The flower shop

His eyes were filled with sorrow. Mrs. Tobias lifted the spoon full of applesauce to his mouth but he turned his head away. She sighed. This is pointless. If he's not going to eat, he's not going to eat. Jessica helped her clean the high chair. After Ryan was out, he began to cry.

At the same moment he cried, Mrs. Creighton came to talk to Mrs. Tobias about possibly adopting one of the little girls. Since the other adults were too busy to watch Ryan, Jessica volunteered to sit and play with him.

Mrs. Tobias was relieved and went to talk to the other woman. Jessica sat across from him on the floor in the playroom and offered him a stuffed animal and a toy train to play with, but he wasn't interested in them. He held tightly onto his blanket and sat in her lap.

She didn't know what else to do but pick him up and take him to the rocking chair where he shortly fell asleep in her arms. Her heart swelled with warmth and joy in holding the small child. He seemed so fragile and lonely. She wondered who his parents were and why they left him.

Then she considered it may have just been the mother or father who dropped him off. Even then, there was the possibility it was another relative or a friend of the parents. He seemed to have come out of nowhere.

She couldn't begin to imagine what he was going through. An hour later as she walked back home, she happened to see Julie. Good afternoon, she greeted uncertainly. They hadn't talked since last Saturday, so Jessica wasn't sure what to expect from the encounter.

Hello, Jessica, Julie stiffly replied. Jessica refrained from frowning. She didn't understand why the other woman should be upset with her. She hadn't known that Harrison was secretly courting Julie when she entertained romantic thoughts of him. She glanced down the street where several people walked down the sidewalk. Two women entered a dress shop. Turning back to Julie, she asked,

How are the wedding plans coming along? Fine? Does that upset you? No. I don't harbor feelings for Harrison. Leo has turned out to be quite likable. So you're no longer insisting on the annulment?

She shrugged. I hadn't given it further thought. I'm not sure what will happen. He's not as bad as you feared then? No, he's not. Julie relaxed and smiled. That's a relief. I had worried that Harrison would come between us. As much as Jessica wanted to be happy for her friend, Harrison did hold her back, though not for the reason Julie assumed he did.

Julie, I have recently discovered some unpleasant things regarding Harrison. I had debated on whether or not to warn you about him. Her friend frowned. I have reason to believe that Harrison is using unethical means to gain clients for his business, she finally said. I thought you didn't care about Harrison anymore. I don't.

Then why are you trying to turn me against him? Jessica struggled to find the right words. Well, if Leo were behaving unprofessionally, I'd want to know about it.

And of course, Leo is perfect.No one is perfect. It's just that he doesn't financially destroy people. And Harrison does? I believe he is responsible for my father's bankruptcy. Julie frowned.

I don't like where you're going with this. Jessica, your father should have been careful if he didn't want to go bankrupt. I am sorry that it happened, but I don't see how Harrison is to blame for it.

I think he used me to gain access to my father's business records. Do you have any proof of these accusations? Jessica's cheeks flushed.

No, but- Then I don't care to hear anything else. It's obvious what's going on here. You're upset because Harrison wants to marry me instead of you. I know that you went to see him last week around this time to ask him to marry you and he said no. I think you want to annul your marriage and break me and Harrison up so that you can have him for yourself.

That's not true! Jessica immediately paused, realizing that her sudden outburst had attracted some attention. Great. More gossip for the people to dwell on! In a lower voice, she continued, You are my friend, Julie. I want what's best for you. Her eyes narrowed.

Last time you talked to me, you made it clear that I betrayed you, and since then, you and Mary have made it a point to ignore me. Perhaps we have been hasty to shut you out. Perhaps?

she snapped. I won't have my two closest friends with me on the biggest day of my life, and not only will you and Mary not be there, but it's clear that if you two were, you would object to the marriage when the preacher asks if anyone has any reason that Harrison and I shouldn't be married. I know Harrison well enough to assure you that deep down, he is a decent person. I believe in him, Jessica.

But you don't have all the facts, Jessica insisted, tears forming in her eyes despite her best effort to not break down in front of the onlookers.

You said you have no proof. She didn't respond. It was true. There was no proof. There were only speculations, and speculations weren't enough to condemn him.

I don't need this before my wedding, Julie stated. I am trying to enjoy the process of planning my wedding and I won't let you hinder that for another moment. Good day, Jessica. Jessica watched as Julie walked down the sidewalk and entered the flower shop. That couldn't have gone any worse if she tried.