Chapter 46

It was a normal morning at the ministry. People were coming from their homes to their jobs. They were happy with the way new ministry worked. Amelia Bones was a diligent woman and worked hard to improve the damage Lucius Malfoy had done. It was still work in progress. The corruption ran so deep that she was still working day and night to clean various departments off it.

Suddenly, all the floo networks got closed. No matter how much they tried, no one could open them. The whole ministry was put under lockdown.

While the people were getting anxious, a scream was heard from the crowd. When everyone went to see what was going on, a group of men entered the main hall, lead by none other than the most dangerous werewolf alive, Fenrir Greyback.

Everyone stepped back in fear and started running away when all the intruders transformed into wolves and began tearing anyone who was unfortunate enough to get caught.

The hall was flooded with all types of Voldemort's followers. Vampires, werewolves, dementors and other dark creatures along with normal death eaters began slaughtering everyone who opposed them or stood in the way of their lord's ambition.

Aurors rushed towards the scene and began their offensive against Voldemort's forces.

Even though the auror department had drastically improved, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of the attackers.

But the situation turned from bad to worse when the inner circle of death eater arrived, with Voldemort in the lead, killing everyone left and right with the darkest of curses.

Amelia Bones' expression turned grim and with immense courage, she decided to confront Voldemort herself, the most brave of her aurors following behind to take on the inner circle.

Voldemort saw Amelia rushing towards him as she fought her way through his minions. With an increasing smile, he began, "Ah... Minister Bones. I must... commend your courage for trying to confront me. For such... bravery, I shall grace you with an... opportunity to have a one on one duel with me. Feel honored for being acknowledged and personally killed by me."

Amelia took her stance and spoke with defiance, "I won't let you destroy the Magical Britain. As the Minister of Magic, I will defeat you if that's the last I do. You won't win this war Tom."

Voldemort scowled and hissed, "I will enjoy torturing you for such insolence."

Amelia immediately sent a reducto curse, right at Voldemort's heart as she dodged a yellow colored curse hurled at her by the dark lord.

She transfigured the broken pieces of stone lying on the floor into metal and spelled them to attack him, but her attack was easily stopped by a dense translucent shield that shimmered in front of him.

A flaming snake errupted from Voldemort's mouth and rushed towards Amelia, burning everyone in it's way without any discrimination.

Amelia barely managed to dodge the fiendfyre and managed to seize the flames with it's counter charm.

More than half of ministry workers and Aurors had been killed. Amelia breathed heavily as she looked around, her best aurors were being culled one by one. Casting the counter cham for Voldemort's fiendfyre had drained her. But seeing her people getting killed filled her with righteous anger. She shot up on her feet and sent a flurry of curses at Voldemort, every curse aimed to kill the abomination.

Seeing her trying to kill him, Voldemort laughed and parried every spell with ease.

The situation seemed hopeless. Amelia desperately parried and dodged Voldemort's attacks but couldn't handle the sheer force behind them. One particular spell sent her flying onto the floor, her wand arm shattered and bleeding heavily. She groaned in pain as Voldemort slowly walked up to her.

"I commend you for your... effort in trying to defeat me. Our time together has come to an end. But worry not, as your niece... shall be joining you in the afterlife... when I attack Hogwarts in two days from now."

Just as he was about to kill Amelia, Percy Weasley managed to break the spell that had sealed the floo network. He immediately used a sonorous charm and yelled out about his success.

Amelia only needed this moment of distraction to cast a blasting curse right at Voldemort's chest with her other, uninjured hand.

The dark lord was sent flying as he barely managed to shield his chest from the spell. His followers were shocked upon seeing their lord being hurt.

Seeing an opportunity, Amelia ordered her subordinates to use the floo and escape.

Most of the remaining employees managed to flee with their lives, Amelia being one of them, while some unfortunate ones fell to the dark lord's fury.

Miles away, Flitwick recieved an urgent floo call as he was looking through some paperwork.

"Headmaster Flitwick! This is Amelia Bones." Amelia spoke in a tired and ragged voice.

Filius sensed the urgency and immediately answered back, "Minister Bones! What has happened? You sound really troubled."

Amelia replied, breathing heavily from fatigue, "Headmaster, the ministry was attacked by Tom Riddle and his army. Only thirty of us managed to survive and escape to the safe house. He plans to attack Hogwarts in a few days. I'll be there tomorrow with those who want to fight. You need to make preparations. I'll inform the press. Fortunately the daily prophet hasn't been hit yet. The people of Magical Britain need to know."

Flitwick's expression turned grim as his face lost it's colour. Voldemort was bringing the fight to a school full of children. His ruthlessness and cruelty really had no bounds.

"I'll do just that, Minister Bones. I shall await your arrival tomorrow before activating Hogwarts' defences. You must rest and heal from your wounds for now."

"I will."

Flitwick immediately asked his staff to gather all the students in the Great Hall.

Minutes later, he stood at his podium and adressed the school, "Students and staff members of Hogwarts, I just recieved news about the ministry being attacked by Tom Riddle Jr., also known as Lord Voldemort..."

Many students gasped and looked around towards those whose parents worked at the ministry. There faces were paling at visible rate and many were shaking in their seats, their friends trying to comfort them.

"The minister informed me that Tom Riddle plans to attack the school in two days. We have no way of helping you escape as death eaters have already been sighted in Hogsmeade. The floo connection in my office cannot be used to travel anywhere else. We must prepare for the battle."

He then gave orders to the teachers and those students who wanted to fight to make their preparations. Every student below fourth year was taken down into the dungeons where the doors were locked with numerous protective charms on them. Two fifth year prefects had joined them to maintain order.

Standing at a window, Edmund held onto Iris' hand as they looked towards the horizon. The Hogwarts and personal owls flew away taking messages of the children to their parents.

The time for the final battle was near and they were ready to give Voldemort one hell of a fight.