*boom* *boom*
clash after clash the two gods were fighting all over the city causing wanton destruction. Phytdn rushed in with his spear releasing an attack which turned the aliens it hit into dust immediately after Eli avoided it.
Rushing from above Eli rammed into him before he could react sending him through buildings and crushing into the street creating a massive crater in the street Eli quickly flew up summoning his axe and releasing an attack that tore through the sky and slammed right into Phytdn. the people watching the battle from afar were stunned the could not comprehend the scale of battle they were seeing.
"Stop staring get the people out of here the entire place is going down." Lyla gave out orders to the soldiers who had paused to watch the battle as she shot down aliens with her Ak, the soldiers came back to their senses and began to move the civilians out of the city. looking above she saw the gods who were battling above, which each strike changing the atmosphere it seemed as though the world was ending.
meanwhile at grand central both Wonder woman and shazam stood before the portal taking out any aliens shazam firing aliens with lightning bolts and wonder woman using her swords to slice the aliens apart.
"damn it there is no end to these things!" Shazam shouted as he saw the aliens start to group up and increase in number, his arms were beginning to tire out. Wonder woman shouted from beside him get back, without thinking twice he jumped back as he did he saw Wonder Woman formed an X with her arms and slammed her braces( if I got it wrong please tell me) together creating a shockwave sending the aliens back and caused the portal to destabilise for a moment.
the shockwave attracted even the batman's and Aquaman's attention, "Damn!" Aquaman spoke as he stabed an alien with his trident. "focus" Batman spoke exploding some aliens " alright let step this up " saying so Aquaman summoned the water in the atmosphere and soon it was raining daggers and the aliens began dropping like flies.
Batman gaining some breathing room turned to the entrance which they were protecting, wondering how long it was going to take for Oliver and Constantine to take down the device.
////with John and Oliver.
"these things keep coming" Oliver spoke up as took down an alien he was running low on arrows and so he had to do some hand to hand combat the person he was protecting had sat down some time ago and began to chant.
"Constantine! I swear to god if you don't get up I'm going to put an arrow into you!" Oliver shouted as he was annoyed he had to deal with the aliens on his own when suddenly John open his eyes which were now glowing, and with one word all the aliens around them were gone as though they never existed.
" you couldn't have done that earlier?! " Oliver questioned annoyed as he took a seat to recover his energy." Oh don't get your knickers in a twist mate I was searching for the device which is right....." performing some hand signals signals the space before them began to distort and then revealed a weird looking device which was emitting energy, anyone could tell that was what they were looking for.
Constantine rushed to the device to end this once and for all but after a while he shouted" Bullocks!" "what now?!" Oliver asked as he was tired of Aliens.
In the sky above Phytdn could sense that the barrier he placed around the device was destroyed and tried to rush back to the device " not on my watch." Eli spoke as he controled a truck to slam into Phytdn sending him far away" your opponent is me." Eli hovered in the sky as he looked down on Phytdn.