
If you look inside of the warehouse you will our dear protagonist is standing there and kept looking at the empty space with a loving gaze and finally a letting out a sigh.

"Will you cut it out already? This is pathetic. I mean you already sighed at your status for almost 15 times. " A very familiar disgusted voice came out of nowhere.

"Hey system, I really have some serious choosing skill, haven't I?" He just ignored system's statement and went on to beat his own drum. "I really should have some side business. With my choosing skills I will probably become world's best business man".

'Calm down, calm down' is the mantra system was silently praying in its mind.' He is just a poor fool who never achieved anything good in his previous life or this new one till now. So there nothing is wrong with letting him be little happy.

But the moment Razor's self obsessed words reached System exploded in rage "Does your narcissism have no limit, huh? "Seeing this he is trying to ignore it by looking other way. It got even more angry" "Son of a bitch. Just because you made one good shopping deal, you are starting to fancy yourself a business king."



"I made three good shopping deals not one."Razor tried to remind it.

It did nothing more than putting gasoline on fire. System got so pissed off so much that it can't talk anymore then it finally decided if it ever able to obtain a body sewing this slut's mouth shut is the first thing it will do.

Razor sensing the vibe immediately retreated with a fake laugh "O-oh my god, L-look at this. I have 2 more gacha cards left. I probably should go and use them."While thinking in his mind about how weird the system is .When it should be happy at his ambition and talent, it is getting angry. After sometime later he finally decided that systems soul is probably a woman's soul and maybe that's why it always gets angry for apparent no reason.' Troublesome system.'


He this time used one of his cards with little hesitation as he remembers one advice in his past life people used to give it to gamblers 'when you are winning in a row twice or thrice, leave with your win, do not play anymore because your luck is about to run out and it his last flicker. As for him, he never was this lucky, could it be that his luck is about to run out? If his luck ran out now he is finished. But Platinum color gacha is spinning already what else he can do now except for wait for the result.

Finally gacha result came out. The pin is standing on a grinning chesire cat like white laughing face, hissing poisonous serpents on the place of hair, eyes had eerie red slit for pupil with pitch-black sclera, And so much malice is rolling from it that mere gaze of it is paralyzed him. It is like some eldritch beast is looking at him millions of dimensions away but can reach up to him any second if it wants and slowly drag away his soul to the deepest bowl of abyss for eternity. "Hooooo" Instantly he jumped up and looked behind and seeing a great owl sitting there calmed his rampant thudding of his heart a little . Just mere thought of this being can get to him sent unease slithered down to his spine.

"Yep, I was right, When I said my luck will run out. Now what the heck is this thing?"Razor practically devoured the phenex family library but he had never seen anything like this. Not just Razor animals of that area is also silent at this phenomena while he is hoping nothing harmful will come out.

Finally selecting yes a book entered his consciousness named "Immortal fiend god art."

He finally sighed in relief."A platinum grade meditation art whose only first level is visible."

"Till now."System cut in.


"As you grow strong it will open more of its levels. But I gotcha say though today your luck is really good that you won "Immortal fiend god art" ." system's cheerful answer instantly put him on guard.

"You are sounding quite impressed. "Razor commented with suspicion in his heart. System is hiding something that much he can guess

"Oh yes, I am. This peak level meditation technique will help you level up much faster."System replied and instantly regretted 'oh, shit. I shouldn't have said faster.'

"Wait, wait, what do mean by level me up faster?"Now Razor is very serious. 'What did it mean by that? I know he told me that as a beta system he cannot directly level me up. But it has dungeon system so training and fight will not be any problem and I have seen people gets stronger by doing both of them. This brings to one simple question'.

"How long would it take naturally?"Razor asked in indifferent tone.

"At least ..."System's voice is lower than mosquito buzz.

"I can't hear you system. Answer me loudly."This time Razor roared

"It would have taken 8 years to reach level 10 even if you trained and fought in dungeons every day." System sadly said. "But now you have the" Immortal fiend god art" so that won't be a problem anymore."System tried to cheer Razor up.

But the thought of taking 8 years to reach mere lvl 10 shook him so much his feet's can't support him any longer as they trembled and he feel on his butt. System's trying to cheer up did not help as in his mind going through just to reach lvl 10 took 8 years. But to reach next levels will need more exp and the progressing will get much harder. That way he would have died before he could even reclaimed his powers.

"Wow, system, wow, what a gut-check?" Razor just coldly clapped his hands then cashed in his last card.

System just stayed quiet at his acquisition. It is true that it is its ego that led to this. It could not accept that it needed some other help that can take it at the level of alpha system. Yeah it may not have changed anything but it had just told Razor about his inability this misunderstanding would not happened now. "Sigh, oh look the prize is came out".

"It is an eraser."

Razor already learned his lesson to never underestimate anything that came out of gacha so he used observe.



Can permanently erase any of erasers attribute. So be careful what to use it on. 1 time use only.

Warning-If you use it you will not only lose that attribute of yours and also lose the ability see others that attribute.

