gacha part 2

"All right, enough with your knowledge crap, it's time to put these babies to work", Razor's lips are parted with an uncontrollable smile .Looks like forever impatient Razor finally had enough. 'Stupid annoying system.'

"Sigh, as always not a single amount of patience ,huh, fine let's do it."

Razor in an instant took all the cards and going to cash them all together.

"What the heck are you doing?"System's deadpanned voice hit Razor's ear.

"What does it look's like? Of course I am cashing them in."

"Idiot, cash them one by one. I am a gacha system not a whore who you rented for an hour. When you cash in a card it will automatically open the gacha board where you will gain your prize. "

Seeing system like this Razor didn't lengthen the talk and first cashed in the silver card. As soon he cashed it a huge circular spinning silver colored board appeared in front of him, where is more than thousands of different options on it. And red needle is staying still while it kept spinning one by one hundreds of different things passed by. Ba-dump, ba-dump. As one by one items kept passing by his heart beats keep racing up. Razor could swear he saw powerful options like sharingan, Excalibur even Might guy's training manual eight celestial gates. Finally it came to stop. He still can hear his heart pounding against his chest. Finally the red pin stopped on a pill symbol.

"Motherfucker, you had so many good spots you didn't even look at them,the second you saw some useless shit you jumped on it like a 2 penny whore,fucking useless gacha". after sometime later when he calmed down a little "Sigh, whatever let's see what the fuck is this. And it better be an useful pill if not I am selling rest of those cards on a jewellery shop " with a disappointment he went to [observe] the pill.

●Mirage Purification pill●


Description-This is a rare bloodline purification pill. It can purify ones bloodline to first generations bloodline. One time use only.

Side-effect-After purifying it will merge the bloodline with the user's soul.

As Razor kept reading the description his grin started to grow now looking less of a human and more like a shark. "Hahahahaahahahahahaha."

"What the fuck?"System starting to creep out."Hey, stop it."

But he kept laughing like a man high on drugs.

After a few minutes to when Razor calmed down he started addressing to system "System you know that in my home world when I born I was tormented for being weak .But I guess you don't know that just because I can't use magic like Riser those elders used to beat me even some time outright starve me, while saying my blood purity was low that's why I was so weak and it is My fault to be born with such pathetic blood purity like I am the one who decided how I born".

"And your point? Both of us know that it is not blood purity, it is your soul that is the problem."

"That's why I am telling you to read the side effect of the pill." He practically snarled at system." If I use this I can purify my blood line to the highest of demon race may be even true phenex bloodline and it will merge with my soul. So it will solve both of the problems. And those elders who tormented me and still to this day torments reincarnated devils and some time outright tortures them . Now because of their so-called bloodline purity will be slowly cut into pieces or maybe even fed to fishes alive by me and I will give the same excuse they give others all the time. How amusing, woo-hoo, just thinking about it my spine starts tingling." As his eyes are glowing in a sick, twisted and perverted joy.

"But to do that you need to reach the peak of this world's power. As your body is it wont able handle the stress if you try to put your blood line in it and on top of that there are other unknown elements mixed in it. Even if you try to do this by unlocking a small part of the orb and try to extract you bloodline by tiny amounts it won't work because even if it is small poison and light is mixed with it. You must gain some from of immunity, host. Then you can think about it. But I gotta say one thing though you are fucked in head. One second you are laughing next second you are planning to torture someone. Go see some doctor ,man "

Razor did not answer just coldly put it away and took his first platinum card to cash in.

Same as before but this time a platinum colored gacha appeared as it kept spinning he noticed unlike before this one don't have anything written on it.

After sometime it stopped and Razor is anxiously waiting for the results as he is sweating like a pig in tension. After all this is one of his biggest treasure if this flopped it can be said half of his life is over mostly because how hard it is to get a platinum card. He do not even have confidence that he will ever win another platinum card.

As he went closer he noticed a purple colored symbol which is mostly used by devils to cast magic."Wait a minute, could it be some kind of powerful magic?" Before he went to extract he looked very carefully his left and right like a thief.

"No one is looking take it already.' System is getting tired of it's hosts antics.

