Chapter 46: Friends

Leo felt his heart in his ears, but it was more than just a head that ached it was his heart.

It hurt to say those words. And yet he was saying them. Because they were what Max needed to hear.

Max was in some sort of delusion... he thought that he wanted to be friends, that he wanted to be with him. It wasn't that Leo didn't believe he meant every word... that Max actually believed it and wanted it desperately too.

But it was too late...

'Friends? He had said it with his own mouth before... they were not anything, because Max had Sam.'

It hadn't worked out between him and Max and Leo just had this gut feeling. That he had somehow become this placeholder while Max realized his feelings for Sam. Why would Max need him when he was just a bad copy of the friend he already had.

He wanted to believe Max but he couldn't let himself get dragged in. 'He already heard the truth with his own ears. Max had never even considered them friends.."