Time Skip 2

(A/N: Chapter 15: The time skip chapter or in other words, the info dump chapter. It has been a slow setup but the story of the Ninja named Hiro finally starts next chapter.)

It has been almost a year since I was transported here. I can safely say that it has been an eventful year. My current status and skills are

[Name: Sen Hiroki

Age: 12

Level: 17

Rank: D

HP: 100%

CP: 100%

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Construct

Vitality: D-

Strength: D+

Agility: D

Chakra: B-

Chakra Control: B+

Points: 85]

[Skills: Gamer's Mind Lvl-Max, Gamer's Body Lvl-Max, ID Create Lvl-8, ID Escape Lvl-8, Perfect Stealth Lvl-Max, Observe Lvl-Max, Meditation Lvl-2, Leaf Concentration Exercise Lvl-Max, Tree Walking Lvl-Max, Water Walking Lvl-Max, Rasengan Training Lvl-2, Eidetic Memory Lvl-Max, Taijutsu Lvl-3, Throwing Weapons Lvl-3

Jutsu: Substitution Lvl-Max, Transformation Lvl-Max, Clone Lvl-Max, Chakra Construct Lvl-Max, Chakra Absorb Lvl-2, Mind's Eye of the Kagura Lvl-4, Hidden in the Mist Lvl-Max, Water Style: Liquid Bullet Lvl-Max, Rasengan(locked), Shadow Clone Lvl-1, Shuriken Shadow Clone Lvl-1, Eight Inner Gates Lvl-0]

Just from my status screen alone, I can see how much improvement I made. I already have Jonin chakra and chakra control and my physical abilities are already approaching Chunin rank. I can't wait to get a Jonin sensei, hopefully I can successfully take Neji's place on Team Guy. He will be the best person to help me train my physical skills.

I started training with weights too. I found out that just having chakra will counteract the side effect of training with weights as long as I don't go overboard. I didn't do it by myself though. It'll be stupid not to use the resources that are available since I have an academy full of ninja teachers. I often ask them for help if when find something I don't understand and have them help me come up with training plans. I don't want to start something only for it to end up being useless or worse, have a negative effect on me.

I'm not worried about Donzo finding out about me and taking me to Root because the program that gives me and Naruto's an apartment room also includes letting us live 'normal' lives so we can continue our bloodline. If the Third allows Donzo to take me, someone that's part of the program, then it'll only be a matter of time until Donzo can take Naruto too. I'm sure the Third knows that.

I also started my water walking training a little after I taught Hinata Meditation. I was able to master it in less than a week bringing my chakra control up to B-. For a month afterward, I was stuck trying to figure out how to improve it further.

After researching for a few days, I found out that the next step is shape manipulation. I forgot that it was a thing since most ninja just skips shape manipulation and go straight to nature transformation with hand seals. I decided that the best way to practice shape manipulation is to do the Rasengan training.

Even if I already have the Rasengan skill, I can't use it because I don't have enough chakra control. Doing the training will improve my control and it's the only shape manipulation training I can remember. I also got a Rasengan Training skill shortly after I started, to keep track of my progress.

[Rasengan Training(Active/Passive)

Lvl 1 - (Active) Pop a water balloon with chakra. (Passive) Rank B chakra control

Lvl 2 - (Active) Pop a rubber ball. (Passive) Rank B+ chakra control

Lvl 3 - (Active) Create a Rasengan in an air balloon with poping it. (Passive) Rank A- chakra control

Lvl 4 - (Active) Create a Rasengan in less than a second. (Passive) Rank A chakra control]

You know how people keep saying that the Rasengan is VERY HARD to do. They weren't exaggerating. Even after almost a year of training, I only reach level 2. Of course, at my current level, I can summon a Shadow Clone to help me out.

[Shadow Clone(Active)

Lvl 1 - Create a shadow clone

Lvl 2 - Create up to 5 shadow clones

Lvl 3 - Create up to 10 shadow clones. Reduce hand seal to one

Lvl 4 - Create up to 20 shadow clones. No hand seal needed to create up to 10 shadow clones]

With the shadow clone helping me, I managed to create a Rasengan but I don't want to rely on that method like Naruto because I don't have as much chakra as he does.

I also learned Shuriken Shadow Clone I got from the Scroll of Seals after meeting the requirement.

[Shuriken Shadow Clone(Active)

Lvl 1 - Create a shadow clone of a shuriken

Lvl 2 - Create up to 2 shadow clone of a small throwable object

Lvl 3 - Create up to 5 shadow clone of a small throwable object

Lvl 4 - Create up to 10 shadow clone of a small throwable object. Reduce hand seal to one

Lvl 5 - Create up to 10 shadow clone of a throwable object the size of a Fuma Shuriken. No hand seal needed]

Along with practicing Shuriken Shadow Clone, I got the Throwing Weapons skill.

