Incline 12: Grandguard Inerish

Taking in a deep breath and clutching the tablet tight, I struggle to take my hand off of the door. My body shakes as my lungs empty. The handle starts to move and I walk into the quiet but completely filled-out conference room. A rock of saliva scrapes its way down my throat.

Reaching my chair, it screeches along the floor and creaks as I sit down into it. Buckling under the possibly hundreds of eyes, I struggle to find a position. My legs cross over one another and then back again. I try keeping my hands on my flattened lap and...

They're shaking, they won't stop.

Blinking back the watery sensation in my eyes and croaking out a noise, I lean forward. Covering my mouth slightly, I close my eyes and go inside my head. I need to get to work, get my head working for a solution. We all do.

"As-... As you are all likely aware, the plan to use the Gnomon's main weapon has failed. The giant was able to deflect the weapon and then take it out. It has also shifted off of the predicted path and we have lost the mountain-state of Grimmicksal. Our... My previous choice has lost nearly the entire population. The surrounding area has also been reduced to being nothing more than fresh dunes for this desert." I tell my officers, frowning as I shift the blame for this entirely upon myself. While I am under the influence of the power of the current emergency, I must take responsibility when I can.

Forming a fist with one hand, the other starts to break it apart with its palm.

"I have called this meeting so that we can try and think of ideas to counter this giant. What we have previously theorised with high-magic concentrations remains to be the case. So, I would like to hear of any battle plans if any. Our previous battle line may be able to come into use, but, I have currently drafted an order that will halt their progress so they can be rearranged." I explain further, putting in what I need to get the map of the giant's progress up for all to see.

"In regards to Grimmicksal, Grandguard Inerish. I believe we should take this lesson to heart effective immediately." one man speaks and I look his way.

"What lesson do you find that to be? Our previous predictions for the path it was taking have proven to be... Bad." I say, unable to find a better word for what we were working with before. Those who played a part in its creation recoil slightly, their expressions almost paranoid.

One of them stands and she raises a finger slightly, "Grandguard Inerish... We're... We're sorry for our failures. We will get back to work as soon as you allow it so we can try and better predict the giant's path."

I nod and gesture for her to sit down so we can leave it at that. I don't want anything to escalate out of this as we cannot really hold them to account. This giant, machine or living, is an entity with a mind that's clearly capable of processing complex behaviour. What it used to stop the Gnomon's gun was the mark of a skilled swordsman, no doubt about it.

"Yes, please do that. Please have a look over all the data again and try and see if there's anything it is following. Whatever caused it to head to Grimmicksal is causing it to steadily turn back this way." I point out, highlighting the points of interest where it just starts to change direction. A natural junction in between the mountains existed before it walked that path, the same seems to be happening again as well.

"Grandguard Inerish, may I finish?" the officer from before asks, his voice withheld. 

"Continue." I say, nodding.

"While I respect that we cannot accurately judge the path of the giant. We need to start being proactive in the beginnings of a potentially national scale evacuation." he explains and I watch the map steadily change shape, wisp of air by wisp of air. It's almost like the pixels of a screen, watch carefully enough and the map reliably becomes more of a map of dunes.

"Are you confident that you will be able to, or will be able to inform the right people to get us up some form of danger model? Evacuating the entire south of the country is too vast a task. Especially when we need troops in the air and on the ground testing how hard we need to hit this giant." I point out, just in case their plans are a little too grand in scale.

"We should be able to do that, yes, but, even without, such a model..." he starts to say before he fiddles with the map. I do what I need to make it easier for him to edit and apply what he needs to.

A line of cities and a rough area is highlighted.

"Even without a model, we should prioritise anywhere within this region for evacuation. Though most of our airships and transports are in use for the efforts against the giant. You, Grandguard Inerish, are in the position to fully call upon the entire Dual-Republic's resources. All of Thrurstradtur-Suhurlodst is under your command and at your beck and call." he explains and then in turn reminds me. I nod and glance around the room.

"I will find someone to get me in contact with those who handle most air traffic. Every little airship we can muster will be put into use. Every spiral-train, every carriage and motor vehicle. I want them all contributing." I explain with a harsh feeling in my chest. The room mutters in agreement and a few even slip out without my allowance to get it done. I find myself able to smile a little, knowing I have capable men under my command.

One man in the back of the room manages to squeeze closer to the table, "And what about the towns and ravineers?"

