Cinnamon Rolls

Olivia decided to take a job at the town's local pastry shop where she worked as the owner's assistant. It didn't pay as much as being in a union, but it was enough to get by. She often bought cinnamon rolls from the shop back when she was still a student of the academy, so the owner knew her well.

The owner was a kind older lady whose sons were already married and had families. She was a skilled pastry chef and had two other assistants with her in the kitchen. Olivia's job was to entertain the customers and take their orders.

"Welcome!" Olivia greeted the customer that just went inside.

"Olivia, you sure like cinnamon rolls, huh?" It was Shina.

"Shina!? What are you doing here?" Olivia was shocked. She didn't say a word to him about her new job.

"Why are you working here instead of applying for a union?"

She looked a bit sad. "I'm scared. What if I hurt my fellow members? I still don't know if I can fully control this power."

"Using the power is the only way to practice control. You're better off with a union for that who can help you polish your new power."

"You're right."

"I'm sure there are unions out there who will be willing to take you in. Good luck, Olivia!"

"Shina! Did you buy the cinnamon rolls yet?" The Belaria twins entered the shop.

"Ah! It's that girl who was one of the recruits!" Ama Belaria pointed at Olivia. "You suddenly disappeared that day!"

"Sorry." Olivia smiled awkwardly.

"Why not join our union instead?" Coura suggested.

Olivia appreciated their invitation. "I'd want to be in the same union as Shina, but I wouldn't want to be a bother to Adrian. I might cause an accident. He said he doesn't want to take his chances."

"Leave it to us! We'll bug Adrian enough to let you into the union!"

"Yeah! We'll poke him hard until he gives in!" Ama joined her sister.

"Wouldn't that just make him resist the idea more?" A drop of sweat trickled down Olivia's cheek.

"Now, now..." Shina calmed the twins. "We'll let Olivia decide first if she really wants to be in the union." He looked at Olivia.

"I'll think about it," replied Olivia with a smile.

After Olivia took their orders and gave it to them, they bid her goodbye and left the shop. She drew a deep sigh.

"Friends of yours?" The shop owner entered the room from the kitchen. She placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "There's no need to rush. You can join a union when you are ready. It's about time for your break. Perhaps a bit of fresh air might help."

Olivia took the shop owner's advice and took a stroll down the lovely little town she often visited to buy supplies. It was a peaceful day, but for some reason she felt something ominous. She turned her head towards the dark forest just beside the town. To a young child, the forest was a place of nightmares. They were right to assume that. It looked exactly like a place where dark creatures would linger for a long time.

"Be careful. People who went in the forest have gone missing lately." A friendly townsfolk warned her.

"Just recently?" Olivia turned to face him.

"I'd say about five people disappeared just this week."

"That's unusual."

"Anyway, just stay far away from the place. Something is in there." The man walked away.

Olivia kept her eyes on the forest. It was silent and peaceful, but very dim because of the thick leaves blocking most of the sunlight.

Mezolas appeared. "My Lady, I sense something vile within these woods. Take extra caution."


Olivia was calculating the total sales on the counter when she noticed the shop owner looking a little worried while searching for something.

"What's the matter?" Olivia asked the shop owner.

"Ham seems to be missing. I can't find him anywhere in the shop," replied the old lady.

Ham was the lady's beagle who loved eating all the ingredients that made it to the floor. He was always inside the shop, particularly in the kitchen, waiting for another delicious drop. Occasionally, he would slip out and wander around town, but he always returned before evening.

"He usually plays by the dark forest. I wonder if anything happened to him. There have been strange incidents happening in the forest lately." The shop owner appeared worried.

"The missing people?"

"You heard it from the townspeople? There have been sightings of black shadows and strange lights."

Olivia suspected that it had something to do with the dark creatures.

"I'll help look for Ham." Olivia volunteered.

"Please be careful around the forest."

Olivia walked to the spot where Ham would always play. There was no sign of Ham, but there was a trail of footprints leading into the forest. She stood there for a moment, staring at the darkness.

Mezolas suddenly appeared. "Are you going inside, my Lady?"

"Ham went inside the forest. I have to go in and find him." Olivia took a deep breath and walked into the dark forest. Mezolas stayed beside her in case something would attack.

It hadn't been long since Olivia entered when something caught her foot and dragged her deeper into the forest.

"Mezolas!" she called.

Mezolas had a scythe materialize in her hand. She used it to slash the moving vine that wrapped itself tightly around her foot. The vines retreated.

"What was that?" Olivia wondered.

"I am uncertain, but I suspect it might be the work of a human. Dark creatures might have power, but they are often unable to manipulate nature."

"Some sort of dark magic?"


Olivia looked at the scythe and clutched it. "Shina said I need to practice using this power to get better control."

"If you wish to hear my opinion, my Lady, you are already adept at manipulating the power to your liking. What you need to control is the overpowering bloodlust that comes with it. You feel it right now, don't you?"

Indeed, she felt the urge to kill something, but it was at a controllable level. "I do."

"It should be manageable at this level, but that bloodlust will grow stronger when you are harnessing my energy at full power."

"What are you doing here?" They both heard a familiar voice.

Olivia turned her head.