As he touched it a notification poped on his hub ."New job found "● EROMANCY ●." Would you like to set it as your primary class?"

"Wait, what? Eromancy?" Razor's face instantly twisted into familiar grimace. "What the fuck?I asked for something powerful or at least that has potential to make me grow powerful not some flower boy."

"Hey host don't you think you are being bashed."System did not like it's host's judging by look attitude one bit.

"Bashed? It is a job that just turns you into a fuck toy not a powerful warrior or mage. There is nothing to be bashed about." Stubborn Razor won't change his opinion.

System warned his host this time "Don't forget for a second that sex magic is one of oldest and powerful for magic. You yourself have seen many powerful sex magics in Phenex clan's library. And there are many powerful beings who reached where they are today by using sex magic."

"Oh yeah, care to name a single person, wait don't answer. Let me answer that for you, Aphrodite. She the weakest of all Olympian gods even minor gods are stronger than her in combat."He spat out in disgust.

System just took a deep breath and said "I was not going to talk about her. And she is a non-combatant goddess. I am talking about real Asmodeus. He was the second strongest devil after Lucifer.And if you that much balls why don't you take on combatant goddess who are related to sex magic such as Egyptian goddess bastet or Norse goddess Freyja."

Razor just kept muttering. Seeing this system sighed and gently asked" what do you exactly want?"

"I just want a powerful job like necromancy, ok? I don't want to be some kind of loser who relies on his girls to do his job."

Hearing this system started laughing "Listen you idiot, sexmagic is a neutral from of magic. But the most amazing fact about this magic is it can transform into both dark and light element magic. Do you what that means? This means you can use it to cast vilest and same time holiest of magics."

"Are you sure about this?"Razor is still not sure and continued to grumble.

"Host do you want revenge or not?"System tried play in a different way. 'This is a little low blow but it's necessary'.

"Look system on other matter I may entertain you a little bit but don't even think for single second I will let it go if try to fuck with me now" His eyes instantly ignited in fury.

"Woah,woah,chill out man.No need to get so angry.I am just honestly asking you a serious question".

"Obiviously I want revenge.I would have destroyed them already if I had the power."

"Do not say had, you can have the power if you follow my advise,that is."After a few moments of silence it stated with a firm absolute tone "This path is the fastest and best way to get stronger and trust me host you won't be disappointed".

What system says is true though.After all most of this magic user can barely scratch the surface of this art.

Hearing systems assurance he finally selected 'yes'.

"Are you sure? It will be your primary class and it can't be changed."

He was going to curse system but then he remembered he has nothing else he use to grow strong who knows maybe this path can change his fate.Time will tell he is right or wrong.So he reluctantly accepted it.

Now his status-

Razor Akuma

Race- homo superior(mid)(magical variants of human)


Primary class-Eromancy

Secondary class-

Rank- 0(mortal)(low)



Hp(con x5)-1.5[0.75 regen per minute(con x2.5)]

Mp(int x10)-15 [20 regen per minute(wisx5)]

Str(strength)-0.1(strength measures a person's muscle strength, endurance and stamina)

Dex(dexterity)-0.2(dexterity measures a person's ability, reflexes, speed and balance)

con(constitution)-0.3(3)(constitution measures a person's fitness, health, injuries and diseases)●heavily injured●

Int(intelligence)-1.5 (intelligence measures a person's memory reasoning and learning abilities)

Wis(wisdom)-4 (wisdom measures a person's enlightenment, judgment and common sense)

Cha(charisma)-2+1=3( Charisma measures a person's persuasiveness, personal magnetism and ability to lead)

Luck- 40(this determines a person's destiny, fortune and misfortune)

Trait-Calm,never give up, greedy

Title-Fate's bitch, crooked bastard

Talent-fire magic(c),wind magic(d),space magic(e), photographic memory(ss)(natural talent

ability-Regenaration type-4(lost), phenex Physiology (lost)

Skill-language mastery(max),Envy of the weak

Poison Resistance-lvl 1

light Resistance-lvl 1

If system had body,Razor would have notice system's cheeky smile."host, I may not necessarily can say anything about the struggles of your life but I can say one thing clearly, your life is going to very pleasurable one".