I frown, knowing this is going to be a hard thing to tell him, "It may be the most prudent course of action to simply make a public broadcast. I'm sure we can divert small bomber craft to do leaflet runs or for more linger-capable machines to be fitted with speakers. However, I want our focus to be on the more densely populated areas."

"May I be excused so we can begin that process, then? There is a lot of ground to cover." he asks and I give him a quick nod and many more slip out with him. I guess it's easy to forget how many here are not actually from Thrurstradtur itself. They've migrated from their towns and villages on the slopes and in the valleys of the country.

I rub a thumb along my palm and note how lighter it is on my heart and mind when the room is quieter. Going through some things, I grab what I need and start to write down a fresh list of basic orders. I hand them to the man closest to me and he passes them on to another when it doesn't seem to concern him. I meet the eyes of those watching the orders go about.

"Those who are able to get started, please do." I say and most of the officers filter out to get back to work. All that remains are those most involved with our military affairs. The ones I need to rely on in our combined arms effort to bring the giant to its death throes. 

"Grandguard Inerish, now may be a good time to raise the threat level across all government institutions. While trying to keep it in the dark has served us fine for now, we are past that point. Spies are already reporting in heightened efforts from those who have managed to remain unscathed by the giant. Using the Guiders of the Gnomon has many worried. This city more so than any other." the aged veteran of many wars points out and I nod along in full understanding.

"Then we shall raise it, as high as it will go. I want the country and those looking into our affairs to know we are in a state of national emergency. However, I still want lips sealed as much as possible regarding our efforts against the giant. I want strict disciplinary actions taken against any who lets slip about the giant. We cannot afford hysterical panic." I explain and elaborate, my eyes catching sight of his hands moving about while he jots notes.

Sighing out some of the stress, I restore our map back to its previous state and I highlight our battle line. With the previous advance predictions worthless, we will need to reposition our troops. We know the radius of the giant's magic-destroying aura, so we need to account for that. But, I'm not sure if we will be able to reposition in such a way with the time we have.

"I believe we are at the point where we have two options as to how to handle this. Either, we reposition our forces greatly into another great line that we hold, or, we force the giant back to where we... Wanted... It to go." I tell them and a few immediately start to stew in their thoughts.

"Maybe we can increase the firepower of our probing attacks and get a better idea of how to change up the munitions at the battle line?" one man comes up with and another snaps his gaze over.

"That would take too long, we would need to be seamless for such an idea to work. I have doubts our logistics will be able to handle such developments even with the Grandguard benefitting from her emergency powers." another counters and the two start to devolve into a quieter, mutterier conversation.

"I will hear people speak or there shall be quiet." I speak up.

"Of course, sorry, Grandguard Inerish." the pair nearly answer the same.

"It is clear to me that we are in an awkward position. But, like with how it must've been to enter this room at the peak of its attendance density. We should be able to make something work. I want those who can be spared to be put into probing positions. Though the country is being gutted, we can be sure our borders are secure." I tell the lot of them and one raises a brow along with a hand.

"The Seven-Peaks Union of Jherikra is on a war footing against Waionr's Chosen Theocracy and you would have us leave our backs exposed?" he questions and I turn to him, my gaze set.

"My first act with these emergency powers was my willingness to use the Gnomon's weapon. Though I have yet to decide if it's worth trying again on the giant, we are more than confident it will work on any invading force. If a mountain-state within our area of influence wants to act up, the same will apply to them. We are being backed into a corner and that is when we will fight with the most ferocity. But, I expect the very limits of everyone's strength and effort regardless of how close the corner is." I explain, rising to my feet to vent some of this nervous energy.

"Yes, Grandguard Inerish." the room answers.

"Now, get to it. I want every man of the city guards to be relied on, all state troops called upon and the estate guards put through the need-know in preparation. We do not know how this aura affects our primary means of housing within the mountain-states. But, under the assumption all homes and estates that lose their portal source are destroyed... I want these firstborn sons ready to serve and not lost because their training makes them unobtainable. Though their responsibilities are being forced upon them earlier than expected, I am confident we will see them shine." I tell them with as strong a voice I can muster.

"Yes, Grandguard Inerish." the room answers again, the lot of them leaving me alone. The door shuts behind the last of them and I lean forward to sigh. I almost slip into a rageful roar. My eyes lock on my shaking limbs.