plans for the league

Me being pissed was an understatement I so wanted to punch that so called god who was responsible for all of this but I had bigger issues to deal with like a f**** Loki wannabe except Loki was actually likable.

I turned and realised Thawne was staring at me which reminds me using my xray vision I scanned the building luckily our fight didn't affect the particle accelerator.

I walked up to Wells but before I could speak lo and behold the batman appeared wonder where he was when I was getting my a*** handed to me."we need to speak" he spoke in his deep voice "later I responded turning to Eobard Thawne," what did he take?" he looked hesitant to respond at first but when he took a second look at batman and myself he changed his mind.

"He stole a prototype energy core." "Energy core?" "It is a device which draws free electrons from the atmosphere and keeps them in constant vibration and collision producing a constant stream of limitless energy." "great just great." my mind went into overdrive looking at every possible villan plans from the penguin's all the way to darkseid himself when batman spoke up reminding me he was there.

we left standing on top of a random building when batman began " who was that?" "Phytdn my brother." I replied but based on his expressionless face he already new that or he is just being batman. "what is he up to?" " I don't know I'm trying to figure that out but whatever it is I'm sure it's not good. " batman kept quiet for a minute then revealed some holographic pictures of labs then he began to speak.

" this are places around the world were your brother has attacked he stole technology related to both space and energy are you sure you don't know what he is up to? " after seeing pictures of the items stolen an idea popped in my head and I really wanted to punch god right then.

"I have an idea..... but if he is planning what I think he is then the Earth no the entire galaxy is in danger and I am not enough to stop him I'm gonna need help."

meanwhile all around the globe the hidden powers were alerted.


all the gods were present and for once they were of one mind.

"damn it I knew we should have killed that guy earlier now the earth is in danger."-Ares

"For once I agree with the meat head the world is in danger and we are powerless due to the ancient laws."-Athena

"No we are not completely useless we still have hope, we have her."-Hera


"my king, the waters seem troubled the marine life seem to speak of an imminent threat." a lady decked in a vibrant green armour with a golden crown.

The man she spoke to remained silent he wore green pants with his chest bare and covered in tattoos his long hair floating in the ocean suddenly his grip tightened on his golden trident.


"Mr Queen." a man in a suit appeared sitting by Oliver Queen who was downing another glass.

"The world needs you once more."


"billy!" a voice suddenly appeared in his head as he was dozing off during math " whoa!" he shouted drawing the class attention to himself.

"sorry" he apologised, the teacher not in the mood forgave him.

"The world needs you once more."


"I can do this all day mate." a punch followed after straight to his abs causing him to spit out blood just as another one was about to follow a voice spoke out.

"Stop!!!" the demon obeyed the order and stopped suddenly bleezebub appeared "John Constantine you really are a lucky man."

"what can I say lady luck fancies me." " The entire world hangs in the balance and for some reason you are needed. " hearing that John's growing smirk came to a halt "oh bullocks."