The Witch Doctor's Alley

The next day, Olivia was back at the pastry shop working at the counter. She overheard conversations about the incident in the forest throughout the day. It was the hottest topic in town. Royal Red received all the credit for purifying the forest and defeating the witch. Olivia was never even mentioned, but she didn't mind. She was satisfied just to see the townspeople safe and happy.

"Could you please deliver this order to the capital, Olivia? This is the address." The old shop owner handed Olivia a box of cinnamon rolls and a piece of paper with a name and address. "Try to have it delivered before three o'clock. They are going to serve it to their guests for a party."

Olivia set out to do the delivery. Ham the dog followed behind her before being pulled back inside by the old lady who didn't want him to wander into the forest again.

The capital was just a twenty minute walk down the path leading from the small town. Olivia walked past farmlands growing wheat and potatoes, and a few barns filled with cows and chickens. It was a cloudy day, the perfect weather for taking a relaxing stroll.

Olivia appreciated the slowness of town life. Nobody was in a rush, unlike in the capital where everyone always seemed to be in a rush. Immediate results were valued more than the patience of producing good quality.

The path to the street she was to head to was blocked by a parade. There was no way around it. Dancers, soldiers, and musicians filled the streets.

"What's happening?" Olivia asked a street vendor.

"The king just returned from a journey. Can you believe it? Even this needs a fanfare?" replied the vendor as she busily restocked her goods.

Olivia was troubled. She didn't know her way around the capital's alleys to get her past the parade. She would either have to wait or ask directions.

Mezolas suddenly appeared in a dark corner where no people would notice. "My Lady, I bear knowledge of a shortcut in this city that may get you to your destination. Follow me." The eye led the way. Olivia followed behind.

After several turns and corners, Olivia found herself in some sort of hidden marketplace that sold the strangest of things. It reminded her of the witch's hut. In one corner, powders of different colors were sold. In another corner was a crystal shop that also sold strange pendants. A colorful cart filled with old books and scrolls was parked at the side. Ritual candles, snakes, potions, and carved wooden statues of mysterious creatures were common goods sold at this hidden market.

"Mezolas, what is this place?" Olivia asked.

"The Alley of the Witch Doctors. It's been a long while since I've visited. I'm not surprised it still stands to this day. The authorities have always been afraid of this place. It's not just the place for wishes. It's also the place for curses."

"You mean this is a place for magic practitioners to get their supplies?"

"Precisely. It's also the gathering place for fortune tellers and witch doctors."

"What is your opinion on this sort of magic?" Olivia asked out of curiosity.

"The spells that bring good fortune are absolutely ludicrous. The curses... Well, they're the ones you must watch out for, my Lady." Mezolas immediately vanished when a person came near and walked past Olivia.

"Young lady, would you like to purchase a charm? You can get a handsome man to fall in love with you!" A charm vendor presented Olivia with a bracelet with carved symbols on them. She quickly declined the offer and walked on.

"My dear, would you care to know your fortune today?" A lady wearing colorful robes and a red bandana held up a deck of tarot cards. Olivia politely declined and continued walking.

Signs advertising witch doctor services caught Olivia's eye. They all seemed to offer more or less the same things: miracle healing, good fortune, and curses. One even specialized in black magic and offered a special service where you could order someone killed. Those made Olivia feel uneasy.

"I have to quickly get out of this place," Olivia said to herself.

She was about to hurry when she saw a large man in front of the book cart buying some scrolls and books. She recognized the man. He was Leonel Aelius, a member of Royal Red.

"What is he doing here?" Olivia wondered.

Leonel walked to the stall selling powders and bought a bag of the white one. He also bought a few plant stalks. Once he was done with his shopping, he disappeared deeper into the alley.

"How curious. A member of Royal Red hanging around in these parts." Mezolas suddenly appeared while there was nobody nearby.

"Is he a practitioner of magic?" Olivia asked.

"Possibly. Nobody usually comes to shop here unless they have a spell in mind. Keep your guard up, my Lady." The eye of nightmare disappeared once more before anyone took notice.

Olivia finally made it out of the alleys and found herself on the other side of the parade. She could finally make her way to the street to do the delivery. Once she found the address, she rang the doorbell. A servant answered the door and received the cinnamon rolls. Her job at the city was done. She could start heading back to the pastry shop.

"Excuse me!" A girl ran to her. She looked impoverished and desperate for help.

Olivia turned to face her.

"I saw. You have a familiar. An eye! You're a summoner, aren't you?"

"Yes. That's my familiar."

"Will you please help me? Someone has put a curse on my brother. He is ill and dying. The only way to save him is to destroy the curse offering," the girl begged with both her hands together. "My mother told me to look out for summoners. She said it was your duty to protect us from this evil."

Olivia knew this was going to be dangerous grounds possibly requiring more people, but she couldn't just leave the poor girl alone. "Where do they put the curse offerings?"

"Just a short walk from outside the west city gate, there is a patch of land with three totems. You will find jars there with the curse offerings. I don't know what they used for my brother's curse, so I can't help you tell which one is for him. You could destroy every jar you find. You'll also be helping others who have been cursed."

"Alright. I'll have a look at that."

The girl smiled. "Thank you! I don't have much, but I can make you sandwiches to take home. Our sandwich stall is just over there. You can come to us when you're done."

Olivia smiled warmly. "That would be great."