The Start of The Game

(A/N: I can't find the year part of the date for Naruto so I made it so that Naruto is born in the year 2000. It'll everything easier to remember… at least for me that is.)

Looking out the window, I can see more than two-thirds of the village with the Hokage Monument in the distance that have four heads.

"I wonder what time in the storyline I'm in," I said, wondering to myself until a blue box appears in front of me.

[Date: April 1st, 2010. 10th years after Naruto is born.]

"..." I stare at the text box. I didn't think this 'Game' will answer my questions. From the stories I read, the game mostly only updates you on your stats, skills, quests, and conditions. I suppose it's not a bad thing to have.

First things first. "Stats"

[Name: Sen Hiroki

Age: 11

Level: 1/50

Rank: F-

HP: 100%

CP: 100%

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Construct

Vitality: F-

Strength: F-

Agility: F-

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: F-]

"So the stats aren't represented by numbers but letters? What do these letters even mean?" I said, thinking to myself again.

[Rank - Measure your overall combat power

HP - Measure how close you are to death

CP - Measure your chakra reserve, faint once CP reaches 0%

Vitality - Measure how much you can get hit and keep going.

Strength - Measure how much you can hit, lift, and carry

Agility - Measure how fast you move and react

Chakra - Measure how much chakra you have

Chakra Control - Measure how good you can control your chakra]

[Low Level Academy Students = F-

Academy Students = F

High Level Academy Students = F+

Genin = D-, D, D+

Chunin = C-, C, C+

Jounin = B-, B, B+

1-7tail/S-Class/Kage = A-, A, A+

8-9 tail/Madara/Hirashima = S-, S, S+

Reanimated Madara = SS-, SS, SS+

Ten Tails Madara = SSS-, SSS, SSS+

Kaguya = EX]

"Oh, right. I should remember that the game can answer questions. Well, if my stats aren't measured in numbers then what happened when I level up?"

[Every level gives 5 stat points. It takes one stat point to improve any stat by a stage(F- to F). Every rank the number of stat points needed will go up by one.]

"So if I have a D- on one of my stats, I'll need 2 points to upgrade it?"


"That means I'll need… 5 stats per level will get me to get to D- in all stats in just 3 levels, I'll need 6 more levels to get from D- to C-... and 24 levels to get from SSS- to EX which I assume is the highest level stats… wait. That all add up to 108 levels. If I'm reading the status screen right, the max level is 50. That means I can only reach the Kage level if I balance all my stats."

[Stats can be improved by training as well as using stat points. Stat points can also be acquired from quest and special events.]

Oh… that makes a lot more sense. Still, I guess I should be more careful about how I assign my stat points in the future. Sigh, and here I was hoping I'll be able to cheat my way to becoming more powerful… I guess this game isn't called the 'Game of Life' for nothing.

"What about my age? How come I'm 4 years younger than I should be?"

[Age is lowered to help with the chances of survival and given more time/opportunity.]

So the game made me younger to give me more time to get more powerful? I won't argue with that then.

"Does this game have other things too like store and storage?"

[Yes. Please says Menu.]

"Alright, Menu"






Lucky Draw]

Since Skills comes after Status, I click on Skills.


Gamer's Mind - Allow the user to think logically in intense and highly emotional situations as well as retain all skills that the user learned or acquired. Immunity to psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body - Allow the body 'learn' all skills acquired through the game and keep the body in top condition even after not training for a long time. Does not cure stasis conditions such as poisons or injures.]

"So this game doesn't turn my whole world into a game like the other? Does that mean that if I lose a limb, or get hurt I can't just sleep it off?"


"*Sigh, it's not as good as the original Gamer ability but I guess it's better than nothing. Onto the Quest section then."

[Quest: There are three types of quests.

The first are goals the user set for himself with the rewards being what you gain during and after the quests. Ninja missions also count as goal quest.

The second is Hidden Quest. Hidden Quests are achievements that give rewards by the Game once it's complete.

The third type of quest is World Quest. Once a World Quest is triggered, you can choose to do them or not. World Quest often have multiple outcomes that'll affect the world around you. The rewards will be given by the game depending on how hard the outcome is to achieve as well as how much is changed.]

"Events quest sounds important… I hope I don't have to do them often. Now let's check the storage."

[Storage - Time doesn't move in storage. Can't store living things.]

The storage show a 10 by 10 grid space. It's not the infinite space I was hoping for but I guess it's better than nothing. I click on Store.





GP - 0]

There are three sections to the store with bloodline grey out. "Why can't I buy Bloodlines?"

[Condition not met.]

"What is the condition then?"

[Information not available.]

So I won't be able to get other bloodlines until I unlock it. I guess that means there are no OP wood style and Sharingan for me then. Well, it's not like I can buy anything with 0 GP… "Let's just see what Lucky Draw is then."

[Lucky Draw - Spin a wheel for a chance to get a random item from the store. Uses a Lucky Draw Card. Cards can be bought in the store or get as a reward for quests.]

"It says 'a chance to get'. Does that mean I there is a chance I will get nothing?"

[Yes. Every time Lucky Draw is used, 60 items, 30 skills, and 9 bloodlines are chosen randomly for the wheel with 100 slots leaving one space blank.]

So a one percent chance to get nothing. That's pretty small so I probably won't get it unless I'm really unlucky. Well, that's everything for now… Oh, wait.

"Game, don't I get a starter package or anything?"


Hidden Quest Complete: Ask for starter package

Reward: Starter Package]

Huh? What do you know, I wasn't sure that'll work. "Open the package."

[Starter Package:

Item Lucky Draw Card

Skill Lucky Draw Card

100 GP]

"I can guess what those cards mean but, Game, can you show me their description?"

[Item Lucky Draw Card - Fills 99 slots with items only

Skill Lucky Draw Card - Fills 99 slots with skills only]

Yup, I guess that besides normal cards, I can get special cards like these.

"Use both cards"

[Ding! You got,

Item: 10,000 Ryo

Skill: Perfect Stealth]

I stare blankly at the skill making sure it's really what I think it is. "G-Game, show description for Perfect Stealth," I said, stuttering from trying to contain my excitement at the new skill.

[Perfect Stealth - the ability and knowledge to hide anything from anyone as well prevent people from tracking you.]

"YE." I was going to yell in excitement but quickly cover my mouth. I'm in an apartment so I'll probably annoy my neighbors if I yell. Speaking of apartment

"Game, how come I'm in an apartment and not in an orphanage?"

[You have been given the status as the last member of your bloodline and a ninja in training as such, you are given protection and benefit from the village until you become a ninja and can provide for yourself.]

"I didn't know Konoha have something like that."

[It's a program created by the Third to get Naruto his own place after finding out how the Orphanage is treating Naruto. Since he can't just show such favoritism, he created the program for 'future ninja' of the hidden leaf.]

I guess that makes sense. Explained why Naruto was living by himself. Since I can't think of anything else to ask the system, I guess it's time to head out and explore Konoha.