Incline 18: Captain-Engineer

"Explain the situation to me now." I demand of the man I came nearly face-to-face with.

"The Valkinvar have launched an assault on our column! They've blocked the pass and swept away our attempts to bring forward heavy, mobile artillery!" they explained to me as their information was transmitted to us.

"So you are more dependent on us than ever." I commented quietly as I remembered the words of the war-witch. She was correct, it seemed, we were truly needed out here at this siege.

"The army is being pulled back to the nearest opening in the terrain, but we cannot continue on with our advance." they went on to say.

"Make sure your supreme officer is at the rendezvous, I will bring the Thunderous Brawler before them." I tell them as we put an end to the feed.

"Will you be heading out alone, Captain-Engineer?" one of my aides asked as he inspected a tablet.

"Bring the Thunderous Brawler in close and I shall depart on a smaller craft when we are near." I tell him as I move off of the bridge. Followed closely by a pair of decorated bodyguards. Through tunnels and passes, we went. All the way until we reached the onboard tram system.

"Altered stop, the Private Hangar." the driver manning the tram declared to all of his passengers. And while many did not respond because they could not, many others groaned at the lengthened journey. One passenger, in particular, couldn't help but squawk and thud about.

And, as they were here, I took advantage of the moment, "Are the heavy lancers ready to disembark?"

"The last of the ryphurgok are being moved into position and the last few pieces of gear are being approved for use. We will be ready shortly, Captain-Engineer." the rider explained to me before he looked up at his heavily-built steed. A mass of solid muscle hardened by a diet of stone.

"You are one of those you speak of?" I inquire as I wasn't quite expecting to see a majestic beast like this on the tram I was taking.

"I am, Captain-Engineer." he answers with a nod.

"Then all the best in your preparation. However, beyond this delay to that task, I would have you delay yourself further." I start to say to him before I made a pause to think about it. He was no officer, but he could be trusted to pass it on clearly.


"Notify the Lead of the Charge that he will be engaged in a different kind of operation. And that he is to join me out at the command post on the ground as soon as he can." I tell him to which he nods in understanding.

"Understood, Captain-Engineer, it will be done."

"I still hold the same confidence in you and your brethren, but let it be known we will be heading into a far more difficult situation." I tell him before I stand up as the tram reaches its destination. And, although my departure was not officially declared, it was still met with respect and professionalism by those nearest to me.

Though, as I was in a rush I did not respond in kind as I should have. I just kept my pace and went down the corridors until they opened up into a vast chamber. It was an active, busy place even with its purposes built around me and the other officers. So, I navigated it until I came upon a pilot standing at attention outside his craft.

"You are for me?" I questioned the pilot to which he silently saluted.

"Shall we accompany you further, Manufacturer-Commander?" one of my bodyguards asked. A question that made me stop on the ramp of the box-shaped craft.

"No, you are dismissed for the time being." I answered as I stepped into the modified troop transport. And I relaxed into one of the plump chairs and glanced out of the window. It was rare for me to ever see my beloved airship from this angle. So I made a point of enjoying it.

Thankfully, I had to make no call to the pilot as our path took us on a good enough view of the airship. And I just couldn't help myself, I took in all the sights that I could. Like someone would appreciate a tall woman, I found myself looking down at first. But, rather than a pair of heels, I was glad to see the full might of Prince Jhrartur's engineering talent.

A New Story-Class airship of the 'broadsider' categorization. They were named in part for the flowery speech he gave on the official formation of the Royal Jhermonikra Air-Navy. They were meant to mark a change in the fortunes of our proud union. A change of the grand kind, like how a story changes so quickly when the author wills it.

And to do it, we had a mighty machine that brought in more magic than entire cities! Through the funnel-tunnel wind directors, it went and then out through the six suction-expulsion vortex amplifiers. Or, through the seventy-two vastly smaller wind-lifters decorating the upper edges of the airship.

A lot of magic flowed into this machine and it all went right back out to lift her tremendous weight. But not all of it went out those six primary limbs of my vessel. A vast quantity was also set aside by the funnel-tunnels for our weapon systems. And they themselves could be treated as such should the need arise.

More than three-thousand magic and matter erasure cannons lined both of her sides. If we carried physical munitions, we'd have more weight in shot than anything out there. Even the grandest of land battles would have to have been fought again and again to match our total firepower. Yet, even with all those great guns, we had plenty of room for more.

The room, however, went to her counter artillery. That which protected us should we ever find such destructive guns turned on us. I had never found out how such weapons were made. But I slept far better knowing His Royal Highness, Prince Jhrartur devised a system that countered them perfectly.

My airship, the Thunderous Brawler, like all others was a might incarnate. Blessed by the Unassailbile, The Giver of Wind himself. We brought forth his will and enlightenment where ever we flew. But now, we came as saviours in a time of need.

The situation at the Long Battery Fort painted a clear picture. Its arguments for why such machines were built were clear and strong. Regular forces simply could not penetrate such masterful defensive warfare. It was no surprise that I was even heading out for a direct meeting with their supreme commander.

They were boxed into that pass and barely allowed to move out. And when the power of the Valkinvar came upon them, they were trapped. Left to be slaughtered so that the hope of a united continent could live on. I held the loss of life in contempt, but I pitied the officers who would survive.

Theirs would be a long journey to the graves and the fields set aside for the dead. So many would have to be hauled back to be honoured properly. By loved ones and divine protectors. But I was here now, the Thunderous Brawler was here now and we would see that stop.

There would be an equal and greater loss of life for the heretical enemy we faced.

