Our honeymoon

It was half an hour after dinner when his uncle came up to him. .There's an emergency meeting regarding the Burgess Account. We have to go to Richmond right away. But Uncle Jonathan, I can't just leave in the middle of my engagement party, he protested.

Besides, Jessica said she has something important to discuss with me. I need to be here so she can do that. Leo, your father and I didn't earn our wealth by dismissing important business meetings. Whatever she wants, it can wait. I don't feel right about that. Can't you go without me?

Harrison Grant Sr. and Jr. will be at this meeting. If you're not careful, they'll take over our firm just like they took over Mr. Allen's firm. Come along. The train arrives in half an hour. Why do I have to be there? Because you need to watch how I am going to deal with the Grants. You'll be going head to head with them in the future.

This experience will give you the edge. They are after the Burgess Account, and that is a very profitable account for us. Can I at least tell Jessica good-bye before I go? He sighed. Make it quick. Remember, you can talk to her all you want to after the wedding. Could he? It seemed as if he was dragged from one business meeting to another ever since he turned eighteen. He hadn't had time to court a woman because of that.

After I get married, am I still going to have to run off to emergency meetings? Not as often as you do now. I understand you'll have responsibilities to your wife and children. Alright. I'll see her and then join you at the front door. He hated to leave but knew it would be pointless to argue with his uncle. He found Constance and asked her to take him to see Jessica.

He wanted to make sure the maid was with them so no one would misunderstand the situation. Jessica was on her way down the stairs when he and the maid reached the bottom of the staircase. He was struck by how wonderful she looked. But she looked overwhelmed too. Since people were mingling around them, he allowed Constance to leave. He waited for her to reach him before he spoke.

My uncle has informed me that I have to attend an urgent business meeting in Richmond, and the matter can't wait until tomorrow so I have to leave now. I'm sorry to do this to you, Jessica. Did you want to tell me what's been bothering you? I can spare a couple of minutes. She looked upset by his announcement. This isn't something that we can discuss in a few minutes, Mr. Monroe. Then I suppose it'll have to wait until after the wedding.


Why can't we discuss it tomorrow?

I still have business appointments that I need to attend. I also have to get ready for the wedding. There's a lot of details involved with the whole thing. You'll spend the day getting ready as well. I know we don't know each other. I can understand this isn't easy for you. I do want you to know that I'm looking forward to marrying you. Don't you see that the fact that we don't know each other is a big problem? Well, I admit it's not ideal. I haven't had the proper time to court you. I'll try to make up for that. How? We'll have a full week to ourselves during our honeymoon.

One week?

It's a start. Of course, there's the time we'll get to be alone after we're married too, but we'll still have servants around. At least on our honeymoon, we'll be alone. I think that will be a good time for us to get to know each other. Leo, it's time to go, his uncle called out. He sighed. I'll see you on Saturday. She closed her eyes and shook her head. .I'm sorry, he apologized, realizing she wished to continue talking to him.

I don't wish to upset you but I don't have a choice. Being in my line of work, others pretty much dictate my life for me. She didn't respond. He knew that she wasn't happy but as his uncle called out for him again, he knew he had to leave. He wished her a good evening and followed his uncle out the door.