He loved having you nearby

―What do you think you're doing?

Jessica demanded as her shock wore off. He couldn't tell if she was angry or simply overwhelmed. He didn't care. He stomped over to her, took her in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her until her ice melted enough for her to return his kiss. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her. When their kiss ended, he nodded in satisfaction. She had responded to him yesterday. He hadn't imagined it. ―You want me, he told her.

She blinked. ―You took me by surprise, she weakly protested. He grinned. ―You just keep telling yourself that. I'll melt your icicles before the month is up. We won't be getting that annulment. Her face grew bright red.

―We'll see about that! He didn't give in to her desire for a fight. Instead, he said, ―You can protest all you want, but there's no denying your attraction for me. Now I have to go wash my hair. You got cookie dough in it. She looked flustered as he left the room.


When she came down the steps the next morning, he waited for her again. This time she wore a light green dress. ―Good morning, Jessica, he greeted. ―Uh...good morning.Leo. My name is Leo. Once again she didn't say it, but he wouldn't let that little fact distract him today.

―You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, he honestly stated. She paused on one of the steps. ―Is something wrong? he wondered. ―You don't need to compliment me.―I know I don't need to. I want to. By the look on her face, she didn't believe him.

―You'll believe me in time, he remarked. ―Now come on down the rest of the steps so I can escort you to the dining room. She sighed but walked down the rest of the steps. Again, he extended his arm to her. When she didn't accept it, he gently took her hand and slid it around his elbow.

―That didn't hurt, did it?―You are taking this marriage thing too far.―If that was the case, we wouldn't be virgins this morning. She rolled her eyes, but at least she didn't make a snide comment about how sleeping with him would ruin her purity, so that was a good sign. He led her to the dining room and pulled out her chair for her.

―I asked Jim to make one of his recipes this morning since he mentioned you seemed interested in his pizzas. I let Louis have the morning off.

―How did you know I expressed an interest in Jim's cooking? She sat down. He sat next to her. ―I have plenty of chances to talk to people in my house.―And you had Jim take charge of breakfast because I had an interest in tasting his cooking?

―Of course. Is that a surprise?―Well, I'm not exactly surprised. I am pleased that you took note of something I wanted. That was the first time she seemed to be happy with him. He smiled. ―What you want is important to me. He thanked Constance who set their meals in front of them. ―What kind of pizza is this?

Jessica wondered. ―It's a piece of bacon, ham and egg pizza, Jim answered as he came out of the kitchen. ―It's a daring recipe. I don't believe anyone in town has attempted it, but I'll let you two be the judge of it.

They tasted it. ―This is good, Leo admitted. ―It won't be long before you have your restaurant. If your other pizzas are like this, you'll be able to keep a good supply of customers coming your way.

―Leo's right. You've found your calling, Jessica agreed. Jim beamed from their words. ―Are you going to let the other staff try it? Constance asked. ―I want to know what all the fuss is about.―I have more in the kitchen. Come on in. Jim waved her in. Leo turned to Jessica and smiled. ―You certainly have won my staff over. He paused.

―I meant, our staff. She didn't respond. ―So, what are you doing today? he inquired. ―Well, I'm going to take the three dozen cookies Jim and Constance helped me make yesterday and take them to the orphanage.