After some quick introduction we decided to split up Diana and Oliver would go to get Shazam whilst Bruce and I will be going to check on an urban Legend about a fishman.


Billy was walking home whilst having a very interesting conversation with the voice in his head " so you telling me that very soon the world will be destroyed. "


"man that s*cks"

"The is still one hope earths mightiest heroes are being called to battle."

" Hmm s*cks to be them having all the pressure on your shoulders thinking what would happen if you fail aaaaand.....I'm one them aren't I?"

"That is correct young Billy."

"Wait,wait there has got to be someone else right."

"Afraid not."

"Noooo I just got my powers last year I'm too young to die."


"so you a god as well." Oliver finally asked after the long journey Diana spared him but a glance and kept walking.

"No I am not."

"....what can you do then?"

"I am a godkiller"

"....!!!!! wait what."

"I was created by the gods to kill Ares which I did back during what is referred to by man as the first world war."

Oliver stumbled when he heard what she said his mind went into overdrive.

"wait what did you say WW1"

" yes that was the first time I came to man's world." Diana kept on walking oblivious to the struggle that was going on in Oliver's mind.

" so how old are you? " Oliver asked as he caught up to Diana at that moment the look he saw in Diana's eyes sent shivers down his spine. " don't you know is rude to ask a lady's age? " (A/N my condolences Oliver I have experienced this before.)

Oliver began thinking of ways to get out of his predicament when someone bumped into him "Ow!" the person exclaimed Oliver looked down to see a kid "sorry kid." but the kid ignored him and looked straight at Diana "Diana?!"

"Hello Billy"

"wait he is the one were looking for, he's just a kid."

"This is Oliver."

After moving to a more secluded place.

"Are you sure this kid can help us, I mean no offence but he is just a kid."Oliver argued as he couldn't see how this Kid could help the face a mad god and his army.

"Hey I take offence to that." Billy spoke up not liking the fact he was being talked about as though he wasn't there.

"But it is true kid, we are going up against an army I've got skills she is a god killer, we have the batman and a living god, compared to them what can you do."

At that Billy had a smirk on his face and Diana groaned as she knew what was about to happen but Oliver was confused out of no where Billy shouted "SHAZAM!" a huge lighting bolt came out from nowhere to strike the kid.

"Noooooooo!" Oliver exclaimed thinking the kid was dead but before he could move a buff dude a appeared before him in a white cape " let me reintroduce myself I am Billy Baxter Aka SHAZAM" Oliver just stood mouth wide open "....of course you are."


" Are you sure about this? "Bruce asked as they walked into a bar" maybe it's just what it is an urban legend. " Eli just smirked at his response then looked at the men who had their eyes on the new comers " I'm looking for the fishman."