Incline 44: Lord Burspharosa

"Make haste, I need this to be done in as short a time as possible." I command a courier to do before I get back to filling out more documents and cheques. With The Finest Cut behind me, many of my best men are tied up in investigations and smaller issues following my orders. It's not amounting to anything meaningful beyond giving the bureaucrats something to do and it is limiting my options. I may have a royal-signed order of clemency but my right to command my own troops is being restricted.

I need to rely on third parties who are largely subject to the authority of someone else. Mercenary companies, private contractors, modest businesses and government officials that I can otherwise bribe. My best option, however, I still need to arrange for as I cannot sway that man with money, I need to do it in person. Ideally with my senatorial attire on and present, maybe a religious appointment if it is at all possible to get the respect the position would give in so short a time.

I'm not holding my hopes over it and I am otherwise confident that I can convince a Thunder-Shogun to settle down in a specific place near the court. Coming to a stop with my writing, I look over to the map I've had set up in my office and lean back into my chair. My gaze shifting towards the painting of the Lady-Heir as a reminder of what may be encountered. Further on, a small note to remind my busy mind of the particular details regarding these golden locks.

The map becomes the centre of my attention again and a finger idly points in the direction I want to put my best defensive asset. There is a lot of hard to pass terrain in this area and I can otherwise make it impassable if I can get the Thunder-Shogun to settle down in that spot. I have the men already to fully envelop any approaching interference, but, such feared quality will only strengthen my position.

Once everything is set up and The Lady Bosphama is in chains on site, awaiting her execution, a courier will be dispatched. Unfortunately, I cannot have the esteemed noblewoman killed beforehand, the messenger must leave and return. Even then, the actual formalities must be followed although it is otherwise a settled case. A lot of opportunities for things to go wrong is all this is.

The Lady-Heir will find out about her mother's impending death and she will have a moment to act. Whatever she does do, though, will damn her, at least, in the most rational of worlds. This hair, however, the idea of it, anyway, I have my worries. My spies have long since kept me in the loop of the almost teenager state so many have been left in after a thunder-born woman visited.

"So which is it, Einervaene Bosphama, which... Is it?" I ask the painting with a frustrated sigh as there is so much to support what the painting shows. Yet, with word of how she is after the assassins went after her, I cannot be sure. The one thing I would love to believe in is that the Partahinobi have some hidden, mystical spell that can drain one of their power. It is pure folly, though, no such magic can ever exist in this world, it is simply impossible.

Only the tall tales of The Great Blank War have anything like this existing and in a land always blessed by the Lightning-Mountain, we shall never see such power.

"Hm, I suppose I need to find people capable of contributing a great deal of magic power into the sky on the day as well. Days leading to as well, quite possibly. If the air is too thick with the magic of many noble-blooded men and women, they'll never be able to fly in. If she does manage, well..." I mutter thoughtfully before my eyes move onto the painting as it my eyes seem to see it glow brighter than even the lights I am working under.

Turning away, I go to a cupboard and pull out a list of names I wrote down earlier and look them over. Guards, soldiers, servants, noblemen and senators, there's a lot of good and bad here in those likely to attend the execution. Spectators as well, cannot forget about them even if each one is a grain of something greater. All of this power needs to be focused into the sky while still not concerning the men carrying out the formalities with the authority of the Emperor.

"Oh, of course, a member of the Imperial Family will be present. Someone fairly developed seems the most natural of choices. Most wonderfully, a little ignorant or gullible as well." I remark under my breath before putting the list down. Returning to my desk, I start signing off and finishing more papers. The basket at my side quickly fills up and I notice a little too late with one of my scrolls rolling off.

Tutting impatiently, I get up to put it back and go to my office door, stepping out into the open once I do.

"Lord Burspharosa?" a servant questions as my gaze makes them buckle once they become aware of it.

"In my office is a series of orders, requests and paperwork. See to it that it makes it to the administration building so that they may distribute it to couriers and messengers." I order sternly, stepping aside so that they can quickly get in and out with what I need to have on the move. Going back in, the door clicks shut and I put my hands together, my elbows on the arm of my chair.

Putting the top knuckle to my lips, I look over the distribution of troops around some areas and consider their movement. It's all well and good to have many positioned in one spot to ensure there are enough to react to anything the Lady-Heir might try, but, I have no eyes. So much is focused around the site of the execution and I otherwise have a blind spot where untouchable troops are positioned. A lot of muscle and power though no eyes to guide such strength.

I guess I can pay off locals to serve as scouts and information relays like many do with shopkeepers. Depending on how well The Lady Bosphama has set up her daughter will make or break the time it takes for them to advance if they do. No, even with life being what it is, I should not think in possibilities. To be prepared for everything leaves the mind nothing to be surprised at. 

