Chapter 10

Waking up with a headache and a sore body was not at all pleasant. But, waking up knowing you've been pardoned of murder due to a bout of accidental magic in self-defence against a wanted criminal was something to celebrate for, even if you did murder the said criminal out of vengeance.

Edmund had stayed in St. Mungo's spell damage ward for the past three days. His exposure to cruciaticus was quite a lot. And using gates had only increased the amount of damage to his body. Altair Vulpis was on the run as he was suspected to have provided safe haven to a criminal, even if the said criminal was his own father. Edmund laughed but then winced in pain. Altair had dug his own grave. He still had a hard time trying not to laugh when he read the prophet again.

[Vulpis Heir attacked at home, tortured by grandfather. Head of the family on the run.]

After being discharged, Edmund decided to stay at Leakey Cauldron for the rest of the summer. It was the last place Altair would ever decide to stay at due to the regular inflow of Aurors and other wizards and witches.

Some time in the middle of August, word went out that Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. The whole magical Britain was on alert. Even the muggle government was informed about him. Edmund just shrugged in indifference. He had other important stuff to focus on. Like looking at Iris' beautiful eyes widening in surprise upon seeing him outside her door as he was about to talk shit to his neighbour for causing noise when he was meditating. Apparently, the girl had opened her Care for Magical Creatures book without stroking its spine.

"Potter, didn't stroke it nicely did ya?"

Oops, that did not sound right.



"I meant your magical creatures book. You have to stroke it's spine and then open it. Didn't the person at the shop tell you?"

Iris fidgeted and looked down. Edmund wanted to reprimand the girl as it made her look weak. A girl brave enough to face Lord Moldy at eleven and a Basilisk at twelve was by no means weak.

"Um, I.. kinda blew up my.. aunt and ran away. The minister had already bought my books for me so I didn't know about it," she said. Looking up, she noticed him smirking at her. She again looked down and closed her eyes, expecting something snarky and insulting.

"Hah! Blew up your aunt. Now that was some impressive piece of magic wasn't it?"

She hesitated and then nodded, still looking down.

"Come on Potter, look up," he reprimanded. "You just killed a Basilisk three months ago. Fidgeting like that and looking down at the ground makes you look weak. Are you a weak witch Potter?" Not getting any response he gently grabbed her chin and pulled her face up which was now completely flushed. Tilting his head, he looked into her wide innocent eyes and asked, "Or are you afraid of me?"

Iris' breath hitched in her throat as she frantically shook her head.

"Shy then?"

She again looked down and nodded once.

"Hey! None of that. Look up. Don't hide your eyes from me." Her head shot up and her eyes widened again. Edmund closed in, their faces only a few inches away from each other. His voice was soft as he said the next few words, "Do you even realise how beautiful your eyes are?"


Iris Potter's summer was going much better than the previous one. She was not starved, there were no bars on her window and no house elves to cause her trouble. She was behaving properly and in just a few days she would have gotten her guardian's signature on the consent form to visit Hogsmeade. But it all went down the drain when Aunt Marge came for a visit.

The woman not only insulted her but she went as far as to calling her father a drunk and her mother a whore. Unable to take the insult, she lashed out and lost control of her magic, causing Aunt Marge to blow up. Afraid that she would be punished, she ran away.

The knights' bus was a very new experience and she had been scared for her life. The driver was very reckless as he drove and she had to fight the momentum for balance. It was a miracle she wasn't hurt.

Arriving at the Cauldron, she was taken to the minister and was informed that no action was to be taken against her.

The next day she woke up and decided to read her new textbooks. Intrigued by the odd-looking and animalistic magical creatures book, she opened it, which was a big mistake. The book snapped its teeth at her and she had to try her best to subdue it without destroying it.

Then, someone knocked on her door, probably to scold her for causing too much noise. She opened the door and to find a very angry Edmund Vulpis, standing at the door of her room with a scowl on his face. But surprisingly, it all vanished when he looked at her.

"Potter, didn't stroke it nicely did ya?"

That sounded very wrong, and it completely surprised her. After that, he quickly corrected himself and she briefly gave him the reason of her presence at the Cauldron and why she didn't know about the book.

She was expecting him to say something demeaning, as he usually would say to anyone else. But he just laughed it off. She still remembered the conversation they had last year at the lake and was feeling very embarrassed due to what happened at the end of it. Her emotions were erratic in the chamber so it didn't affect her much. But now, it was a tad bit overwhelming.

