Chapter 20

Waking up, Iris found herself in an unfamiliar place. Looking around she found Edmund sleeping on a chair. Smiling, she got out of her bed with mischief in her mind. She turned around and was about to walk up to him but just saw an empty chair. Suddenly, she heard someone speak right next to her ear.

"Glad you're up."

Iris screamed and jumped onto the bed, only to find Edmund laughing at her. Scrunching her nose, she huffed and looked away, blushing with indignation.

"How did you get behind me? How are you so fast? I want answers and I want them now." Iris huffed and crossed her arms below her breast.

"Aren't you a little too eager princess? It's six in the morning. We need to eat something and pacify my friends' worries and in your case, your so-called friends' interrogations about your whereabouts last night."

Iris groaned. She was not in the mood to be at the receiving end of Hermione's endless questions and her mothering and Ron's jealous self throwing insults. Moreover, she didn't want to be in a hall full of bitter children who would throw curses at her the moment they see their chance.

Reading the situation from her expression, Edmund smirked as an evil idea came to his mind. "Wanna play a prank on the sheep of the wizarding world?"

Iris tilted her head and asked innocently, "How?"

Keeping his smirk, Edmund replied, "Like this."

A clone puffed beside him and then henged itself into an identical looking Iris wearing casual clothes.

Iris jumped when she saw Edmund's twin suddenly appear out of nowhere and perform some kind of wandless shapeshifting magic to look like her. "You... Wha... This... How?! That's the same thing you did against Voldemort! Only without the... transformation thing."

Edmund just smiled cheekily and said, "I have a unique ability that allows me to do some things wandlessly. I'll explain everything later. How would you like to see everyone react to an Iris with an attitude like mine?"

For a moment Iris just looked at him but soon started giggling which turned into full-blown laughter. Oh, the mess this could make of the weak psyche of those poor wizards. She just nodded frantically as she was unable to get her laughter under control.

Edmund smirked and created another clone. Both clones nodded and went outside.

"Let's sit down Iris. I share a mental link with my clones so I can see whatever they see and do." He held his fist towards Iris as they sat down. "We'll do it the same way as before. I'll pull you into my mindscape and we'll watch whatever happens like watching a movie on a big screen."

"But my arm will get tired if I hold it up for so long," Iris whined like a child.

Amused by her antics, Edmund shook his head. He wondered just how could she possibly act her age after suffering through all the misery in her life. She was really strong and he admired her for it. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Edmund closed in towards her. His face was just inches away from her's and he could see her getting flustered with her cheeks flaring up with heat.

"Then why don't we just hold each other's hands?"

Iris' face was so red by that point Edmund got worried it might start bleeding. She gave a shaky nod and quietly said, "...ok."

Edmund was a bit surprised by her approval but then his face bloomed as he gently grabbed her hand. For a moment, he marvelled how soft her hands were despite all the Quidditch she played and all the work her relatives made her do. He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb and could feel her body getting hotter.

"Ah, sorry about that. Your hands are really soft for someone who does a lot of physical work."

His pathetic little attempt did nothing to ease her heart which was beating rapidly against her breast. Cursing himself inwardly, Edmund just forcefully pulled her inside his mindscape. He quickly freed her hand from his grasp and walked towards a large couch that had appeared facing a giant white screen.

Soon Iris followed him and sat at the other edge of the couch. No one spoke a word as the scene of the great hall appeared on the screen.

"I have another clone that has transformed as a small bug and is following clone Iris closely. We'll be looking through the bug clone's eyes, without the mosaic vision."

Iris got even more curious about Edmund's strange ability.

In the great hall, Edmund's clone henged as Iris walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat in an empty seat with no other student nearby. Soon, Hermione entered the hall and upon seeing Iris, she walked swiftly towards her with a book held tightly against her breast.

Hermione sat right next to Iris and bombarded her with questions. "Where were you last night? I was looking all over the school for you. Obviously, I returned before curfew. But I never saw you in your bed. Were you out of the dorms after curfew? You shouldn't do that. You should follow the rules. Why did you enter the tournament by cheating? How did you even do it? You're not that good in studies. Who helped you put your name in the goblet? You told me you wanted nothing to do with the tournament. Did you lie to me? I was very hurt last night. You shouldn't have lied to me."

Finally, she was out of breath and stopped. Every other student in the hall was listening to Hermionie as she was quite loud while asking her questions. Even the teachers and ghosts were intently observing Iris for her reaction. Looking completely bored, clone Iris eyed her and asked blandly, "Huh? Did you say something?"

Hermionie, "..."

Students, "..."

Teachers, "..."

Ghosts, "..."

Filch, "..."

Mrs Norris, "..."

Original Iris, "..."


A/N: Well, that happened..... Clone Iris pulled a Kakashi. Hope you liked the chapter.

If you didn't get the reference, Kakashi is a character from Naruto who is portrayed to be very lazy. Whenever he wants to ignore someone, or if someone is annoying him by talking too much, he'd just ask that question and throw them off.