
A/N: This has no link to HP:ROTS. Just something I've wanted to read because I've never seen a fanfiction that's based on this.

(Story prompt)

(Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows 1 & 2)

Harry was devastated.

Voldemort's attack had been vicious resulting in the death of Alastair Moody and George being badly wounded. Even Hagrid was incapacitated.

But the grief he felt from that paled in comparison to the insurmountable pain Harry felt when he saw Hedwig sacrificing herself to block a killing curse meant for Harry.

For a moment, he felt ashamed that instead of grieving for Moody, a man who was held in high regard by many, he was grieving for a mere pet. But that shame immediately vanished.

Hedwig was not just a pet. She was someone he considered family. She had been with him through thick and thin. She was his only companion when his friends weren't around or when they isolated in an attempt to protect from Voldemort and his death eaters.

Voldemort... The thought of the man made Harry growl with anger and hate. The monster not only killed his parents but now he had killed Hedwig.

Standing under the shower, Harry felt hate he had never felt before. Soon, his scar began hurting, followed by the insane laughter of Voldemort and his mother's scream, a flash of green and finally, the scene of Hedwig sacrificing herself to protect him.

The combined emotional distress broke something inside Harry. Like a dam breaking, Harry's hatred for everything he had suffered flooded his mind. An image of a weak and suffering Voldemort appeared in front of his eyes. Harry felt satisfaction when he saw the state Voldemort was in.

Snarling, Harry amassed all the hatred he was feeling and poured it at the weakened Voldemort.

Once again, he saw a flash of green and then everything went black.

That night, Harry had a strange dream that seemed all too real. He saw Dumbledore standing in what looked like the King's Cross Station. Dumbledore told him about the soul shard that resided inside his scar, making Harry one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

As Dumbledore left, Harry walked towards the trembling and groaning homunculus of Voldemort. The hatred was still there and seeing that the shard of Voldemort's soul was still alive, or seemed to be alive, Harry reached out to strangle it.

But, the homunculus vanished into dust and Harry felt a jolt travelling through his arm all the way to his head.

Harry shot up from his bed. Seemed like someone found him fainted in the bathroom and placed him in the bed after dressing him up in his nightwear.

He picked up his glasses from the bedside and quietly walked out of the room. His head was still hurting with a dull pain. Going down the stairs he took a seat on a chair as he drank some water.

Slowly, the pain faded away. As he was rubbing his forehead, Harry realised that a part of his mind had memories that were not his.

Harry concentrated and then was shocked to discover that the memories belonged to none other than Voldemort. Harry sat on the chair gaping, and when he understood what it meant to have Voldemort's memories to the point when his soul's shard latched on to Harry's scar, his eyes shone with vindictive resolve.

So he sat there for hours and sorted the memories of Voldemort. He saw how Tom was as a child, his insecurities, his hatred for his muggle father, his quest to immortality and his mad crusade to gain power. With Voldemort's memories came his knowledge and his personality that began transforming Harry into something far more terrifying.

By morning, Harry's transformation was complete. Gone was the timid and righteous young man.

What sat on that chair was something that turned out to be the worst nightmare of the dark forces.

All he sought was vengeance. For his parents, for Cedric, for Sirius, for Dumbledore and... for Hedwig.

Harry sat quietly as he removed his spectacles. His emerald eyes shone with the colour of the killing curse. It was the birth of the Boogieman.

A/N: So, Harry becomes like John Wick. Write a story based on this. It can be time travel or you just continue following the prompt.



- No slash

- OP Harry. Make him Godlike if you want.

- Good/evil Dumbledore doesn't matter.

- No redemption for Snape. I hate him.

- No redemption for any death eater. That includes the Malfoys and Bellatrix

- Don't pair Harry with Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Fleur. Preferably someone who's not used for pairings very often. Or, you could make it a no pairings fanfic.

- NO SMUT!!!

There, hope someone will accept this challenge and write an exciting story.