A New Kryptonian?

The D.E.O was in a frantic state, they expected the battle to be like the regular battles that occurred between Superman and Luthor but a sudden unexpected appearance from an alien they were almost positive was an alien. The thing that truly frightened them was the battle that ensued between the alien and superman.

"Do we have an idea what species the alien might be?" Hank Hankshaw asked whilst looking at the video of the alien beating down superman, " Negative sir, but our people are leaning more to him being a Kryptonian. " "Another one..... the last time Kryptonians payed and unexpected visit we lost half of Metropolis." there was silence after his words. No one could forget the day general Zord came with the intent to concur the earth and they were helpless against him, all they could do was rely on the man of steal yet now the man of steel couldn't even stand against this guy.

" I want every last peice of kryptonite brought out for storage prepare for anything. Agent Danvers " "yes sir" Alex Danvers came up to him " the alien shouldn't have left the city just yet, find him." " on it " Alex Danvers turned to leave, Hank looked once again at the image of the new alien muttering to himself "who are you?"

meanwhile said alien was talking to one man of steel

Clark stared at Elicron along with the rest of the people at the coffee shop stunned at how much he could eat and also at his identity "....so you're a god? I thought there was only one " Clark spoke up " nope your wrong there are lots of us at least enough to be divided into both old and new gods. " Eli spoke whilst stuffing his mouth with another croissant " so which are you? " " I'm an old god. ".

Clark was slumped in his chair digesting the new information, Elicron at the same with his earlier conversation had figured out he was in earth 38, well..that and the fact that Clark Kent looked a bit like Tyler Heckling also from his information supergirl was close to her debut as she had already saved Alex's flight and should be working with Winn to design her suit.

"When you first appeared I thought you were a kryptonian" Clark spoke up drawing Eli from his thoughts " hahaha trust me Clark I'm way above your kind. " Clark stared at him for a while before asking the question that was bothering him since he first saw Eli " so why are you here? " suddenly the atmosphere became a serious one and Eli looked at him with eyes devoid of his previous carefree manner " The Crisis is coming " " The what?"

In Bellreve Prison

Lex Luthor sat comfortably in a cell which was too luxurious to be a cell when a lady approached. " have you done as I asked?" he raised his head to look at the lady who was dressed sharply in her suit " yes sir and your assumptions might be right he might be a new alien." Lex rose his brow at that "Kryptonian?" " our spies tell us the DEO believes so" the lady replied " Hmm yet Kryptonite does not work on him....intriguing. " " there is more sir. " The lady interrupted Lex thoughts " enlighten me." Lex stood clearly interested in the new Kryptonian.

The lady moved on to reveal the video of Eli beating superman, Lex stayed silent watching the video even watching over and over again after half hour " I think I'll cut my stay short this time." moving back Lex pressed a button revealing a secret exit, turning back to face the lady you know where to find me.