When she did not respond to him he had grabbed her chin, pulled her face up and looked into her eyes. The gesture was too much for her and her eyes widened in surprise. He then asked, "Or are you afraid of me?"

No! She wanted to tell him. There was a tinge of worry and uncertainty in his voice as he asked that. She was just surprised by the way he was acting. But no voice could come out of her mouth so she shook her head frantically. She could bet every galleon in her vault that she was blushing.

"Shy then?"

That made her feel even more embarrassed. She forced her head down and nodded.

Then he reprimanded her for looking down again and asked not to hide here eyes away from him. Shocked by what he could have meant by that, she looked up. To make matters worse, he brought his face closer to hers and she could feel his breath just inches away from her mouth. It was fresh, and a bit minty... toothpaste.

Then he said something that completely floored her. He said her eyes were beautiful. She could feel the heat coming off her ears, face and her neck. He further closed in and she could almost feel his lips upon hers. Her heart was pounding violently against her breast. Almost subconsciously, she parted her lips a bit and inched forward, quite possibly giving him permission to kiss her. She couldn't understand what was happening to her and while her mind was shouting at her to back away, her body did not want to.

A smirk slowly grew on his handsome face and his electric blue eyes shone with mirth, "You look very cute when you blush, Potter."

Then he backed away and released her chin. She felt a bit disappointed, though not knowing why.

He just said goodbye and left after that. Iris kept standing a there for a few minutes and dumbly went back inside her room. When she reached her bed, she let her body fall into the bed, hiding her blushing face in the pillow while kicking and squealing from embarrassment.


It felt so good to embarrass Iris that Edmund skipped on his feet as he walked out of the Cauldron in the alley. He was in a very good mood. Bouncing on his feet, he decided to explore.

The accounts were being handled by the goblins and Vulpis family was almost bankrupt. Furthermore, with Aldrich now dead, his uncle and Altair were not much of a challenge.

But before he did any of that, he needed to increase his training in magic. He could easily pass as a jounin with the amount of skill he possessed with chakra. But his magical skills were sorely lacking. Making a decision, he went to the book shop and showered galleons from his trust vault to buy many books. He still had a few hours before the Express left the station.


Looking outside the glass of his cabin, he noticed water freezing against the window. It was strange and all the happiness from the morning was suddenly lost. Edmund did not like that. He came out of his cabin and looked around. Immediately, he began feeling dreadful. Like all the happiness in the world had disappeared. Hearing a raspy breath behind him, he turned around to see a cloaked figure floating just a few feet away.

The figure closed in and opened its mouth. Immediately, Edmund remembered what it was. A dementor. Of all the things to attack him, a dementor was one of the last things he wanted to face. Soon, the dementor's action started to affect.

'Don't hurt him! Please! He's your son..'



'Demon brat..'

'You are the kyuubi!..'

'Look around you... so many dead.. what will you do now... Naruto!..'

'Goodbye old friend..'


Edmund immediately snapped back and snarled, "Get away from me you disgusting asshole!"

"Katon: Rasengan!"

A red coloured fiery spiral of chakra formed in his hand and he slammed it into the dementor's face. The dementor screeched as it was thrown back and hurried away from Edmund. His Rasengan had scorched the wood around him. Thankfully, he had powered it down to prevent any fire.

A man rushed towards him from another carriage. Edmund was panting, his breath trembled due to the after-effects of his encounter with the foul being. The man took his arm and helped him up. Taking him back to his cabin, he helped him sit down and asked, "A dementor did this right?"

Edmund looked up. The man was around Snape's age and had a gentle but worn-out look on his face. Nodding his head, he replied, "Yeah, it was a dementor alright. I used an incendio to drive it away. Stupid shit brought some bad memories with it."

"Well, seeing you are rather out of it I'll not reprimand you for your language young man," he then took out a piece of chocolate from his overcoat and continued, "here, eat this. It will make you feel better."

"You keep chocolate in your pocket? Either you are as barmy as the headmaster is for sweets or you have a woman you want to impress," Edmund joked good-naturedly.

The man gave a barking laugh, "You are funny. Eat it and stay inside till the train starts moving."

Edmund nodded as the man left. His thoughts went back to the dementor. The last word he heard was not in English, it sounded Japanese and very real to be just a memory. It was gruff, and deep like it belonged to something big. He'd think more about it later in his dorm. For now, he needed to enjoy the chocolate in his hand.

"Hmm... it's a bit too sweet."