dance with destiny

But the freedom was not as easy as Ryu thought. As Ryu lost his consciousness he found himself standing in a long line of people in a white space. Well, if they can be considered as people as they have no limbs, only face and rest of the body is just white gas.

Seeing all of this he thought so is this supposed to be hell or something, I mean after all with his bad luck and the bastard of a god will never let him go to heaven. So he tried to communicate with others for information, but sadly it failed as there are very few beings that can retained their mind from the shock of death and sadly, except from him there is no one who retained their mind .

He then having no other choice kept going forward and finally it's his turn. As he looked forward he saw 2 gigantic beings, which he can measure they are at least 20 meter tall. One of them looks like sick old man who can die any moment and other is an ugly old woman.

Seeing him looking at them with such curious gaze the old man instantly understood what's going on.So jovially started speaking "Oh you must be wondering who we are? I am a god of death and this is a goddess of fate."

But the second he said fate an expression of being disgusted appeared on Ryu's face. Seeing that the goddess of fate frowned but the god of death smirked but same time both of them are very curious on what's going on.

So they started to read Ryu's memory as they found what happed in his life and his hatred for gods especially towards fate. Now this time our hag goddess erupted like a volcano and started screaming"How dare you lowly mortal look at me with such superior expression, do you even have slightest bit of idea what I can do to you ,I can destroy your inferior soul."Then she thought for second and cruelly smirked "wait, wait why should I destroy your soul to give the release you seek so much when I can through you to lowest part of hell in eternal torment to suffer for looking at me with that filthy look. Listen up you insolent mortal how dare you insult me by looking at me with such way,you should be grateful that I took a notice at you, Do you know who am Ii? I am the goddess of fate who controls billions of trashes like you, How dare you look at me like that you insolent inferior species?" As she was going to hurl Ryu to hell that god of death instantly stopped her "Wait, wait, I have a question, this mortal didn't have negative karma then why such things happened to him?"

As he looked at her with suspicious gaze she started squirming under his gaze then the god of death instantly realize what is going on? She committed one of the biggest taboo. She not only interfered with a mortal's life even worse tormented Ryu for own amusement. The god of death now have a very serious expression and said to her "You do know that as a god in charge of a world, you can't interfere with mortals lives."

She just averted her eyes and muttered "So what, if I interfered he is just a lowly mortal anyway? who cares what happened to him?" Now he is really starting to get to tired with her attitude so he just went behind the white space for a second ,few minutes later he came back and gave her pendant, which she looked at with a wierd expression. Zorak just shrugged his shoulder and said "Don't ask me, what it is? because I don't know as it came from your father this morning"."Hearing this she pissed off and started screaming like a harpy "It came this morning and you are just giving me this? Seriously what heck is wrong with you filthy males?" but the second she touched it she starting to get smaller as the pendant is starting to absorb all of her energy she in horror tried to throw it away but no result it kept continuing she then screamed in despair "no, no my 3 millennium of cultivation, Damn you Zoroak how dare you betray me like this? My daddy will kill you for this?"

Now the death god known as Zoroak just smugly said "I don't think your father would have even time for it, after all this the order from headquarter. The head boss himself ordered this and your father is also taken in custody in suspicion of interfering with mortal lives"

As she heard this she at first shaking in horror and fear then in next second looked at Ryu and started to blame him "Everything happened because of you, you bastard why can't you just lose your mind like rest of those lowly mortals. Damn you, you filthy inferior race I curse you to never have good fortune"

With last bit of her power as she cursed him a grey light shoot at him from her dying body which engulfed him in second. Zorak tried to stop it but he was too late. But after that she grinned viciously and turned to dust as she died.

Zorak seeing this just sighed" good riddance". Then looked at Ryu with guilty expression and said " I am sorry Mr.Kusanagi for what happened in your life. It's actually our fault for even hiring such a failure of a goddess. So as an apology we of the eastern god council will grant any 2 wishes of yours."

Ryu looks unresponsive as he is trying to process all the incident has occurred till now. First he killed himself now this,wow. But some time later he came to his senses and ask Zorak cautiously after all if one god can do this,then other gods can do it too"I don't want anything special, just remove this curse".

Zorak hearing this request first thought a moment then said "Ryu, to remove this curse there is only one way that is to bleed it out on a bad event by another counter curse." Seeing didn't understood what he is speaking about he explained" suppose you are giving a test ,you failed that curse will bled out of you."

Hearing this Ryu instantly got excited at the notion of kicking that inferiority complex goddesses curse." Zorak just chuckled and a blue light came from him and engulfed Ryu's body.

Seeing that work is done Zorak then spoke up "Now shall we go to the next wish." As they went to a giant gacha, which has 4 colored spaces where the pin can go to .Among it the color takes most of the space is red, then blue ,after that is green and finally purple which may take only 3% space.

Ryu just spinned it when Zorak told him.The spin keep going all over the places. Ryu doesn't care wherever it reaches, even he got something or not. Maybe it's the gods way of bribing him.Finally it came to slow near red end and finally stopped at purple color.A purple energy erupted from the gacha and went directly into Ryu's soul.

If Zorack was shocked at this he didn't show this on his facial expression but told him to go to a door with Joker mask on. Ryu first looked suspicious at this but still went through then again everything went dark for him.

As for Zorak, from his behind a feminine voice came and said to him "You are such a liar".Zorak just shrugged his shoulder and said "It was the order from headquarter to get rid of this cases all evidence, though I did not expect him to land on purple rank, as it is one of the most powerful items which hardest to obtain, same time these can't be extracted from them but it is a pity that it will cease to exist with him on the abyss of multiverse"

But none of them notice in the Gacha there is no longer any purple space.