricity started to lash out at me.

"Madame!?" my Darling called out as he suddenly barged into the room.

"Darling!" I tearfully called out as I got down from the stage before I collapsed into my chair.

"What happened?" I heard him ask one of the boys. Meanwhile, I had to stop the others from lowering the curtains and shooing the other creatures off. It was just that one that was the issue...

But, the boys were taking too long to explain things, "DARLING!"

"Yes, yes, I'm here." he tells me as he comes around to kneel before me.

"Why... Why was that one still strutting her stuff!?" I demanded to know with growing fury.

"Madame, she's only just come in, you can't expect her to just..."

"I gave her my concoction! I threw her down into the cells! Why is she not at least shaken up!? I know full well the boys dress them roughly as it is what I tell them too!"

"Right... I'll have to look into that one. But, I don't think you're going about this right."

"I'm sorry... Who's the expert when it comes to breaking these creatures!?" I snap as I clap for the boys to pull down on the chain in the middle of the stage. And just like that, all these creatures came crashing to the ground with their groans and woes.

"I'm not saying I know better, I'm just reminding you of the fact she came to us dressed like that. She's a petal, Madame."

"Right..." I recall as embarrassment starts to flood my face. I was putting her right in the sort of thing that would make her act like that... Act better than me... I surrounded her with lessers...

"Now, just take a moment to calm down and think this through. You've given plenty of show-and-tells on how to handle the usual lot. Focus on them." Darling tells me before he gets back up to speak to his boys.

"Focus on them..." I repeat to myself nervously as terror filled me at the thought of having to focus on such an ego. I broke these creatures down because they dared to break me down... So I would educate that particular one thoroughly. I was going to snap her clean in two!

The slightest infraction and I shall punish her as if she betrayed the sun! Nay, if she so much as thought about any of it, I would beat, shock, maul and tear her apart! She will forget she ever had confidence, to begin with! But I needed to find out where to start...

A petal was quite different to what I normally dealt with... She naturally dressed like those on stage. Humiliating her like that would not work in the slightest. I needed to rebuild the way I went about this from the ground up...

"Darling!" I then suddenly called out as I rose to my feet. Walking up to him so he knew that he would have to serve me.

"Yes, Madame?"

"I want you to find a flower in a town or heading to one. I want to watch them." I tell him with a distinct shiver of disgust. To be that close to such a large body of untamed creatures terrified me...

"Madame...?" he rightfully questions in confusion.

"Just do it." I tell him as I turn to look at the visage she left on the stage. And I grew angry as that smirk of hers continued to haunt me. How dare she...

How dare that thing do that!