Special Episode 2: Body Bag

"Leo, did you hear anything I said?"

"Of course I heard you, some guy got angry at you… what did you do this time?"

"Leo if you don't pay attention to me, I am going to bitch slap you. I think if you don't at least listen to me once today you will deserve it, and I won't feel guilty at all."

"What, Ah, I am sorry, I was just trying to tell max I couldn't hang out, but..but..."

"you didn't even get a chance too before you ended up agreeing to hang out with him... didn't you? Evan asked flatly, knowing his friend too well.

Leo looked up at him sheepishly.

"Sorry, Max says that he doesn't want to miss hanging out together. Don't kill me, but I said okay. He is really persuasive. He says he wants to go to a party and I said yes."

"Great, now I am going to end up the third wheel all night. Maybe that can be my costume. I can wear a paper that says "Third Wheel" and just stand next to you guys all night." He complained.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea.." Leo teased.