Elicron appeared in a timely matter taking out the Alien ship "nah you were right on time." Shazam spoke up , Batman being who he is quickly overcame his shock "what happened to your brother?" " Another Clone I checked on top the building it's a diversion the real device isn't there " Eli spoke sharing his discovery.
"At leat there is only one portal we can definitely stop it" Arrow spoke up but just as he finished portals began to appear all around New York as if to prove him wrong. Every hero turned to him with a look that said ' you just had to say it didn't you' seeing the looks and the portals Arrow sighed " oh f***! " .
"There are too many we can't handle all of them" Wonder woman spoke up after assessing the situation "it's a good thing I'm here then" a voice spoke up drawing their attention, behind them was none other than Lyla Michaels with the entire of Argus behind her " my people have a perimeter around the entire city nothing is getting out of here.
Eli turned to Aquaman and Diana and they both understood. Aquaman was first smashing the but of his trident into the ground and the waves split open revealing the Atlantean army shocking Shazam " holy guacamole " Diana smiled as portals appeared beside her first came the Amazons followed by another group which Eli was not expecting to see in the Arrowverse, the demigods led by none other than Percy freaking Jackson now we had an army.
The aliens started swarming out of the portals in droves followed by the massive ships similar to the one Eli took down covering the entire sky Eli seeing this spoke up " when this is over let's get some Pizza " everyone gave him a are-you-serious look only on Latino kid in an orange t - shirt on top of a bronze dragon jumped up shouting" I'm in! " only to be pulled down by his friends "Leo down!" Eli laughed at that flying into the sky to sky shouting " Justice League Advance" the entire army followed behind attacking any enemy before them.
Eli flew and all massive ships turned and fired at him when he remembered a scene from legends of tomorrow he floated in the sky and time stopped around him and the energies flew back at the ships and lighting up the sky like the fourth of July.
meanwhile in the streets a group which had managed to hide so far was discovered by the aliens and were about to be destroyed when a huge pentagram appeared infront of them protecting them and turning the aliens to dust "I hate aliens" a voice resounded from the shadows , a man with shaggy blond hair along with a trench coat with a cig in his mouth turning to the stunned civilians " anyone got a lighter." everyone shook their head at the same time as though rehearsed before " bullocks" the man walked infront of the Aliens a blast suddenly came from the side he narrowly avoided the blast but the heat lit his cigarette turning to the side where there was another alien with a strange device at hand" thanks mate." waving his hand the Alien caught flames and turned to cinders " okay let's make this quick I have got a god to find. "
This man was none other than John Constantine.