Caspian Prt 2.

A beautiful girl around his age, maybe a little older, stood in front of the door wearing a mid-knee pink strapless gown and her long brown hair curled around her face delicately. Her big blue eyes sparkled under the porch light and she wore a smile set innocently on her face. She had a long oval face shape and milky white skin, with a dainty nose and thin lips. She blinked expectantly up at him, her hands clenched around her purse.

"Hi, can I help you?" Leo asked, confused.

'Had she meant to go to one of the houses next door?'

"Oh, Mia you are here, darling, please come inside. Leo, what are you doing letting Mia just stand there." His mom called from behind him enthusiastically.

"Um, yeah, come on in." Leo moved out of the way and she stepped inside. He closed the door behind her.

"Thanks, for getting the door for me." She said sweetly staring up at him, expectantly.