"I need to think beyond the execution and to the lands further beyond, the Lady-Heir's path is pretty clear cut. She has little time to do anything if she chooses to act so I can be calm regarding thoughts of flanking and clever, hidden manoeuvring. She's certainly not given me the impression of being some shadow-walker that you notice far too late. Grandeur as is fitting for noble blood guides her actions." I ponder in the open before having a quick, pointless flick through some madman's predictions of the weather.

Typical rubbish I've somehow found myself looking through in the event something comes of it...

My office door knocks.

"Who is it?" I ask loudly as I take the moment to escape my thoughts before they consume me into wasting my time. 

"Deohiur, Lord Burspharosa." the senator calls through the wood.

"One moment." I answer as I get up to unlock the door and I promptly let him into the mess I have been making.

"I wonder sometimes if you ever needed the support of those you have mustered." he comments and I resist the urge to shrug as I use the opportunity to pull out some accounts.

"Has there been any leeway with bannermen from anyone?"

"No, Imperial representatives are making a vocal point of extending the restrictions you face onto anyone under your influence."

"What a stupid condition." I scoff as this is a thing but I have no one stopping me from contacting the most ready available mercenaries and borderline brigands. The latter of which cost far more than they are worth and it's only to prevent looting because of pay-related resentment. Eugh, the greed of lesser men.

"I do believe, however, Lord Burspharosa, that we have a solution." Deohiur comments as I return to my desk, offering him a seat as I do so. He elects to remain standing and he turns to the map, getting a little too obstructively close but I'm letting it slide.

"If you are done figuring the positioning out, please move aside."

"Yes, sorry, Lord Burspharosa." he tells me as his finger remains lingering far away from the site of the execution.

"Will you be able to have your bannermen so deep within another noble's territory, let alone so close to the execution?"

"We are checking the specifics but we each believe we will be able to head small search parties."

"No, I need as many of you as can be spared to be at the execution so that we can pollute the sky with our power. Collapsing any chance that the Lady-Heir will be able to sneak in with some kind of rescue should she so choose to act so emotionally." I explain to him as this is not something we can prepare for in advance. The deadline to get troops and patrols into position will be far too narrow and I can't be setting aside my best yet if there's a chance I can have them in a place of density.

"Hmmm, I understand what you are getting at. Too insignificant of a member and they will not be able to do anything on patrol but you can't spare the quality either."

"Exactly. However, if you are able to get a better understanding of the arcane strength of those under my influence then I will be able to delegate those I am not too fussed about."

"Have you perhaps considered reminding the Imperial officials about the Partahinobi? Twist the truth slightly regarding their involvement in this whole affair."

"No, I have not given them much consideration as being used as an idea of a looming threat. However, regardless of any rumours of potential assassination, The Lady Bosphama is scheduled for execution. Her fictional death in this scenario would just complicate the recordings and documents, not invoke a meaningful and helpful response." I explain as I sign off on one more contract before wrapping it up and sealing it with wax.

"I was thinking more so in regards to you." Senator Deohiur clarifies as he steps in front of my desk with a straight back and squared shoulders.

"The Finest Cut gave me their assurances."

"To you, not to the city. Even I have only just heard of any word on their part. I was otherwise assuming you are too powerful for them to consider revenge strikes on."

"Only His Imperial Majesty has that luxury. Assassins try many different tactics when they do these sorts of things, but, they get what they want." I remind him as I think back on the many kinds of men that have been found speared, drained of blood, magically struck down or poisoned. The word of that old man is a valuable thing indeed, I am lucky to have that be the conclusion of my raid.

"Anyway, I believe you could and should give it a go if only to say that you did. I've worked with you long enough to know how your mind is right now. No mistakes are allowed."

"Would you prefer sarcasm or drolling?" I ask as I pull open a drawer for an extra jar of quill ink.

"I would prefer, Lord Burspharosa, that you try all the options available to you that are acceptable to your character. You as the man who held the fallen Senator Caetusi will be expected there on principle, more so now that you have stirred up quite the ruckus regarding his death." Senator Deohiur wisely puts it and I stop working, nodding slowly as I do so.

"Concerns like this should be able to force the hands of the Imperials and their systems. Either they will contribute further to security or they will ease up on what I may introduce. Hopefully." I ramble, admittedly.

"I will leave you to your work, Lord Burspharosa." Senator Deohiur declares with a bow.

"Oh, before you go, Senator, about the location of a Thunder-Shogun..." I remind him as it comes to the forefront of my own mind in the nick of time.