Just by reading this Razor started feel like saying 'yes, today is my lucky day.' And knows very well what to use it on. So without hesitation he took it and used it on his luck. Seeing his progressively getting erased luck he maliciously said "May we never see each other again."

Title removed-Fate's bitch

Title added-Fate-less

You have no fate. You cannot control fate neither fate can control you. Deities of fate will find you repulsive. From now on you will always be an evil alignment being.

"Oh yeah, fuck you too. But unlike other so called goody goody two shoes I am a free man " he said as a pride filled up his chest.

So status now-

Razor Akuma

Race- homo superior(mid)(magical variants of human)


Primary class-Eromancy

Secondary class-

Rank- 0(mortal)(low)


Meditation Art- Immortal fiend god art


Hp(con x5)-1.5[0.75 regen per minute(con x2.5)]

Mp(int x10)-15 [25 regen per minute(wisx5)]

Str(strength)-0.1(strength measures a person's muscle strength, endurance and stamina)

Dex(dexterity)-0.2(dexterity measures a person's ability, reflexes, speed and balance)

con(constitution)-0.3(3)(constitution measures a person's fitness, health, injuries and diseases)●heavily injured●

Int(intelligence)-1.5 (intelligence measures a person's memory reasoning and learning abilities)

Wis(wisdom)-5 (wisdom measures a person's enlightenment, judgment and common sense)

Cha(charisma)-3( Charisma measures a person's persuasiveness, personal magnetism and ability to lead)

Trait-Calm, never give up, greedy

Title-Fate-less, crooked bastard

Talent- photographic memory(ss)(natural talent),Black arts(sss+)

ability- Tantric metabolization

Skill-language mastery(max),Envy of the weak

Poison Resistance-lvl 1

light Resistance-lvl 1

Mystic lock(max)


For next few days Razor did not spoke to System until it apologized then he started to concentrate on his meditation art but every time he will try to do as it showed on the manual he will either ended up feinting or it won't work at all. He then started thinking what to do? Should he give it up? But that will make his impossible. So he started to read everything in the manual. But that is just showing how to do it but not what is the problem.

System seeing Razor's head getting jumbled up "Why don't you go take a look around the town you are in. And we know we are in a low level world but we don't know where exactly we are."

Hearing this Razor agreed but same time thinking it may become dangerous treading on an unknown world so it would be good to have an escape plan. Then they went around the town. After 4 hours of moving around they finally gathered some information of their whereabouts.

"If not for these outfit I would have been allowed in the library" Razor is still complaining that the librarian chased him away thinking he is a beggar.

"I told you to use the basic hypnosis spell you know on her. But you didn't , if you did we would have gotten more information."System still thinks Razor should have done what it said.

"It is not that I don't want to, but in my condition if I try it will cause tremendous amount of pain and maybe even blee- oof" from behind a little boy same age as Razor ran into his back and from the collision both of them fell on the ground.

"Watch where the fuck you are goin-" Seeing the boys face Razor eyebrows almost reached his hairline in shock.

But the boy was very nervous ,looking around here and there like someone is trying to get him and even more is afraid to even at him in the eyes started babbling "I am sorry, while running I did not notice you were standing there. It is my fault I should have watching while running."

This oversized old clothes on his malnourished body, dark birds nest hair, glowing green eyes, and that familiar thunderbolt shaped mark on his forehead, low self esteem yep all matched with the person he thought but still need to confirm "What is your name, boy?" In the end he added boy ask intimidating factor to the kid and it will work perfectly if he guessed right.

"H-Harry Potter, sir". That boy's voice trembled but he did not cry.

In his mind Razor is doing break-dance for landing in a familiar world. But outside did not show any expression and with a voice full of disinterest said "Whatever, get the heck out of here a watch where are you going."

Seeing Harry scurrying away Razor did not linger there for long and directly went to his warehouse.

"Hey host don't you think you were being mean to that little boy" System may not be some saint but to bully a little kid for apparent no reason is low, even for him.

"Bullying, no, no I was seeing my prey's merit without using observe."

"Prey?" Now system is also curious what that abused boy can have that it's host wants.

"I did not use any magic there because I suspect his magical guardian is keeping an eye on him and will jump on me if I try anything remotely funny. But that boy is a scion of light. A child of fate. A born hero. If I can use envy of the weak on him I can gain some light resistance and maybe even some talent on light magic. But most of all it will heal my injuries."His eyes lit up at the mere thought of it.

In Razor's eyes heroes are nothing but tools. They are vain people they do not help others because it is their sense of duty or anything. It is to satisfy their own ego. They are raised to be legend but end of the day the die horribly or destroyed physically and mentally by those they cared about and ended up being the villain. This is the fate of every hero to suffer for others who don't give a damn about them in life and after death just to suffer in the hands of gods of death for interfering with their work. But still nothing changes except for another name joining the story book for being someone else's tool and being a fool. They are just martyr for their masters.