Fighting Guy 2

'Mental note, don't get distracted in a fight. It's a great way to get yourself hurt or killed,' I thought as I got up and help Lee up to his feet. He looks a little winded from that kick.

"You ok?" I ask Lee

"I'm fine! I can still fight!" Lee said with way more energy in his voice than a person should have. Especially one that just got kicked hard. Tenten joins us to check if we're ok.

"Since that didn't work, why don't we try something else. Lee, you are the physically strongest of us so you focus on trying to push Guy out of his circle while Tenten and I keep him occupied." I told them.

"You know, I can hear you planning from over here right?!" Guy yell at us.

"I know! But it's just a basic plan that you can't do much to plan against even if you know about it!" I yell back

"Tenten. This time, instead of trying to make him move, focus on trying to make him not hit Lee."

Tenten nod.

"Lee, go first. I'll be right behind you." I said as I create four chakra kunai.

Lee runs at Guy again but before he reaches Guy, I throw all four kunai. One at his face, one at his stomach, one at his left knee, and the final one at his right foot. The one heading for his head missed but all the other one went for their intended target. Still, Guy is somehow able to wave through all the kunai just in time to block a punch from Lee.

As Guy tries to kick Lee away again, I kunai from Tenten is thrown at his leg forcing him to stop or risk injuring his leg. The kunai bought Lee enough time for me to reach Guy and try to trip him since he's only standing on one leg. Too bad I forgot to pay attention to his hands and got punched in the face for my effort.

It wasn't all bad though as it gives Lee the chance to kick Guy straight in the stomach. At the same time, two more shurikens make their way pass Lee's head and toward Guy's shoulders. Guy squat, dodging the shurikens while crossing his arms to block Lee's kick.

When Lee drops down after the momentum of his kick is gone, I was already up again and throw another chakra kunai at Guy to cover for Lee. This time, instead of dodging the kunai, he grabbed it and throw it right back at me. I quickly cancel the technique and sigh in relief as the kunai disappear before it reaches me.

As I got up, I heard Tenten yell, "Hiro-kun, I'm out!"

I forgot that I don't pack many throwable weapons because I can use shuriken shadow clone and create my own kunai.

See a Kunai not far from me, I quickly grab it, throw it to Tenten and told her, "Join us in close combat then."

As I run toward Guy, he sends Lee flying to me again. This time Lee doesn't look like he was hit that hard so I grab him, spin around and send him right back at Guy. Lee gathers himself fast enough that by the time he reaches Guy, he sends a kick at Guy's head forcing Guy to block.

I arrive right behind Lee, going for a punch to the chest but Guy kick me away since his hands were occupied with blocking Lee. When Lee drops down on the ground, Tenten arrived. She jumps toward Guy and chops down with the only kunai she has left. Guy claps his hand, holding the kunai from going down any further. Seeing his arms occupied, I headed for his left while Lee also seems to notice too and headed for his right.

Seeing this, Guy looks a little more serious. When we got close enough, he let go of the kunai and

"Leaf Hurricane!"

Guy shout as just the force from his kick alone sends all three of us flying back with a swirl of leaves. Everyone was laying on the ground, panting for breath after that last attack. Especially Tenten, she looked like she was hit the hardest with her being the closest to Guy.

"Giving up already?" I heard Guy said in a neutral tone and for some reason that annoys me. Well, it might have something to do with that fact that we are trying so hard and he is beating us without even trying.

"No! My dream is to become a great Shinobi with just Taijutsu. I won't give up now!" Lee said as he struggled to get up.

"That's right," Tenten added, "I'm so close to becoming the Kunoichi that I always admired. No way I'm quitting!" She struggled to get up to.

'Well, it's now or never,' I thought as I got up slowly. Even with the chakra armor, that kick hurt.

"That right. I'm going to knock you away from that spot even if it's the last thing I do!" I said with a bit of anger in my voice. I felt my pride as the Gamer hurt a little due to the fact that I could even get him to move a little when he's not even trying. Granted, I'm not using all my power either but still, I'm a Gamer, I have a cheat, and yet, I still got my ass handed to me.

I backed up a little to get a running start. "LEE!" I yelled to get Lee's attention. He turned toward me.

"Throw me at him!" I yell as I start running toward Lee. He seems to have gotten my intention as he moves to the side, grab my outstretched hand and throw me toward Guy like I threw him before. As I fly toward Guy, I mentally shout

'Gate of Opening, OPEN!' I felt like a limiter that I didn't know I had on me have been released allowing me to use my full strength. Still, I know it won't be enough to move Guy.

'Gate of Healing, OPEN!' My skin starts to turn red as vapor of sweats starts to evaporate in strings of blues that look like chakras. Still, I know I can go one more for a second without hurting myself.

'Gate of Life, OPEN!' My aura intensifies as my skin turns even redder. I feel unparalleled strength flow threw me but I know it's just a misconception due to my rapid increased in strength. More importantly, I know it won't last long.

"TAKE THIS!" I punched out before I even reach Guy, I can see the shock on his face which made me smile a bit but I didn't forget what I was doing. I pushed my chakras into the construct on my fist making it larger and tougher. As I completed my punch, Guy already put his hands up in defense despite his surprised but he was fast enough to ready himself but due to the increase in power of my punch, I send Guy sliding backward out of the circle he made.

"Haha," I let out a small laugh in victory as I closed the Gates. I fall back and lay on the grass. 'Man I'm tired… If I have a stamina bar, I bet it'll be at 1% right now…'

[Ding! Game Update

Stamina Bar added]

I blink at the screen that just pops up. 'Nononono, too many things to keep track of. I don't want a stamina bar.'

[Ding! Game Update

Stamina Bar removed]

'Phew, I'm definitely going to have to check that later… I'm pretty sure we passed… I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now' I thought as I relax and feel the world fade away.