"Manufactuer-Commander, we are coming up on the command post." my pilot informed me as I heard the small machine hiss as it revealed its limbs. And, as if it were yawning, the back opened up with a gentle gust of wind that went back into my face.

"Which way?" I asked the first soldier I came across. However, their face was hidden from me so I would get no vocal response. Only a temperamental and unclear gesture.

"Manufacturer-Commander!" called out someone not long after I headed in the direction of the raised arm.

"You are who I spoke to not long ago." I recalled as we greeted each other from a short distance.

"Yes, the Peak of the Army is within here." he answered as he urged me into the command tent. And we silently greeted each other. As we did that, his aides cleared the table and set off a magic device. One that detailed thoroughly what the situation was.

"As you can see, the enemy has pushed out across the Batterywatched Plains and blocked off the pass completely." he pointed out as they highlighted what must've been the last piece of reconnaissance they were able to get of the plains.

"They have made no attempts to push your army as it was turning away?"

"No, we believe that their vile god is satiated for the moment with the blood spilt." one told me.

"We know that the force that they cut off was sizeable, they have most likely exhausted themselves." another answered.

"They won't dare to push beyond the range of their fortress guns. We know no support is coming from them. Even with the delay to our advance, the surrounding land has been marched over and secured. They are cut off in their near entirety."

"But a pass remains open and I intend to see it shut." the Peak of the Army reminded everyone present before he groaned at the situation.

"Control of the siege will have to pass to me." I state bluntly. Thankfully, no contesting claims came from them. And they quickly submitted the authority to me.

"And how will you handle it?"

"We need to separate their regular forces from their witches. By bringing the Thunderous Brawler in along a clear line of sight. I will make the Valkinvar flee or come to me. Our guns and the few fighter craft we are in possession of will hold them should they choose to fight."

"And of those who are restrained to the earth?"

"They will be handled by a joint effort by our complement and our broadsides." I explain to them as I hover an item in the air by where I intended to bring my airship in. Right in the centre of the plains where I could occupy them completely.

"Your firing arcs would not be able to handle the lower fortifications or anything moving out across the plains." one of them pointed out to me. And, as if by divine providence, the man who would head it arrived before us.

"This is where the cavalry I once promised you would come in. Our Lead of the Charge will turn our enemy's own hubris against them. It is clear that by blocking the pass, they think they can stop our troops. I intend to use it against them." I explain as the Lead of the Charge walked up to the table. His impressive display of colours and order heraldry outshined even the most decorated within this tent.

"We could ready ourselves by loading the ryphurgok onto smaller troop transports. And, with the cover provided by the Thunderous Brawler, both visually and magically. We would be able to unload ourselves onto this man-made ground and charge down it and smash their forces apart on the open plains beyond."

"You would be charging right into our old fortifications." one of the likely withdrawn field officers pointed out.

"We have charged through worse." the Lead of the Charge confidently nodded.

"Then what of the lower fortifications of the Long Battery Fort? You would not be able to bring in any heavy weaponry."

"An issue that will be solved by us, but, should it prove necessary to break beyond the walls, I trust my cavalry commander to equip his men for such a task." I tell them with confidence to calm their worries.

"May Jhrarda lend you his strength, then." they began to say one by one. Or, it was something similar to that effect.

"I understand you have just arrived, but inform your men of the plan and its developments. We must act quickly and exploit the loss of our fellow man." I tell him with a grim tone.

"Of course, with the same haste as I have on the charge." he dramatically answered before he went off.

"Right, the rest of you have your duties to attend to. I shall have the tent for just us two, now." the Peak of the Army told his staff. And, quickly and quietly, they went off to handle their retreating force. I had to admit, I had no idea how such a task would go. All this victory had dulled my understanding of it.

This kind of setback was just unprecedented given the progress we have made so far. A centuries-long stalemate suddenly went in our favour because of airships like mine. Bloody sieges in the tight corridors of our homeland should've been a long-gone thought by now. Much less one where we'd be forced to retreat.

"I do not wish to see our branches conflict, Manufacturer-Commander."

"I feel the same, Peak of the Army. This war is meant to unify us, as strange as it sounds."

"I know, we all know. But every parent realises at some point a firm hand is needed to handle a troublesome child."

"Allow me to make it clear, regardless, though, that once this siege ends, we will make a point of guiding you further along."

"Even without his Royal Highness, Prince Jhrartur's approval?"

"I am sure he and his staff will understand the need for the support along this route."

"I suppose even his contacts can be wrong on occasion." they then sighed.

"The area was meant to be clear?"

"Yes, we had received assurances that the fortress had been abandoned in light of the Seventh Line being broken. Our army was not prepared to be fired upon by the guns of the fortress. Let alone worm what we needed up to the unexpected front."

"We can only make the best of what we are given. But, do not worry, we can handle this." I tell him, trying to reassure him with the confidence I had in my airship and her crew and complement.

"You'll have to forgive my bitterness. To handle this and then concede it to another." he groaned.

"We both find ourselves here with wounded pride, then."

"An airship's captain comes with wounded pride?" he scoffs mockingly.

"War-witches came to see us beforehand, they were aware of the siege and coerced us here with claims of cowardice." I explain to him, somewhat bemused by the whole affair in retrospect.

"He who proposes a headlong advance against a Valkinvar wing and their fortress came here because he was called a coward? Well, my mood has improved I must say."

"Fair enough, but, now, you can improve mine by telling me all you can about the Long Battery Fort." I let with bemusement at first before my professionalism took hold.

"Now, we have not seen all of her capabilities, but-"