When he reached their table

As usual, Helen didn't hold back. ―Now, we were talking about billiards when you got this sad look on your face. So it must be something about the game. Did your father play it?

―No. She forced herself to gently lay her cloth napkin on the table next to her plate. She didn't know how to explain the situation without giving away her true feelings about it. Who knew what the people around them would overhear and later gossip about?

As she tried to form the right words, Leo's uncle happened to exit the billiard room and saw them. He immediately headed their way. When he reached their table, he smiled and greeted them. ―Good afternoon, ladies.

―This is Leo's uncle, Jessica introduced. She wasn't sure if they knew who he was or not but decided to say something since she felt awkward. ―His name is Mr. Monroe. He grinned. ―You may call me Jonathan, he told them.

―Well, I can see where your nephew gets his good looks, Helen replied. ―If I were younger, I'd chase you right down the aisle of the church to marry you if I had to.

Jessica felt her face flush from embarrassment. Surely, he would find her friend to be too forward. To her relief, he chuckled.

―I would be honored had we met at an earlier time. After I turned forty, I settled on the fact that I would be a bachelor for the rest of my life.―How old are you now?

―Forty-three. She waved her hand at him. ―Why you're still a young pup. When you're eighty, you can start thinking of being a bachelor for the rest of your life. Go out there and find a good woman.―That is Helen Ritter, Jessica pointed to the old woman before she could say anything else that might embarrass the man.

―I believe I briefly met you at the wedding. He took her hand and kissed it. ―I'm glad to see that getting older doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sense of humor. I hope to keep mine intact. He turned to Mary.

Jessica took that as her cue to introduce him to her other friend. ―This is Mary Duff. Mary is the leading actress in the next play at the theater, she added. ―I asked her to wear the dress so I can make some alterations later on. ―It's a pleasure to meet you too. He also kissed her hand.

―Well, it seems that good manners run strong in your family, Helen noted. ―I suppose that makes Leo considerate enough to wait for Jessica to come to her senses about this whole annulment thing.