V4 Incline 48: Nin

Nodding as the helpful valley-rider gets back to his business, I hold the jupurse's reins and stare. Though I am tall enough and athletic enough to leap over the creature and land on its back. The man recommended I use some form of step until I am used to the motion. I'll also put less strain on the animal.

However, given how much it is moving, I may be best off with a full on clamp for the damn thing. For how old it's supposed to be, it sure is hopping around with a maddeningly vast reserve of energy. Rose-sweerui giggles as I try to keep the animal secure. She moves around to take the reins from me and puts her hand on the animal.

Her bulbs light up as she stares into the animal's aimless eyes. Whatever she is doing, it calms down and attracts an awful amount of attention from everyone else. The valley-riders watching us keep gesturing about ourselves and I try to follow their fingers. Rose-sweerui is countering my aura with her own?

Letting out a noise of thought, I get back to what I should be doing. Exploiting the calm, I step up and over the creature. Settling myself down as gently as I can, I try to keep my cloak over my legs. Rose-sweerui giggles as she looks at my new height. She sighs out a smile and holds the juperse's head closer.

Her smile grows, and she turns around, becoming my guide within a moment. The motivations driving her behaviour, however; I have a feeling are butt-heavy. With her tail flicking at my claws, it catches my attention. From there, it's an easy ride of watching the motions, marked by the peak of hips and the bare skin jiggle of her soft body. 

The town goes on by slowly, its noises distorted by the many valley-riders coming out of the settlement. Guards have the streets cleared and many offer small tokens of safety to those of us settling out. Yet, even with the usual practice these people probably have with each other... All eyes are on me once they are able.

I have many reasons to cite my guesses from, but nothing I can call a fact. The large man in a dark cloak and beak mask, higher still even with everyone else boosted by mounts. Though these men and women have spears, guns and all kinds of pole blades. I stand out more than any feathered cap or inlaid steel.

There's an uncomfortable air about those riding alongside me. Am I really that disproportionately powerful compared to everyone else? Does me being on a beast of war really sell that idea to those who never quite got it before? I guess it makes sense. Anyone can stand up to a police officer with his baton.

Far less are willing to rise up as the tank rolls in from behind him, even those with drunken bravery.

Entering the shadow of the town's wall, I look up to the top of it, partially meeting the gaze of those up there. Blinking slowly, I catch the edges of what must be heavier weapons facing the farms and ranches. All above is the sound of metal boots banging across the stone. The heavy snap of locks coming undone.

Wincing at the growing light, the town's thick gates open up. The maw of oak and iron yawns out Waionr's craft, but not me. Rose-sweerui pulls me aside and I put a claw up to stop my head smacking a structural support. Looking at her, I watch her expression lose its sense of pride.

"Please stay safe, my love," she mutters quietly, her eyes so full of sad emotion even with their shape devoid of anything but blackness. The joy she was laughing with earlier cannot even be forced out. She releases the animal and moves onto putting her head as close to my claw as possible. Leaning down for her sake, the insect-like creature I am on bobs up and down. A buzzing squeak coming out of its front.

"Make sure you stay here." I remind Rose-sweerui as she clutches tight. Her breathing staggers, and she nods. Gently, her points sound off her steps back. She looks around for a locale, the guards growing our gap.

"I promise, I'll be waiting at the temple!" she tells me, her body too far for anything but a raised voice. Nodding at her, I tip my hat in turn and focus my attention on the road. The juperse, with what feels like a trained instinct, rides on ahead without my input. Returning my eyes back to Rose-sweerui, I try to keep them on the increasingly anxious woman. Were it not for her luxury of being near the front, she would be lost to me. But...

The gates close with a heavy snap of its locking teeth.

All the juperses pick up in speed, the sound of the gates moving faster than even the furthest galloper. Almost like it's a command in and of itself, the permission the creatures need to get going fast. And, even old as my one is, fast they are. My grip tightens tremendously, even with the bewilderment of age lingering in my thoughts.

It doesn't take like for the gallops to be great hops of unending springiness. Even with my inexperience, I can tell what youth looks like for these creatures. Those of the greater valley-riders are almost gliding with each leap. But mine might as well be bumping along.

Taking the opportunity, I try to guide my animal along a higher point in the road. As the road expands into a surprisingly open valley, many of the riders disappear into the woodlands. Whatever race Shraymeaus is, many people like him join us out of nowhere, backs loaded with javelins. Further ahead, I spot a group heading our way, not the direction the rest are taking.

The Mounted-Captain stands out, even amongst his decorated men and women. He perches his juperse on a large rock, the approaching riders focusing on him. What can only be a report is handed to the man, and he looks them over. The head shakes from both parties make it clear nothing of note is here. We still need to find the bugs.

Henipiotch spots me, and he takes his hat in hand, taking it off in a wide wave. Oddly, his motion brings a lot of attention to the glitter of his pistols and sword. I awkwardly raise my hand in turn and the likely smirking man rides off. Frowning in thought, I bring one claw up and flex its three digits. Careful now... Careful, Nin.