Chapter 4: Play With Me

Stacey walked into work with his hands in his jean pockets and his white and black checkered sweater tucked into the top right corner of his jeans. He paused in between the two large desks and looked through to the hole below.

"Hey… psst Lindan psst…come up."

Lindan peeked out from his desk and looked through the hole to the second floor where he stood. He waved at him.

Another head popped out of the stark white, super cluttered desk next to Lindan's

"Coffee Break?" Aiden asked, cheerfully.

"What? I just got here, it isn't even eight in the morning, and your shift hasn't even started. How can we take a break?" Stacey asked, eyes twinkling with bemusement.

Lindan groaned and held the side of his head. "I know we left earlier but like I probably still drank more than half of Stacey's body weight in alcohol, so can you at least pretend to love me enough to take your ten down to a two?" Lindan whined at Aiden.

Aiden chuckled and threw his arm around his best friend's shoulders.

"You want me to take it from a ten down to a two?" Aiden repeated, but with an annoying whine added to his voice as he spoke even louder than before. Lindan turned and looked back up at Stacey as if for rescuing, Stacey just chuckled.

"I despise the entire whole of your being. If an apocalypse happens, you will be the first sacrifice." Lindan said, flatly.

Aiden chuckled. "Are you saying you are going to use me for my body? Alice will be jealous. But I'm the one who buys you dinner all the time. What do I get out of this?"

"The first to meet new life?" Lindan said cheekily.

"I've already met an unidentifiable amoeba-like specimen. The last time I got involved, it clung to me and has been parasitic since. I don't need to meet another new life form. I am still trying to figure out what to do with the last one." Aiden commented.

Lindan started mimicking Aiden and before it got too bloody, he figured he would interfere in the two idiots and their spat.

Stacey laughed.

"Okay, enough fighting you two, honestly, without Alice around you two are incorrigible. Get up here. I want to talk to you guys about something."

"Oh, why didn't you just phone us?" Aiden asked, turning away from his playful argument for a moment, interest piqued.

"Because this is one of those things you don't talk about over the phone."

"Oh please, everything is something you can talk about over the phone… Unless you hooked up with someone." Lindan said, rubbing the bridge between his brows gently.

Stacey stayed quiet, and he paused before looking up at him, his hand slowly falling away from his eyes and down to his lips.

"What? Oh my god, no way did you hook up with someone last night?" Lindan squealed.

"Oh… jeez, coffee break, what god no we need the whole day off. Lindan said.

"It is our day off, we only came into the office because you were too slow to get the proposal finished before Monday morning's meeting," Aiden commented.

Lindan swatted at Aiden like an inconvenience. "Honey, you buried the lead. You horrible little…" Lindan walked up the stairs quickly. Aiden followed behind him like a happy puppy carefully watching his favorite toy near a cliff edge.

'A disaster waiting to happen.'

"Wait, no don't get the wrong idea, guys, I didn't hook up with someone last night, just something sexual happened."

"Oh, god, you sure know how to lead into a story slowly. Spill it, Mr. Sexytimes." Lindan snapped, excitedly.

Aiden sipped on his coffee. "You know, I am just going to tell Alice at home later. Go on, she will want to hear all of it."

"It was nothing, Hunter… just." Stacey paused, not sure how to tell them

'Hunter invited him to watch him kiss someone else. Wait, how did he even explain that? How did he explain Hunter was telling him not to stop watching him? To keep watching, no matter what he did. Was that even really that sexual?'

"Oh, come on, you can't just start a sentence about the sexiest man alive and then pause before you finish. Pausing is like, totally your thing, but I feel very frustrated if you do it to me." Lindan whined.

"Hey, I'm right here and we all know I am the best looking out of us three," Aiden said, mock hurt. "But go on, we want to know what sexy times you are talking about with Hunter. That is definitely a stick of TNT. You can't just light and leave." He chuckled warmly, hopping onto Lindan's teasing.

"I… I don't know how to start."

Lindan's eyes went wide.

"I suppose I felt really flustered, like really hot, and just like sexually frustrated in that moment. I think I think he was coming onto me."

Stacey flushed.

"It's hard to explain."

Aiden looked amused, a sparkle in his eyes, and he sucked in his bottom lip before chugging back some coffee again.

"I don't know how to explain it. I guess I kinda just have to dive into what was so sexy about it. What Hunter did." Stacey said. Excitement tingled his skin as he thought back to the night before.

"Yes, do tell all the sexy times that happened. I love a good sex talk around the water cooler."

Everyone froze.

And Stacey felt someone's arm come down onto his shoulder. His heart jumped into his throat as Hunter's warm breath fell down his neck and into the collar of his shirt. Hunter had leaned onto him. He gulped self-consciously.

'Oh god, he heard me. What is he even doing here, the office is always empty at this time in the morning? It's why we all come earlier in the day. It's why Ēn Chén used to come, too. It was the only time we could avoid Ēn Chén's father and the higher-ups prying eyes while working.'

'So why the heck are you even here right now, Hunter? You are the deal guy, you close deals, you don't come down here with the paperwork guys in filing and legal.'

"I dare say, I am actually quite impressive. I don't even recall doing anything sexual to you last night, Stacey. And believe me… I would remember playing with you." He emphasized the word you and lingered on it playfully before his words dropped off.

Stacey gulped again and Hunter's hands landed on his hips, turning him around so that they were face to face and Stacey had no choice but to look into those mesmerizing steel-gray eyes again. Gazing into their depths as he melted into a puddle under their weight.

"What are you doing here, You weren't supposed to be here?" Stacey babbled, then froze when he realized he had just regurgitated his thoughts out without even processing them before they left his mouth.


Hunter smiled. "I am not supposed to be at my own company on a Saturday that I am scheduled to work on… Then when am I supposed to come?" Hunter stated, asking slowly. His voice played with the words, using them as a weapon to slice through Stacey's brain and heart.

'I regret everything right now, bury me.' He thought.

"You should be careful. I am getting this feeling," he said while gesturing with his free hand towards his stomach.

Hunter clicked his tongue and teeth together. "You know, a feeling that. If I am going to get accused of playing with you, that just doesn't sit well with me. I mean. You gotta be careful what you do and say at work, you can ruin an innocent man's reputation with words like those."

"But then again…" He said, pausing and his voice instead of having that pathetic whimper to it took on a thoughtful more erotic bite.

"You sounded so excited when I came in." He tapped his finger on the top of the railing. Oh, all so, so… so excited when they thought I played with you. Your face was intense. I think I might have whiplash from it, it feels so real." He said walking forward, each step accentuated with a step. An eagle-eyed predator stomping his way into new territory.

Hunter's eyes roamed Stacey up and down.

Stacey cleared his throat lightly and had the decency to look away ashamed. His ears brightened. 'He wasn't wrong. That was exactly what they had been doing.'

Hunter grinned. "Hmmm, if that's how things are, then I really should."

"Should what?" Stacey asked, his voice barely a hoarse whisper. Looking up at Hunter sheepishly from under his lashes and hoping if he looked pitiful enough Hunter would show some mercy.

"Play with you," Hunter said, calmly.

While his eyes… were anything but calm.