Why are you taking the day off

―I better get to the office, his uncle said, breaking Leo out of his thoughts. ―Good luck when you give Jessica the bad news. After Jonathan left, Leo bathed and got dressed in his best suit. He needed to appear as professional as possible for his job interview.

He just hoped Mr. Leroy would let him apply for the job without prior notice. Since the bank opened at eight, he was the first one there. To his relief, Conrad interviewed him and hired him on the spot.

―I know you have to move due to the unfortunate situation with Mr. Grant, so I'll have you start work on Monday, Conrad said as they shook hands. Feeling much better about his financial situation, he took Jessica and Ryan for a walk down the main street after he returned home.

―Why are you taking the day off? she wondered. ―I'm not. I don't start work until Monday, he replied. ―What? He stopped in front of a building and motioned to it. ―What do you think of this apartment building? She glanced at it as she stopped the stroller. ―It is fine. Are you going to explain your job?

―I will. But I need to ask you something first. Can you see yourself living in this apartment building for the next year? She frowned. ―Are you going to buy this building and rent the apartments out to tenants? ―No. There was no easy way to tell her. He took a deep breath.

―We have to move out of our house and into an apartment because we don't have enough money to get us past the next month. I figure it will take about a year to save enough money to put a good down payment on a house. Her eyes grew wide. ―What happened to your father, happened to us yesterday, he explained.

―The fire at the Grant house burned everything I kept in my office at work. I have no way to prove I didn't transfer funds to bad stocks or that I didn't empty my savings account. To his surprise, she burst out laughing. Was laughing a good sign or was she laughing at his inability to hold onto their wealth?

He eyed her warily. ―Just wait until my father and Brad hear about this, she said between fits of giggles. ―They made me marry you because my father went bankrupt and you were rich. And now that I decided to stay married to you, you went bankrupt. He uneasily nodded. ―Right. ―Oh, Leo. She hugged him.

―I love you. I don't care if we're rich or not. I'd marry you all over again if I was given the choice. Suddenly, he felt much better.

―I just got the investment job at the bank. It will give me regular working hours and you won't ever have to deal with another Mrs. Davidson who'll give you a hard time.

The only entertaining we'll have to do for Conrad's clients is a dinner party. My uncle was going to let me keep my other job, but I thought this one would work better for both of us. I start work on Monday.

―That sounds wonderful. I like having you around more often. You may not believe this but I can't remember why I ever fought my father and brother on marrying you. Now that was music to his ears. He smiled and gave her a long kiss.

―It's good to see The Icy Wife warm-up, a man commented, chuckling as he walked past them. Despite her embarrassment, she and Leo laughed. ―I have an idea, she whispered. ―Let's go home and I'll show you how hot I can get. ―That is an offer I will never turn down, he confessed and followed her home.