Chapter 27

The atmosphere in the great hall was really awkward. While some unfortunate ones had protested, most of those in the great hall had the right animals depicted for them. To think the headmaster was like a smelly old cockroach, a cockroach, smelly and old.

Dumbledore himself was stupefied. A peacock would have been nice, a lion perhaps, but a cockroach? For a moment he thought if this was a dream, a really weird and a bad dream. First Iris Potter had appeared hand in hand with the heir of Vulpis family, a dark family full of supporters of Voldemort. then the said heir approached him to allow him introduce a game he had planned.

Dumbledore had thought nothing of it and allowed it. Oh, what a mistake he made. He should have tested the device himself! He would have obliviated the brat if the device was going to show.... this.

"...I think something's wrong with this," Edmund began. "Hey Weasley, wanna test again?"

The fool nodded snobbishly and trotted towards Edmund. Putting his hand on the device, he shouted when he saw the result. "A dumbass ugly pig?!!"

"...Wow, that's so accurate," Edmund exclaimed with wonder.


"Headmaster, why don't you try again? I believe it showed an error earlier." Edmund continued, ignoring the foolish pig's oinks.

"Quite right my boy."

Edmund had to suppress a gag reflex upon hearing that.

".... an ugly dung worm."


This was incomprehensible.

"... I don't know what's happening Professor. I think I'll give it a try."

Placing his hand on the device, he spoke, "A clever fox. It's right! Why is it showing such results for you headmaster? Would you like to try again?"

Dumbledore couldn't understand what compelled him to, there was no magic interfering with his mind shields, but he tried again, "A pedophilic skunk."

Everyone stared at the old fart when he smiled. He smiled!

"Ah! that seems about right."

"Perhaps it does." Oh Edmund had to imagine Altair's face to stop himself from laughing out loud. Dumbodork hadn't noticed but Edmund had managed to place a genjutsu on the device and the man's ears to fool him. He even placed a wide area genjutsu on everyone in the great hall when everyone was too busy being shocked upon the device showing Dumbledore as a cockroach. Actually, the old fart was seeing this, 'A sweet-toothed elephant.'

Ah, the wonders of genjutsu.

What could he say, elephants are known to be wise. Oh the piece of shit looked so satisfied Edmund just wanted to get out of the hall and laugh with reckless abandon. Iris herself was biting her fist to not make any noise while laughing.

The rest of the great hall didn't know how to react. They just remained where they stood with their mouths hung open and their eyes wide with shock. It took them a few minutes to get back to their senses and continue with their evening.

Iris and Edmund danced till midnight, never changing their partners.

They danced so much that Edmund had to carry her all the way to ROR when they finally left the great hall, without anyone noticing when they slipped away.


The second task was to find someone they would dearly miss at the bottom of the black lake. But for Iris, there was only one person she could possibly dearly miss and that person was standing beside her, looking ever so murderous.

Dumbledore, using his all so great wisdom, had deduced that Ron Weasley was that person for Iris. Iris was repulsed even at the thought of it. With a vindictive mind, Edmund whispered in her ear, "How about instead of rescuing that pig you rescue Gabrielle? The sisters can be considered friends given how we talked to them and they even seemed happy that I wasn't a pathetic drooling mess in front of them."

Iris whispered back, "But why would I have to rescue her? Won't she be Fleur's hostage?"

Edmund nodded, "True but they are veelas, natural fire creatures. Water creatures are not friendly with them and so there's a high chance Fleur will unable to rescue her sister. Just leave that waste of a wizard down in the lake. You don't really plan to win this tournament anyway."

Iris confirmed with a nod and walked up to the platform. She could see that Fleur was very nervous and agitated. Perhaps worried for her sister and all the creatures she'd have to face.

A sound of a cannon was made by the judges and all the champions immediately dove into the lake.

Iris kept a watch on Fleur, remaining just out of sight of the veela. When the French witch was attacked and poisoned, Iris swooped in to save her but the girl had to quit to get treatment.

With a speed that could make any sea creature envious, Iris swam towards the mermen village, undid the bindings on Gabrielle before any of the merfolk could retaliate and shot upwards, holding the shivering little girl in her arms.

Iris jumped out of the lake and landed on her feet with a little veela in tow.

Dumbledore rushed towards her and spoke frantically, "Iris dear, you were supposed to rescue Mr Weasley!"

He was still recovering the mass public insult he had suffered from when the daily prophet had published about the events of the Yule Ball.

He still couldn't understand what or who had tricked him.

It couldn't be the boy Edmund. Sure the young one was smart but, he was Albus Dumbledore. No kid could trick his mental shields and compel the man to do their bidding. All the students had started looking at him warily and everyone had started to involuntarily clamp their nose whenever they were near him or passed by him.

Iris innocently tilted her head and asked, "Are you sure headmaster? The task was to rescue the one person who I'd dearly miss. Gabrielle and I have become good friends and I would miss her if something happened to her-"

Her voice immediately turned icy cold, "-and there was no one else I cared for in that lake."

Before any adult could respond, Edmund rallied the audience, "Exactly, headmaster. Iris has rescued the hostage and so has completed the task. Why are you forcing her to go back and rescue someone else? Everyone, we can't let this ill-treatment to continue. Iris has won the second round but the judges don't want her to win."

The spectators joined in the protest. Iris' image in the eyes of the public had improved given the way she won the first task and the way she carried herself throughout the ball. Before the situation got out of hand, the judges decided to award Iris forty eight points and declare her the winner of the second round.

An hour later, a lanky teen with a wrinkled face so ugly that no mother would claim him was pulled out of the lake.

Edmund clicked his tongue in annoyance, 'Why didn't he die in the lake. At least he would have finally been useful by getting the tournament to be cancelled forever.'