Chapter 51: I want to know!

Leo's voice caught in his throat and his breathing slowed.

'Was this his punishment? Had he just died while laying there, and now he was being haunted by the most beautiful angel, keeping him company?' It sure felt like it. Because this moment was magical. It felt perfect.

Leo hesitated. Because it also reminded him that no matter how perfect the moment was. No matter how perfect the feeling was. He wasn't the one who should be here, anyone else should, because he and Max would never work out.

That he was lying in the shadows. Max so far away in the light. Their worlds barely mixing, barely touching was an irony he almost wanted to cry at.

Even nature had separated them.

Max's hand sat there, still extended. A small gesture that welcomed Leo into his world. In his warmth, all he had to do was take it.

But he hesitated.

"Leo, you know I want you right? I didn't realize where you were coming from before... ... How things had seemed to you."