It‘s alright, Leo

I'm sorry, Jessica. I had no idea that Harrison would be here, and I didn't dream for a minute that Mr. Davidson would want to hunt at this early hour. He had me up past midnight. I thought he was going to sleep in. He looked out the window.

It's not even daybreak for goodness' sakes. She watched as he removed his pajama pants. He had a gorgeous body. She wanted to ask him to stay with her instead and to forget about trying to gain the older man as a client, but she lost her nerve as he put his pants and shirt on.

Though she was disappointed, she replied, It's alright, Leo. Your uncle warned me that Mr. Davidson can be demanding. He glanced at her with longing in his eyes. He went over to her and kissed her.

Harrison said that Mr. Davidson plans to be back at two. After I come back, let's go to my uncle's house and spend the rest of the week there. Then we can pick up where we left off. The promise of making love later that day brightened her mood. She nodded her agreement, returned his kiss and watched as he finished getting dressed.

You might as well sleep in, he told her as he tied his boots. You'll need your energy for tonight. Her heart raced as he smiled suggestively at her. She settled into bed as he left the room and softly closed the door behind him. Shortly, she fell asleep.


When she woke up, the sun was brightly shining. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already ten. She hadn't realized she slept so long. She quickly got ready for the day and packed her suitcase, grateful that two o'clock was only four hours away. It wouldn't be long before she could get away from the many animals that lurked about the house in the oddest places.

On her way down the steps, she nearly tripped on a cat that hissed at her. She jumped back and waited for the angry animal to run up the steps before she continued her descent down the steps. When she reached the bottom of the staircase, a bird flew past her. She shuddered. She didn't like feeling its wings against her hair.

I'll be glad to get out of here! She hadn't had any pets while growing up, and being surrounded by so many of them made her aware that none were better than a zoo full of them. She hated to think of how much time the servants spent cleaning up the bird poop.

She cringed. She hadn't considered a bird pooping in her hair until that moment. She was tempted to throw on a hat but it was improper to do such a thing indoors. By the time she reached the parlor, she recognized Julie's laughter as she listened to Veronica discuss her pets' personalities. She paused. Of course, Julie would be there since Harrison was.

She wasn't sure what to say to her friend. If Julie is still my friend. Their last conversation hadn't ended well. She took a deep breath and entered the parlor. Veronica was showing Julie one of her many scrapbooks. This is Puffy's favorite shirt, the older woman happily said. I made it myself after a pattern I saw in the store.

Jessica couldn't remember which cat Puffy was and didn't care to remember. The two women glanced up as Jessica walked further into the room. It's nice of you to make an appearance, Veronica commented. Jessica didn't know how to respond since she couldn't tell if Veronica was happy to see her or being sarcastic.

I'm sorry I overslept, she finally decided to say. Perhaps you and Mr. Monroe should have come at four-thirty like Harrison and Julie Grant did. So she's not pleased with me. At least Jessica knew where she stood with the woman.

We probably should have, she consented as she awkwardly stood in front of them. Good morning, Julie. Julie smiled at her. Hello, Jessica. You two know each other? Veronica asked. Yes. We've been friends for a long time. Jessica felt much better knowing that Julie hadn't crossed her off her friends' list. Well, Veronica began,

this is quite unusual. My husband will pick one of your husbands to work with. I suppose it depends on which one suits his fancy. He believes that a partnership should be amiable. Hopefully, your husbands are both charming men.Mr. Davidson will pick the one he wants, but it has nothing to do with us, right Jessica?

Julie asked. Jessica relaxed. Right. Come look at Puffy's diamond necklace, Veronica insisted, patting the seat next to her. Jessica obeyed, though the couch was meant for seating two people, so they were all crunched together. She struggled to pay attention to the woman but two birds kept circling the room and three cats climbed the furniture to get the birds.