Death of Waller

Constantine's P.O.V

Today has been the weirdest day of my life and trust me when I say I've had weird.

But this tops everything first I get arrested then meet a god and then get teleported to the middle of nowhere and now this.

when A.R.G.U.S arrived I thought I would back in my cell I didn't think one man... no god one god could do all this.

Lyla Micheal P.O.V

We were about to retreat we had just turn the chopper around only to find the God floating right infront us, glowing eyes and all with the axe looking more menacing than before.

"What was it you said Waller... oh yes drop the axe." his voice getting more powerful with each word.

Before we could react the axe had left his hands and taken out our rotor. "ma'am we've lost our rotor!" an agent by me spoke up " I CAN SEE THAT AGENT!" Amanda Waller was pissed as we headed straight down.


Elicron P.O.V

I watched the chopper crash down and flew straight after.

to my surprise there were two survivors one was Waller the other was none other than Lyla Diggle's wife and mother of little Sarah...well before Barry f*ck the timeline maybe I should stop that...

I decided to think about that later. " you you you... your a monster" Waller spoke looking at me with a look of defiance but I could see the fear hidden in her eyes and I admit I enjoyed it.

"No I am a GOD!"

And with that sent a laser beam straight at her and rid the world of her ' Good riddance ' I thought to myself I turned to look at Lyla who had pissed her pants and was sitting watching my every move just when I was about to speak a missile hit me right in my face.

Now you would think with me possessing observation Haki and all something like this would never happen but then again I just decimated a fleet by myself so I was a bit too confident.

Shrugging off the missle- thank you superman invulnerability - I look to the source to see a suprise suprise bat themed jet. I could've gone to battle once more but I just didn't want to, I went to Constantine and teleported out of there.

Batman P.O.V

I was heading to the source of the energy spike.

I was expecting a heated battle when I arrived but all I saw was destruction there were flames every where and pieces of unrecognisable scrap on the grounds the only clue of what they might have once been was the A.R.G.U.S symbol on them.

Through my search I saw Elicron standing in front of an agent who was clearly terrified, I launched a missile right at him and to my horror he just shrug it off.

I prepared my self for an all out battle but he was gone just like that gone.

I got to the ground and headed to the agent " where is Waller? " she shakily pointed to a black patch on the ground that was still smoking and it didn't take much to guess what had happened.

End of P.O.V


Unknown to everyone at the scene the battle had drawn more attention.


Lighting struck the ceiling of the throne room and with that eleven other flashes appeared in the throne room revealing eleven beings of absolute perfection.

One of the beings who sat elegantly on her throne with an owl perched on her shoulder spoke " why have you summoned us father." with that all attention was on the man who she addressed who was dressed in a white toga his beard and hair with grey streaks. he had a lightning bolt grasped firmly in his hand with sparks of lighting appearing periodically on him.

"Another god has appeared in our lands."