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"I am not going to marry you, Kaylen."

"Quintin, keep your voice down. It's not like I proposed to you super loudly." He snapped at him quietly.

"You don't have to announce it to the world." He leaned in and whispered under his breath as softly as he could.

Quintin scoffed. "Yeah, exactly."

He shook his head at Kaylen feeling vehement at his attitude.

"Jeez, you are such a jerk. Did you even hear how that sounded? You know before it exited your head and made it to your mouth? Did you hear how absolutely daft you where when you shushed me?"

"What? What did I do? Why are you acting this way? Things were perfectly fine yesterday." Kaylen said, confusion grappling across his face.

Quintin felt a pang of defeat berate his chest and numb his nerves.

'He really doesn't see it! My feelings mean that little to him...I...'