I thought she was coming

―It's not a big deal, Leo assured everyone. ―The guests can mingle in the backyard for a couple of minutes. Some cool evening air will be a nice change after the hot day we've had.

Take your time and let us know when you're ready. Louis nodded. On his way out the kitchen door, he stopped by Jim and said, ―Don't worry about it. I use index cards too.

He patted him on the back and walked to the dining room where the ten guests waited expectantly for him to speak. ―There was a slight problem in the kitchen. Would you like to go to the parlor or outside to talk for a short while?

The guests, thankfully, were good sports about it and went outside. Jessica stood up from her chair and went over to him. ―Do you know where Mary is? I thought she was coming. Leo recalled the incident that happened at work earlier that day.

―I meant to tell you that Mr. Tyndall came by this afternoon and pretty much demanded that my uncle get Mary to go to his dinner party tonight so she can play billiards at his house. He wants to win a game against one of his friends, and since Mary is the best billiard player he's ever seen, he wants her there.

She frowned. ―I don't understand. Is this another business meeting?―From Uncle Jonathan's viewpoint, it is.

―Why weren't you called away?―Because I'm not a good billiard player.―Did Mary wants to go there?―I don't know. She wasn't there when this conversation took place.―I wonder why she didn't tell me about it.

―She probably didn't have time. Tyndall came into the office shortly before I left to come home. I guess that once my uncle explained the situation to her, she only had enough time to change before going to the dinner party.

―That doesn't make any sense. She's my best friend, but she doesn't know Mr. Tyndall.―No but she enjoys the game. You should have stuck around on Wednesday and seen her play. I was impressed. She sighed in disappointment. ―She is free to do as she wishes. Geoffrey walked over to them.

―Dinner is finally ready, sir. Leo thanked him and announced that it was time to eat, so everyone returned to their seats. Jessica sat on his right while Brad sat on his left. Helen sat next to Jessica. The fact that Brad sat on his left and Jessica sat on his right reminded him of their engagement dinner, only now he knew why she had been nervous.

She was trying to find a way out of marrying him. As he studied her, he realized that she was relaxed and smiling. She had been looking forward to the chance to welcome her friends to her new home. He noticed the difference in her mood and knew that, even if she didn't want to admit it yet, she was content to be with him. With any luck, she would learn to enjoy their marriage.

Geoffrey came out with bowls of salad and dinner rolls for everyone. Brad took a roll and put butter on it before speaking to Leo. ―I was thinking of investing in chocolate bars. He didn't hide his surprise. He turned to Brad.