[Throwing Weapons(Active)

Lvl 1 - 50% accuracy on a stationary target

Lvl 2 - 75% accuracy on a stationary target, 50% accuracy to hit where you are aiming

Lvl 3 - 100% accuracy on a stationary target, 75% accuracy to hit where you are aiming at a stationary target, 50% accuracy on a moving target, throw up to 10 projectile with 5% less accuracy for each projectile.

Lvl 4 - 100% accuracy to hit where you are aiming at a stationary target, 75% accuracy on a moving target, 50% accuracy to hit where you want on a moving target. throw up to 10 projectile with 3% less accuracy for each projectile.

Lvl 5 - 100% accuracy on a moving target, 75% accuracy to hit where you want on a moving target, throw up to 10 projectile at the same time with 1% less accuracy for each projectile.

Lvl 6 - 100% accuracy to hit where you want on a moving target, can change projectile in mid-air by hitting it with another projectile, throw up to 10 projectiles without losing accuracy.]

I'm not worried about getting caught practicing something I didn't know because every time I want to do something I shouldn't, I use my sensory skills to check if anyone is around. If no one is around to notice me, then I used Perfect Stealth or enter an ID to practice whatever it is I wanted to.

As for the other skills I stole from the Scroll of Seals, I don't have the requirement to learn most of them yet. Flying Thunder God and Impure World Reincarnation need me to get a high-level Fuinjutsu skill which I haven't even started on. I have the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Scroll but the scroll is too complex for me to learn anything from. Just from looking at it already give me a headache.

Multi Shadow Clones require me to have A- rank chakra control or A+ rank chakra. The Eight Gates require me to have at least rank C+ Vitality but unlike the other, I can still use it which is why I have the skill but it's still level 0. The downside is that I lose 1% HP per second for the first gate and double for every Gate open after the first one. That means that if I open the 7th gate, I'll barely last one second before dying.

Finally, there is Strength of 100 Seal which doesn't use Fuinjutsu like I thought it would but it requires me to have at least rank S- chakra control. Too bad Strength of 100 Seal doesn't contain the Tsunade's Creation Rebirth technique. I'm not going to risk going back to the Scroll of Seals to see if the scroll have it because even if I have Creation Rebirth, I'm not even going to attempt to use it. If I messed up, I might end up giving myself chakra to enhance cancer or something equally bad. I do have an idea of how I can improve Strength of 100 Seal though.

I wasn't the only one who improved. Naruto also improved a lot after he started training with me. His current stats are

[Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Age 11

Rank: D

HP: 100%

CP: 100%

Kekkei Genkai: None

Vitality: D+

Strength: D

Agility: D

Chakra: SS-

Chakra Control: F]

He improved a lot compared to other kids in his class. It can be seen when he fights against Sasuke in a class sparring match. Before he would lose in a couple of moves or even after just one move but now he is able to fight more evenly with Sasuke. He still loses most of the time but he is now able to keep up with Sasuke.

Sasuke has also been training harder because he doesn't want to lose to Naruto. They tie in one of their matches once and Naruto went around boasting to everyone. The next time they fight, which is a month later, Sasuke beat up Naruto again after a couple of moves. During that month, Naruto was too busy bragging and didn't train as much and when I found out that Sasuke has been training harder, I didn't bother correcting his mistake and let him lose to Sasuke instead. Naruto hadn't been slacking since.

One thing I found weird is that Naruto didn't seem interested in Sakura like he did in the story. I guess the theory that he only like Sakura because she is popular he wanted a lot of friends is true… or he just hasn't started liking her yet. It could be either one, I'll just have to wait and see.

Hinata, on the other hand, didn't improve much.

[Name: Hyuga Hinata

Age: 11

Rank: F+

HP: 100%

CP: 100%

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan

Vitality: F

Strength: F

Agility: F+

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: C-]

Aside from her chakra control which improved a lot thanks to me teaching her the tree-climbing exercise, everything else only improves a minor bit. Hinata doesn't really train with us except for a few times I caught her spying on Naruto and forcing her to join us. Even then it's mostly just me helping her with meditation.

Even though she didn't train with us, she still kept up with her meditation. She even managed to reach the second level of meditation before me even though I have been doing it longer than her. Her awareness of her surroundings also improved a lot after she reaches level 2. I can't sneak up to her like before and every time I want to do so, I have to use Perfect Stealth. Currently, I'm debating if I should teach her the third level of my meditation and sage mode when I have it figured out.

Aside from those two, I have also been keeping track of the rest of the Konoha 11 and Sasuke's progress. Sasuke isn't part of the Konoha 11 because it was created after he deflected.

