Chapter 37: I'm Gay

Evan watched Sam walk out of his class. His head hung low. His entourage of friends missing, a phone in his hands, his head bowed over it.

He looked up for a split second when someone bumped his shoulder gently; he apologized politely and was about to continue walking but then stopped. Immediately as his eyes fell on him, waiting across the hall from him. His face pulled into a slight grimace Evan smiled back.

'He was unhappy to see him, huh... good.'

'He was unhappy to be here. Maybe he shouldn't talk to him at all. Maybe he should just go snap and punch the bastard out for what he did to Leo.' Evan thought about it for a moment.

'He had kinda been wanting a fight lately.'

'There had been so much stress with finals, and emotions flying high. With Leo reminding him of his past the other day.'

'Sure... He could be happy to see the beautiful, hot, hunk Sam standing there, staring at him. Even if it was just so he could destroy his beautiful face.'