[Name: Rock Lee

Rank: D-

Age: 12

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: D+

Strength: C

Agility: C

Chakra: F

Chakra Control: F+]

[Name: Tenten

Rank: D-

Age: 12

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: D-

Strength: D-

Agility: D+

Chakra: D-

Chakra Control: D]

[Name: Hyuga Neji

Rank: D

Age: 12

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan

Vitality: D

Strength: D-

Agility: C-

Chakra: D+

Chakra Control: C-]

[Name: Uchiha Sasuke

Rank: D-

Age 11:

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan

Vitality: F+

Strength: D-

Agility: D+

Chakra: D+

Chakra Control: D-]

[Name: Nara Shikamaru

Rank: F+

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: F+

Strength: F

Agility: F

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: D+]

[Name: Akimichi Choji

Rank: F+

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: D-

Strength: F+

Agility: F

Chakra: D-

Chakra Control: F+]

[Name: Yamanaka Ino

Rank: F

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: F-

Strength: F

Agility: F

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: D-]

[Name: Inuzuka Kiba

Rank: F+

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: F+

Strength: D-

Agility: F

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: F]

[Name: Aburame Shino

Rank: F

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: F

Strength: F

Agility: F

Chakra: F+

Chakra Control: D-]

[Name: Haruno Sakura

Rank: F-

Age: 11

Kekkei Genkai: none

Vitality: F-

Strength: F-

Agility: F

Chakra: F-

Chakra Control: D-]

The ones that improved the most are Lee and Neji. Lee because of his training and Neji because he didn't want to lose the spot of top shinobi to me. Too bad for him, I got Eidetic Memory so I easily beat him on the academic side of things. As for the practical side, I can do the academy 3 Jutsu without hand seal, not that I'll show people that. I only showed them I can do it with one hand seal, and I even managed to beat him a couple of times during taijutsu practice.

I manage to win because we weren't allowed to use ninjutsu during the fight so Neji wasn't able to seal my chakra pathway or use 8 Trigrams: Palm Rotation if he even knows it at this point in time. Because of that, I took the stop as the top shinobi of our class.

Aside from training, I also manages to improved my relationship with the people I know and became friends with the rest of the Konoha 11. My relationship status is


Naruto: 100

Lee: 91

Tenten: 70

Hinata: 50

Ayame: 50

Shino: 49

Shikamaru: 41

Choji: 41

Kiba: 35

Ino: 28

Sakura: 21

Iruka: 20

Ko Hyuga: 20

Shikaku: 20

Teuchi: 20

Kakashi: 20

Hiruzen: 12

Hiashi: 11

Neji: -19]

Everyone beside Neji have a positive view of me. Neji didn't like me because I keep proving his 'fate' believes wrong and because I'm taking his spot as the top shinobi of the year. As for everyone else, it was easy to become their friends. The hard one to befriend would have been Shikamaru but I manage to get a good first impression on him in the beginning. There's also Sasuke but he's still in his emo phase so I didn't bother getting to know him.

All the adults' points are stuck as 20 because they consider me as a kid before a friend. I got points for Hiruzen and Kakashi when I start to train Naruto and they confirmed that I wasn't trying to take advantage of him through months of spying.

Hiashi got information from Ko that I'm helping Hinata train and his opinion of me improved a bit. It improved even more after my training with Hinata show visual improvement for Hinata. As for Ko, he's just happy that Hinata got more friends.

Lee came to train with Naruto and me a few times if only to refine his taijutsu skills. Even now, his training regime is overkill for me and Naruto. He drag us to train with him once, both me and Naruto almost couldn't get up the next day. Me because I was too tired and Naruto said he was sore all over. I would've been sore too but I later learned from the Game that even if Gamer's Body doesn't fully recover my HP by sleeping, having a good night's sleep helps speed up HP recovery. That little bit about the Gamer's Body changed after an update. It's a little surprising that Gamer's Body worked better than Naruto's healing factor he got from Karuma.

I continue to play shogi with Shikamaru because I wanted to improve my ability to plan ahead. Out of the hundreds of games we played, I only managed to beat him a dozen times but that's enough to get some points for Shikamaru, Choji, and Shikamaru's dad since so far, no one in his age group manages to defeat him.

Shino and Kiba are easy to befriend with Kiba being a hyperactive kid and Shino not having many friends outside of his clan. I visited the Yamanaka flower shop once and saw that Ino have already started working there and helping her parents already. I talked with her for a bit, then meet her a few times at the academy and became friends with her. Sakura is still friends with Ino at that time so I got to know her too.

Hinata and Ayame's points are still capped at 50. I know that my relationship with Hinata will improve when I tell her I became the top shinobi of the year so I haven't done anything with her yet. Ayame, on the other hand, I have no idea how to improve my relationship with her so I just continue to be friends with her, for now.

As for Tenten, her points capped at 70. The game said that for it to improve more, I have to take her on a date which I haven't done yet because I wanted to get as many girls to fall for me before I start to date them… and also because I've been too embarrassed to ask.

*Cough* Moving on. I decided that even if I can't get more girls to fall for me, I'll ask her out after we graduate and get her points over 90 as fast as possible.